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We often laugh. Warmed up, we wish you happiness, happiness in this world big, like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house, we wish happiness, and it should be like this, when you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others, we wish you happiness, happiness in this world big, like the sun in the morning, let it the house comes in, but we wish you happiness, it should be like this, so you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others, we wish you happiness, we wish you happiness, we wish you happiness. This is a podcast 20 years later and i and its host Konstantin Mikhailov and we wish you happiness together with stas namin. Stas, good evening. Good evening. Hello, musician, producer, artist, director, theater and cinema. The list of your professions can be continued endlessly. But if you were to leave one thing, what would you leave, who are you . I wouldnt even call it all that. Professions, its just my hobby, that is, stas, you always did what you generally wanted to do, what was interesting to you, well, yes , it seems to me thats all people should do, at one time you were sent to the svorov school , you didnt feel absolutely, absolutely, in general i have a very strong attitude towards the military profession seriously, my father is a military pilot, why didnt we follow this path, it just so happened, in life, not everything turns out as you plan, but it turns out on its own. Especially at the age i was then, i just finished school, yeah, i studied at the soor school for 7 years, and after that it turned out that i already went to the institute of Foreign Languages ​​there, something else, that is, there at the institute you already fell in love with music, but no , you probably fell in love with music before, and what group inspired you the most, well , at first, it was probably like that old rock roll, little richard, evespres. Yeah, because my dad loved this music, he listened to it on a large tape recorder in the military garrisons where i lived with him, thats probably where it all started, and then the beatles, then the rolling stones, and so on, and when the idea came to how to organize my own group, well, it was about 12, or 14 years old, at the age of 12 my own group, well, yes, at the boys school, we did something there, what did you play, i played the guitar, and you were selftaught, right . I kind of think that it happened that i received my general education at universities, yeah, and somewhere else i was studying at Higher University courses, and of course , the teachers i had there were for me a discovery in the world in general, not only artificial history, the scientific world in general, but in all directions, which i do, i am mostly selftaught, but this somehow sounds very strange, selftaught, but in principle , selfeducation is probably even more important than professional education, because if you study somewhere formally, yeah, you get a basic education, then this one story when you learn like a fanatic yourself, when you lover, and you dont spend, dont think, how many hours you spend doing this activity, then theres probably no less value in it, you re also interested in photography, im interested in everything , but this is at the level of the whole hobby, and what happens, you know, its impossible to say , what happens, i dont know, what happens is what seems to me, seems beautiful to me, but its not objective, well, its great, this way of life in general. Approach to life, one can only envy, and in fact its in hands of everyone, do what you love, do what what do you like, you are right, stas, in the midseventies we know that suddenly for some reason the name flowers was banned, and you had to rename your group, why was this, what was it connected with, the ministry of culture decided that flowers were hippie propaganda, flava pava, and so on, actually true. But uh, nevertheless, no one forced us to rename, they just closed us all down, and when i started this group again, i had to come up with something else, here is sasha slizunov, our keyboard player, a great musician who suggested be called by, because they generally knew me, so that it would be clear that this is the same group, uhhuh, call it like that in this way , following the example of such a famous group at that time, the Spencer Davis group was called, but here it even turned out to be we know it fits the syllables, well, we tried that, but we had to start from scratch, well, nothing, we survived, but it turned out great, and what is the group doing now , working, touring a lot, recording, so i would say thats what about 2 years ago, yes, yes, in the nineteenth year, group m played a Fiftieth Anniversary concert, that is, the rule was 50 years, but in sixtynine we were born , so in nineteen it was exactly 50 years, we had a huge concert in the kremlin, we have never performed in the kremlin, this is the first time they offered us, and we decided that at the age of 50, okay, lets do it in the kremlin, now it means were turning 54, well, yes, well , next year well be 55, well do a concert again, im the same age as your group. Just uhhuh, it s sixtynine, back to the kremlin, in general, i dont care where to perform, no, i think that the kremlin is enough once, but the truth is, it doesnt matter where to perform, there is a difference between a small venue and a stadium, of course, there is a difference, but i m comfortable with both, yeah, and the guys too, its a completely different thrill, intimate and so on huge, and besides the guys, you have a solo project of some kind, its completely solo in what sense . I have a lot of projects, but youre just like allan parson, lets say there, no, of course, in the song genre, of course not, what is psychedelic blues of the seventies, rhythm blues seventies i dont understand all of this, there are only two types of music, you know, rock roll . No, good is bad, and good is bad, yes, by the way, are you still involved in symphonic music, i know, yes, yes, my mother still has a symphonic education, she graduated from the conservatory. Graduate school, in general, it was as if my youth passed around or inside symphonic music, it had amazing musicians, friends, so it turned out that rock roll took me in some strange direction, blew my mind, but in general i then he returned to that what exactly my mother wanted to teach me from the very beginning, you are 71 years old, thank god you have a mother, they say that we remain children as long as our parents are alive, is that true . No, i think that regardless of this , i will be a child all my life, even your pseudonym too , as far as i know, is from my mother, of course, yes, i am mother, mother, namin, thats her name, yes, us, yes, that in georgian rossinka, rosinka , us, namin, it turns out, stas mamin, yes, yes, yes, and why was there a 10year break in the Creative Group flowers, then i transposed the group, on. Here the musicians from the Group Flowers moved to the gorkovy park group, except for kolya noskov , everyone else played in flowers, so i didnt collect them, i just took them and transferred them to another group, and they came up with a new, new direction and style, i didnt know this, that parkys group, it turns out, are flowers, the reincarnation of the group of flowers, and in fact it turned out to be the only russian rokrup that is competitive in the world market. Yes, now after, it fell apart 100 years ago, well, 35 years ago, it seems, or 30, now i have made it again, pargorkova, again, they have now started a serious noise in the world, that is, now kisykh has been invited to a joint tour, now they will have a tour in the usa, solo, then somewhere else in china, many different ones, you have been in contact with kis for a long time or, well, yes, we have been friends for many years. It has suddenly become cramped, and nothing interests you, if your room has suddenly become stuffy, and there is nothing else you need, open your window, open the window to freedom, and like a traveler on a wander, you will find living water, open your window, open your window to love and divine sounds, suddenly will fill your blood, open your window, if there is no joy in your soul, in spite of everything, you are looking for happiness, if you are looking for it. And clean water, open your window, breathe in freedom, open your window, open your window to freedom, you are like a traveler above me, you will find living water, open your window, open your window. Love and divine sounds will suddenly fill your blood, open your freedom again, open the window love, open the window to freedom, open it. Open your window, open the window to the stranger, and like a bootlicker in a raznik, you will find a spanker water, swing your window. Open the window to love and divine hands, pour out your blood, open the window to freedom. Raspodnija as if you were to open your arms to freedom. Open up love, open up love from the past, open up love, open up freedom for one, open up. And how the idea of ​​​​creating the stas namin theater came, by chance, i in general always loved theater very much, in the seventies i went to all the premieres, was friends with my loved ones. Who was even my teacher at one time at the highest courses. In general, i watched all the premieres i really loved the theater so much. Tom stopped loving him, why . Well, somehow it seemed to me that some kind of cliche exists in the theater, which is far from real life, maybe i was wrong, but be that as it may, one day one of my friends, the producer of the famous musical hair, michael butler, and he is also the producer film voices with milos forman uhhuh, uhhuh, i was invited to a play in hollywood by hair, and i suddenly looked with my mouth open, because i had never seen anything like this, i wasnt used to such musicals, and this is such a completely different musical, it even on broadway made a revolution, because it is not of the aperetka type, as the old musicals always used to be, uhhuh, a completely different kind of rock, well, i thought that we could make it here in russia, and so it turned out that theater began from the musical , and you made it right from the musical letter by letter, that is, at the end there , too, a person is taken away. One on one, uhhuh, words for word, one is sung in russian in english, at the same time, two versions, yes, in one song, two languages, and the verse is in russian and Something Like that, and mm, moreover, the direction, the production is stage, absolutely canonical, that is, recently this musical came out on broadway again, and i was invited there, i went to see it, i realized that i needed one day to adapt to the stage and completely replace the corpse. Who works on broadway, yeah, with her own theater, will be even better than theirs, thats true, because they have, well, three stars, yeah, and the rest, in general, just sing, cute and sweet, and i have all the stars, well, yes, we have the longest hair in the world, it has been going on for 24 years in a row, every month, more moreover, our troupe was named in the Top Five Best Companies in the world, after that we made Jesus Christ Superstar an opera, which is performed in russian in english, from time, yeah, its always sold out, well, its not about the sellouts, but the point is how the audience reacts that if the audience doesnt, doesnt feel , no, no, not in solidarity, doesnt touch the heart, yeah, then this performance doesnt make sense to do at all, stas, are you satisfied with the modern public or still have qualities, any public both modern and nonmodern and future, me i really respect today. Young people, everyone says that they are somehow so primitive, but they just probably, those who say that dont really know that part of young people who are truly educated, smart, deep and serious , there are a lot of them, and these are very cool guys, one of the good musicians, indeed, either nikolsky , or someone else said that only those who dont have good old ones write new songs, yes, unfortunately, said such nonsense, but he worked for me for many years, and his best songs wrote in flowers, here is a musician, birds, my white ones, i myself am one of those who hid behind the doors, its all in our flowers, yes, and then, well, as if an excuse for the fact that such beautiful songs no longer come out, yeah, well, you can probably joke like that, well, this is stupidity, of course , absolute, another question that interests me, and i dont know how to explain, is that the canonical greats. They dont write new songs, despite the fact that they are alive and healthy and even perform, everyone plays their old songs, with which they started, which became, here we are all we think why we decided that probably because they are afraid to screw up, and the public wants old hits, the public wants, if you live and work for the public, well then live, then call yourself pop and dont get into rock roll, but if you. Its like theres something really, some kind of selfreflection you have, if you claim to be here and, in fact, what these people have always been, then now the point is not that, the public has nothing to do with creativity, in your band, do you perform a lot of new things at concerts . We perform, the group has a huge amount of flowers posted on the internet the number of songs we perform are mostly live, we practically dont make video clips, everything is live with us, because video clips can be mixed up so that you dont even know how to sing. You dont know how to do anything, you have one video clip, and here we are living at a concert, this is really valuable, you know how to sing , you know solfet, you know how to play, you have a buzz or drive, yeah, thats it everything is visible, therefore, i would advise you to watch a couple of concerts or individual songs over the last 10 years, you want to listen to something new, here are stas namins groups, maybe now lets sing the song fly, what is the story of this song . Ive written very few songs in my life, it turned out that i didnt intend to write further, but when there was this pandemic, isolation, and my family and i. We lived in the country, it was very cozy, and somehow there was such an atmosphere there that i was suddenly drawn to some kind of music, some songs, i wrote a whole original album, it was named after the song fly, which i even sang myself , there, this is probably the first song that i i also sang, myself, but i dont think that i can sing normally at all, because everyone who sang with us all their lives, everyone sang much better than me, im not even talking about gorky park, its great there too everyone sings, thats why i do it, i have original singing, well talk, well, i can try something , lets do it if you want, yes, lets do it , with the guys, yes, stas naminos group, the song to fly, my friends a long time ago. They built a stairway to heaven, and then i loved wine, probably more than bread, they flew in the skies, where the blood freezes, they didnt know what fear was, and they sang about love, my friends, my friends, they sang to me many songs, i sang after them, and i was always cheerful, and my friends sang to me about how the world im settled, even though my life is carefree, ive learned something, people can fly, yes, they can fly, maybe you wont believe it, but thats it. People can fly, yes, they can fly, i saw it many times and even tried it myself, my friends showed me the other side of the moon, they said that time is on their side, i remember it like prophetic dreams, and they sang me mine. Friends, after the rising sun, my life was beautiful, but this time will not return, friends, then they told me that love is all we need, we must send down the sun light into our souls, so my friends sang to me, flying in the heights, and so i dreamed of flying, listening to the beauty, people know how to fly, yes, they know how to fly, wings are not needed for this, if only there was lightness of soul, people know how to fly, yes they know how to fly, if you want too, then. Breathe deeply, and my friends told me about how the guitar sings, and how you should listen to it, so that you too to feel the takeoff, and my friends sang to me from heaven, how to know this world, and that before it we are all equal, we could all fly, my friends. They sang to me from heaven, how from above he will see what we cannot see here , everyone can see so clearly, we all need to know that by nature people have the ability to fly, they have the ability to nourish, people. They can fly, yes, they can fly , maybe you wont believe it, but you also dreamed about it, people can fly, yes, they can fly, if you want too, then breathe deeply, people can fly, yes, they know how to read. Wings are not needed for this; there would be lightness of soul. We continue the podcast 20 years later with stas namin as our guest. And the Group Flowers, it instantly literally became popular, this somehow affected the team, because it is known that you need to go through fire, water and copper pipes, copper pipes are lanterns, tests of glory. In general , it turned out that the fiftyyear history of flowers, now more than fifty years old, was divided, so to speak, into two parts, until the ninetieth year, that was the first stage. Yes, the lives of flowers were there too banned there until the year eightysix, well, banned, which means the first 10 years were generally banned everywhere and not a single song was released anywhere, and there was not a single publication in the media anywhere, it was simply completely prohibited, and during the thaw, here in olympic, there was an olympic thaw, such an olympics, something leaked out there that the censorship missed, yeah, that is, in reality, what we played, the way we sang, practically nothing could be recorded on a record until the end, everything, only individual songs passed, and of course, everything that concerns this, rock music, real, not all of this was not missed, when in the eightysixth we were finally released somewhere, and we began to travel, until the nineties we traveled all over the world, then after thats why i made a party for the group and she stopped the flowers. That is, those guys who entered gorkovo park accordingly began to work there, and those who, no matter how they entered golko park , did solo projects or went somewhere, for example, the bass guitarist of the moral code group, sasha solich, or Sasha Malinin did there his career personally, seryozha voronov made his team, there arutyunova made the blues league, in general, the guys started minding their own business, and for 10 years they practically. Didnt really exist, although someone used the name as always, the holy place is not empty it happens, but when i made the theater in ninetynine, i decided to naturally make flowers, restore them, because i had to play there , the hair of jesus christ and just live, well , why gather someone when there is a team, so if the first part of the life of flowers, indeed, more than 50 musicians worked, they all. Changed , yeah, this was not only due to the fact that someone had some kind of star fever, it was also due to the difficulty of the work, because at that time there were no hotels, no transfers, no limousines, nothing, they paid us 5 rubles 50 kopecks , for a salty concert, imagine, everyone, everyone, yes 5 rubles, we worked there a lot, it was very difficult, but all the musicians we have were, well, from the very beginning there from lyosha kozlov there, i didnt i know until. From the very end they are all talented, igor sorukhanov, there is kostya nikolsky, well , its impossible to list them now, because there are really more than 50 magnificent musicians, the impression is that all the brightest musicians passed through you, well , no, not all, of course, but many, tell us about childrens projects in your theater, we have had this theater for 24 years now, next year the theater will be 25 years old, and several years ago we started a childrens studio at the theater, more than a thousand children have already passed through, the task is not is to make future actors out of them and so on, and just teach them to talk, not have stage fright, not be afraid of people, to be more free in life, yeah, well, it works because everyone likes it, both parents and children , and thats why the studio is like that, its already organic, an organic part of our theater, yeah , we even have childrens performances, there are performances from a very young age there, ailit and the bremen town musicians, which we did together with genna glotkov to. The little prince, the snow queen, tell me, did your youngest son watch all the childrens performances in your theater . Yes, y they walk us, they watch us all the time, they even visit us several times , and whats more, they also visit us here in america, we travel with him, and everywhere he watches everything, he had an idea, he says, lets put it on, dad, this he was 6 years old, lets put on a cold heart, but i didnt watch it then and i dont even know what it is , i havent read these fairy tales, i say, what a cold heart, he says, well, how come you dont know, and. So he told me he came up with a plot, how to stage it, even the actors, because he loves theater, he knows ours very well all the actors, uhhuh, he says, come on, heres this one, i say, okay, let s write a play together, well, he s aiming for directing, as i understand it, i dont know, i m calm, i dont teach iago anything in particular , you are a young father, yes, its true, we once had dinner with robert denira when he was born to me, but i tell him that maybe im wrong. That im giving birth at this age, and he shows me his daughter on the phone, says, here i am, and i was 60 then , Something Like that, seven, five, like six, and he he says, but im 74. Look, my daughter is 5 years old, so you still have to be born, but mine hasnt been born yet, so his daughter was just born recently, yeah, and youre already 80, whats the difference, to be a very young dad, now , when you are young, you dont understand what it is, uhhuh, you underestimate this gift from god, because a child is a miracle, its magic, its unclear what, an inexplicable miracle, but. When youre young, you think, well, its a party, everything s fine, were hanging out rock roll, so im very i regret that maybe i didnt give enough love, well, maybe theres enough love, i didnt devote enough time to my children, i have three children, that is, i also have a son artyom and there is also a daughter masha, the eldest masha, who now has three granddaughters, mine, that is, three daughters, she has three daughters, these are my three granddaughters, i was scared. A little bit, here is a young boy who is a bully, you spoil him, of course, yes , i look at you, listen to you, and i understand that time is on your side, not only on mine, time is on the side of those who live honestly, from the heart, were having a blast together, i even wrote this song, by the way, it s also included in this album fly, that s the name of time on my side, lets. Listen, lets, time is on my side, stas namins group in a podcast 20 years later, before, when i was young, something. Didnt work out for me, i was upset and even angry, everything in the world was not a joy, but my friend knew an important secret, how not to waste his nerves were in vain, he smiled back at all the people, and quietly. A song, sang a simple one, time is on my side, time is on on my side, time, on my side, time on my side. If you are sincere in your heart, and if your thoughts are beautiful, rest assured, everything will change, its time to arrange everything fairly, do everything according to your heart s command, and dont forget, wise one. The best remedy instead of worries, you smile, you smile, sing back, time is on my side, time is on my side, time is on my side. Time is on my side, time is on my side, on my side, good morning to everyone who is celebrating this day, together with the First Channel, irina is with you. On calendar october 14, saturday, midautumn, comrades, friends, time flies quickly, so we ourselves try, and we teach our loved ones not to miss every moment of life, today we have a lot of interesting things on the air, they say that in order to fall asleep you need to count sheep, and in order to wake up the deer, we will do this, and also find out where and how dogs are taught to perform shepherding duties, prepare a beetroot chocolate cake, select frozen pancakes, prepare the trees for winter, and keep our hands clean for world day. Hands, a lot of plans, lets start on saturday with exercises. Good morning for why do people go to gyms to have a muscular body, but you can strengthen your muscles at home, and without any equipment feet shoulderwidth apart, raise your arms , squat, lean on your palms, take a step back with your right foot immediately with your left, we went to the plank , the abs are tense, the palms are clearly under the shoulders, in the reverse order we return to the starting position. And we repeat the exercise, if you have good physical fitness, you can add loads on your arms, we go into a lying position, lift it off the floor, touch the opposite shoulder on the contrary, with regular exercise, the exercise strengthens all muscle groups at once, helps burn excess fat, continue to exercise. On the calendar, october 14, the autumn equator, in order to love this time of year, it is not so much important to know some recipes for countering the autumn blues, but to understand what opportunities autumn provides, many of them seem unobvious, but when clarity appears, thoughts immediately busy not with melancholy and sadness, but with plans, ideas, if you want examples for inspiration, i have them. Do you think the harvest has been harvested and you can rest . Leonid gennadievich from the village of uuzey tuklyab began preparations for winter. All that remains is to garden, add manure, rake up the leaves that have fallen on the animals bedding, trim the grapes, and put them away for the winter. We also need to do the roof and prepare the firewood. Silva mitrofanovna plans to impose mittens on her grandchildren before the start of winter. The korabeinikovs dont forget about sports; they plan to walk 5 km every evening with nordic poles. Autumn is definitely a time for new beginnings. Irina from karelia managed to complete the repairs in the first half of autumn. I managed to paint the walls and freshen them up a little bit, so a renovation can be done in the apartment. Then i felted the beret, stole, mittens, and was already preparing for the coming winter. I still need to finish the skirt, and before winter i have a couple of dresses, i already found the patterns. In autumn there is always less sun, you already know this, but everything around is at its maximum. We need to use this, the khalimov family took all the yellow leaves around to their home, they have already made decorations for the table walls, the grandmother came up with the idea of ​​putting together a whole portrait, they also have on their list of mustdos for the fall, bake a pumpkin pie, the main thing is together, these are these workdays, we practically dont see each other, this autumn, these joint weekends give us moments where we can still unite, connect, understand that we really are a family. Ae to be together. In autumn, there is such a shortage of heat, and we are not talking about hot radiators. And when else should you start preparing for the new year, you heard right. In the second half of autumn, olga ozhigova comes up with and collects surprises for loved ones. My Close Friends asked me to make them heroes of russian folk tales for their christmas tree. You have to start somewhere, i decided with baba egi. And gifts will be packed in shoe boxes decorated with their own hands, naturally, until the end of autumn. A month and a half, there will be time for everyone to do it. Elizaveta netova, konstantin struchkov, lonna martynova, channel one. Neural network. Both the phrase and the phenomenon itself have already become firmly established in our lives, and what they dont say about it, and the fact that it may soon get out of control or deprive us of work, or vice versa, open up new prospects, be that as it may , first, we all need to learn to interact with these networks. They now they are used in many places and the area of ​​their implementation will only expand. We hear about Neural Networks every day, often that they will take away someones job less often, that on the contrary, new professions will appear. We need so called markers, but lately they have been called atrainers. In order for a Neural Network to answer questions or generate an image, billions of texts or photographs must be loaded into it. The first stage of training is automatic, then manual adjustment of the model. Neural networks show tens of thousands of examples, but already verified by humans, so that Artificial Intelligence understood which answer would be correct or which picture would be appropriate, here is literally the image description, it is verified that the photograph is of very high quality, the same description, that it is not some kind of arbitrary, it describes exactly what is happening in the image. This is called data labeling or Neural Network training, it can be very simple, for example, weeding out blurry images, it can be highly specialized, if we want the model to solve theorems and prove theorems, we need to involve mathematicians, who will write the theorem, and they are already looking for Neural Network trainers on russian ad sites, like an industrial engineer, this is. A direct tracing, that is, a transfer from the english language. Rum is a hint. Engineer, inventor. And in russian speaking, this is the inventor of the hint. Or a person who knows how to set a task for a Neural Network. Heres a simple example. Photographer chernyshova will try to generate an image. The topic is Artificial Intelligence on television. It is easiest to imagine a Neural Network as the embodiment of such a fantastic iron creatures. The first attempts are more like a random collection of pictures. Either incomprehensible or too gloomy, a good robot added, in the text of the request anastasia also enters phrases such as studio, robot tv presenter, this is the prompt that an engineer must draw up in order to get the desired result, each prompt engineer has a collection of his own working requests, which can produce results consistently. Moreover, Users Exchange successful requests and there are even sites where you can find prompts for your task. From the outside. Demand for employees the number of people who own Neural Networks has already begun, and training platforms are not lagging behind. There are courses on how methodologists can use Neural Networks in their work, or designers on how to use the most popular Neural Networks. In general, these courses are not very expensive, about 2,300, plus its never too late to create Neural Networks yourself. You can learn without having any initial mathematical programming education. The First Network can be created in 67. This is of course something very simple, on average courses in Machine Learning and Neural Network Development Cost about 1001500 rubles. Yuri nesterov, denis zharov, anna ryabova channel one. Alina, where is the figure skating . Without fail, on the first. The best skaters of the country at the start of the grand prix of russia dreams tournament, live broadcast, today on the first. Veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. On october 14, on this day, 180 years ago, in pozzdam at the premiere of the play a midsummer nights dream, the music of the composer mendelssohn was performed for the first time , which we all know today as a wedding march, so today is in some way the birthday of this march, you can listen to it again with with nostalgia or anticipation, or you can also do various other things , which the stars will indicate, an astrological forecast for the weekend right now, both of these weekends are for guys who are cheerful, campaigning, know how to make friends, love to do good deeds, and are also creative personalities, tomorrows day, though a little impulsive and a little hectic, todays day is calmer, wiser, one might say more mature, his feelings are usually under the control of his mind, he counts money well and approaches anyone seriously business, if you need to fix something, make something, improve something in the house, its for him, but tomorrow the master arranges all sorts of entertainment, parties, gettogethers in the company of small holidays, in general, you wont get bored with him. And this weekend is also a great time to clear up all sorts of flamboyance and throw away what is in the way. Aries, for example, will be able to get rid of some bad habit, this was advice from the stars, and another one, if you allow, even if you are sure that your opinion is absolutely correct, to discard someone elses right away, after all probably not worth it. Expect guests tomorrow, perhaps from afar. The luminaries promise taurus some household chores. For repairs, if you buy Building Materials or any spare parts, be careful, they may foist defects, be careful with household chemicals. Its not a bad weekend for gemini, maybe a little hectic when you have to do a lot of things, but you will succeed, on a personal level, just remember that people are not robots, they dont act according to the program, and sometimes they make mistakes. Cancers will have a chance to remove some obstacle from the path, solve some problem, or improve something in life your loved ones. Today is also a good day for family shopping, and tomorrow you may be invited to some interesting event. Leos are on the crest of success these days, they will resolve all issues, find a common language with everyone, and will be able to do everything. Their favor and the opposite regiment is located with them, a new romance is not excluded, but here the stars fall silent. These days, everything seems to be going smoothly, and even difficult things are going smoothly, but in general , the luminaries advise you to devote at least one day to being lazy from the bottom of your heart, lying on the couch and finally getting some sleep, the luminaries hint to libra you shouldnt take everyones word, especially if they talk about someone behind their backs, in the evening or tomorrow there may be a conversation about money, lets take it easy and if. You carry something heavy, take care of your back. Scorpios will have to communicate a little with some stubborn and boring people, but thats okay, in the evening your company will be more pleasant, tomorrow perhaps some kind of trip. Be extremely careful when driving. Sagittarius will be able to learn something, find out something interesting, gain some new experience. They may also tell you something about future changes at work. Dont rush to believe it, it may just be rumors. Capricorns may have. New acquaintances, here the stars would like to remind you of the proverb that an old friend is better than two new ones, by the way, contact your old friends, perhaps some of them need your help, or are simply lonely and have no one to talk to heart to heart. Aquarians have normal autumn weekends, a little lazy, although there may be some conversation with loved ones or Something Like a Family Council, but whats important, and they can also repay you a debt or provide a favor for service. Pisces may have to postpone. Some of their own affairs in order to help someone. The svitilis say, dont grumble about this, the more you give, the more will come to you. Dear adults, if your child is a fish, do not nag him or her for slight disobedience. Good luck to you. Raw butter, this is exactly what our ancestors had, this is what it should be on our table if it is important for us to nourish our body and brain with good fats. What oil has the right to be called this . Whats the point . Process technology and most importantly, how to consume so that all the benefits of nuts and seeds go to our body, our Healthy Lifestyle expert darina griboyedova decided to find out, for this she went straight to the production of this product. Good morning, to eat my dull morning porridge, i need a delicious healthy super supplement. A real healthy eater will choose unrefined Vegetable Oil and eat it. Every day, why every day, because the body itself does not produce the essential fatty acids that are found in oil, therefore, just like vitamins, Vegetable Oils should be in our diet every day, the healthy trend is rawpressed Vegetable Oils, what is it and what is it eaten with, ill find out right now, ivan, good morning, good morning, were ready to make rawpressed oil, great, lets get started we chose semenoln, hid it in a bag in an oak barrel, no contact with metal, so as not to start oxidation processes and not spoil the oil. The bags, as i understand it, are also linen, so that the barrel can withstand a load of 35 tons, because sometimes, when pressure is applied, these ones burst metal hoops, and this bag is only enough for one shift, wow. So, lets start the oil mill. Just about 5 minutes and the oil starts flowing, the oil comes out, the pressure decreases, the seeds cake, after half an hour they need to be shaken properly back into the barrel, and so on three times, well, lets start the second cycle, ivan, isnt this a miracle, from such a small, dry seed it turns out. Such real golden nectar, probably this process fascinated me, from that moment this business that i am doing was born, while the third stage is going on, you can have a snack, ivan, from all these seeds you make oil , but they are so tasty that you can eat them just like that, you wont chew 100 g of flaxseed for 2 hours a day, i agree, and weve all wet ourselves a little, so we want ourselves. And for this purpose, an oil was made that retains all the Beneficial Properties that all seeds and nuts carry, guess what kind of seeds they are, black cumin, the oil from it is valued by our expert most of all, this is a very powerful immunomodulator that supports our immune system, the next oil i would put is cedar pine, which contains more than 60 macro and microelements, the next oil is, of course, pumpkin oil, it is very. For men and almond oil of youth, which contains a lot of vitamin e, allows our skin to be so shiny, beautiful and silky. In the meantime, the third cycle is completed, lets see how much oil we got. We pour the oil into dark bottles; by the way, its best to store them in the refrigerator for no more than six months. Whats left . A lot of cake, flaxseed flour is made from it, on its basis there are healthy crackers with sesame seeds, himalayan salt, oregano and water, the dough is not easy to roll out tightly, but the baked goods are simply delicious, i left for. With crushed butter, but got a full breakfast, zosh, this is when usefully and without reserve, every child is a born explorer, he needs to study everything, touch it with his hands, of course, take it apart , see whats inside, on the one hand its wonderful, a little person actively explores the world, on the other hand, you cant get enough of any toys, father of two children, kiriltsarov, knows what to do, we need to make a boardless board, im ready, children are constantly asking for new toys, but this does not mean at all that we need to buy them, today i will tell you how to make new interesting toys from things that are definitely in every home , what is going on here . Hello everyone, my name is kiril entsarov, and today i will be making busy boards with these hooligans. And this will be useful to us. What is bezibor . These are wooden planks with a bunch of different interesting elements. Today we will make two options, for those who are older. And for the little ones. For levchik we will make a tactile bezibor. It is very important for Young Children to feel different surfaces and objects. Ill take dishwashing sponges, they are soft on one side and rough on the other, this will work perfectly. Ill take the sticks, ill take the buttons. Such interesting holes. Lets glue. Do you remember we picked chestnuts . We will need them now, levchik, get to work, for those who are older, we will screw on interesting adult objects, bolts, latches, hooks, everything that children are interested in learning, lets get started, children are often interested in sockets, play around with switches, bezelless is a safe way to learn them. Business boards can be constantly improved, changed, new elements can be added, it all depends on your imagination. The main idea, you understand, is a wooden board, you can screw or glue any, the most interesting, different objects onto it. In our country it is fast. Here in our heads we have two mirrors that drive this beam from right to left, up and down, we can do anything, right down to your portrait, wow, this is so cool, it seems to me that im already in the profile , im a leading actress, so i have to spend most of my time with complex and longlasting makeup, here we applied but stress, that is, here you wont be stressed , on the right side, enriched with vitamins, if you have a question about what to give. To your grandmother, sister, friend, then the most universal gift is a silk scarf , here we have 1900 prints, this is st. Basils cathedral, in a spaceship, our all, big premiere, today on the first. Whiskey mancatcher, a product of the stellar group, could have celebrated its 60th year of fame today, october 14th. His shows took place on the main catwalks of the world, his name was known and respected far beyond the borders of our country, he was a unique allrounder. He designed clothes for stars and ordinary people, for athletes and the military. In the early nineties, he was one of the first to talk about high fashion. In our country , we have no idea what couture is. This is art, which is placed on the level of painting, architecture. Glorys disciple zaitsevali yudashkin suggested that his wife sell her fur coat, lada, invest six dollars in tailoring, and also quit her job as a hairdresser to stylists. To help him . Was so inspired that i believed and went, but did not regret a single day, and if today the question was, how would we go back to the same time, i would have done the same thing, he created new shapes and styles, surprised and shocked , paris became interested in the young designer, the first show at fashion week, the faber collection, louver immediately bought this dress. Behind 8,000 francs and a copyright to be kept in. This was some crazy money for us, he is the only Fashion Designer from russia who became a corresponding member of the paris syndicate of haute couture, here is a black dress for lady gaga, and this is a gold one for silindion. Our olympic team also shone in the uniform from yudashkin gold in turin in 2006. Tatyana navka and roman kostamarov took his costumes from gypsy and theriodoro. Today on the first you will see a documentary film for the sixtieth anniversary. On the birthday of Valentin Yudashkin, master of russian fashion, you will be able to look behind the scenes, each Fashion Designers show is like a theatrical performance. Valentin always really wanted to work with the theater and he got such an opportunity when Vladimir Moshkov invited him to the theater, they made two performances this is my fair lady, and there was no one, he didnt just come up with costumes, he studied the characters of each details have their own meaning, black lace is a harbinger of tragedy, a red belt, danger, he felt the drama very subtly, despite the fact that this is a theatrical costume, Everyone Wants burlesque, some, perhaps more decorative elements, yes, but he was very, very laconic , in an interview 2 years ago, yudashkin admitted that it was the theater that helped him hold on, the illness was already taking away his strength and energy, he came to rehearsals for performances, in fact, until last day, he was in the theater, this is an indicator of great strength of spirit and desire to live, he thought through everything, preserved fabrics and decorative elements, so that even without him, the costumes could not only be restored, but created anew, 3 years before his death, yudashkin he said, no matter what happens, the performance must go on. Maria kusko, dmitry roshkov, nikolay krysanov, maxim tkachenko, channel one. Its time to find out whats new in the country and the world, at this hour, i give the floor to my colleagues from the Information Service of the First Channel. News, hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. This night, the parties to the middle east conflict exchanged new missile strikes. According to the Israeli Ministry of defense , several attacks on the northern regions were repelled, one of them on haifa, in response, as tsehal stated, the military attacked a facility of the Lebanese Shiite Group Hezbollah in southern lebanon. In the evening, an air raid siren sounded both in the Border Regions of gaza and in the Central Regions of israel. According to the latest data from the first escalation of the conflict last saturday, the number of victims on the palestinian side is close to 2,000, with the israeli side at about half a thousand. There are many among the dead. Russia has submitted a resolution to the Un Security Council that condemns any violence and hostilities against civilians, calls for the release of all hostages and an immediate truce in the middle east. This was confirmed by our countrys permanent representative to the organization, vasily nebenzya, following the results of a closed meeting held on the situation in the arabisraeli conflict zone. According to the diplomat, some members of the Security Council reacted positively to the russian project. Moscow is ready for a mediating role, niebenze said, emphasizing that both sides are important to russia, while our permanent representative noted that the current wave of violence in the middle east occurs against the backdrop of israels violations of Un Security Council resolutions recently and called not to ignore this fact. Our western colleagues are trying their best to present everything as if the current escalation came out of nowhere, as if a gang of savages were simply terrorists. Security council and general assembly. Among them is the illegal expansion of settlements, which regularly causes condemnation from the majority of un members. Palestinians are being driven from their land and their homes are being destroyed. Any attempts to ignore this context a manipulation we cannot support. Now the latest news from the special operations zone, four attacks by ukrainian militants were repelled by the groups fighters. South in the donetsk peoples republic, two weapons depots and more than a dozen pieces of equipment were destroyed there, including an americanmade m777 howitzer and a polish selfpropelled gun krap. Nine more enemy attacks were thwarted in the krasnoliman direction by the forces of the Central Group of troops. The ssu lost more than half a thousand people, about twenty artillery calculations. Well, in the kupin direction , su34 fighterbombers of the west group of forces launched five strikes on the command and observation post. Point of temporary deployment point for militants. Near arrtemovsk, they lost their stronghold; it was destroyed with the help of fpv drones; a unit of Airborne Troops that serve in this sector of the front uses drones of this type to destroy not only dugouts, but also Armored Vehicles. For large objects, such as warehouses, ammunition and weapons, points control is hit by rocket artillery, under the personal crew of the hail in the Dnieper Group of troops are held back by incessant attempts. Recently, shots have become a little more frequent, but it seems to me that this is their last, because we are mainly working on infantry, they are still trying to transfer, cross the river, new examples of the professionalism of the courage of our soldiers, Sergeant Alexander chernykh with an accurate strike from the mlrs on the advancing enemy destroyed the surviving members of the ukrainian formations rushed to retreat, as a result there was the place of their temporary deployment was discovered, it was also attacked and an entire platoon of personnel, two armored personnel carriers, as well as two field warehouses with ammunition were eliminated. Senior officer vyacheslav garbatov, under enemy fire, was able to evacuate our encryption communications equipment, which ended up in a damaged command and staff vehicle, preventing the enemy from capturing it. Us President Joe Biden again. 2 did not fall while climbing the stage for a public performance, now in pennsylvania, this time he found the stairs immediately, but only the first one was given to him step, the politician overcame the other three, stumbling, and was able to stay on his feet only by leaning on the railing, which earned him applause from those gathered, who were quite nervous; at the end of his speech, biden this time immediately moved in the right direction and left the stage without incident. Today, orthodox believers celebrate one of the twelve main holidays, the protection of the most holy theotokos; it is dedicated to the events of the 20th century that occurred in byzantium, when its capital constantinople was surrounded by enemy troops. Residents gathered in the temple, praying for salvation, and then, according to legend, the mother of god appeared to them, descended to the believers, surrounded by saints, took off her head cover and covered the people with it. Soon after this the enemy retreated. Among the slavs, cover was associated with the completion of agricultural activities. Work at the onset of winter. The first snow often fell at this time. And from this holiday in russia a series of weddings began; families created at this time were considered the strongest and happiest. Also, the Weather Forecast for the cover was made for the coming winter. If the north or east wind blows on this day, the winter will be cold; if the south wind blows, it will be snowy and mild. The countrys best skaters gathered in ufa. Today the russian grand prix figure skating series starts there. Last season and performed brilliantly at the stages of the current series. But among men there is no clear leader. Several strong athletes will compete in this category. This is the National Champion evgenia semenenko, as well as makar ignatov, gleb, lutfulin and andrey mozolyok. Sports pairs competitions in this tournament are not will be, but the audience will be able to enjoy the dancing. Where many star duets are presented. Our channel will broadcast live broadcasts of these spectacular competitions with exciting moments filmed from the best angles. So, watch the russian grand prix figure skating today on channel one, as well as on our website 1tv. Ru. Thats all for now, stay with us. Channel one will continue to air with the good morning program. Good morning to everyone who joined us, irina murymtseva is with you, today is saturday, october 14th, tomorrow the 15th we will celebrate global hand washing day, put your hand on your heart. Every day should be like this, especially in the fall during cold season. Anna obrosimova decided to celebrate the upcoming holiday by actively washing her hands together with the younger generation, and at the same time find out how and how much to wash her hands correctly. This will never be forgotten, in elementary grades they teach washing hands, in older grades they control the process, but not even all adults do it correctly. We look at misha, dad ilya is teaching him. Three, three, three, three. The washing technique is incorrect, the doctors report elena isaeva shows how need to. With the right palm we rub the back surface, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, connect the fingers into a lock and rub. Now lets take the thumb. So, 40 seconds to rinse all areas. These movements were even turned into a dance. Its already 15 years since world clean hands day, flash mobs and waste. But not only equipment is important, also soap, during the pandemic we remembered this, on the internet we remotely passed it from hand to hand from city to city , but here is a mistake, soap is for dry hands, it is more effective to first wet it, then lather it, here is a clear example of how soap acts on microbes pepper, and a finger with a drop of soap, the peppercorn microbes somehow scatter, and if without soap, everything is in place, the soap comes into contact with water, the surface tension changes, and accordingly, the sweatfat layer begins to scatter, to be removed, and accordingly , germs scatter along with soap, if you wash your hands in a public place, turn off the water with a napkin, yes, thats why touchsensitive taps and soap dishes have replaced washbasins, what do you think, how to wash . Oh, these are not sensory, no, these are mostly bacteria are transmitted through contact with surfaces and a handshake; imagine that the paint on the doctors hands is microbes. Colleague, hello, good afternoon, im very glad to see you, microbes cling instantly and multiply, growth has begun again, i washed it correctly, the growth stopped, and so on in a circle, that is, that is why you need to wash them more than once a day, yes, but regularly , regularly stopping. This is microflora. Ideally, wash your hands before touching your face. When you touch your face with your hands, you bring the pathogen from your hands closer to those the mucous membranes where it must get in order for you to develop a disease are the oropharynx and nasopharynx. This way you shorten his path. Dirty hands there is a high probability of intestinal infection. By the way, one of the most common microorganisms on the hands is stophylococcus aureus. It is very toxic to the human body, pathogenic. And it causes various skin diseases, from boils to pneumonia, sepsis and mengitis, it is now antibioticresistant, that is, stophylococcus and responds to treatment with antibiotics. And now the season passes, we inhale cold air, the blood vessels narrow. Does this prevent leukocytes from performing their function, destroying germs and viruses . As a result, the infection easily enters the body. Anna obrosimova, nikita kulakov, channel one. Good morning and bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, pancakes, for breakfast, a classic and the constant winner of the childrens hit parade of morning food, with meat, with jam or honey, with cottage cheese, although in the morning there is not enough time to prepare them, but there are frozen ones. The question is, is it possible eat them, and dont worry about anything , you dont want to ruin your mood right in the morning, so lets. Now lets go to the store to figure out how to choose highquality and tasty ones. What packaging is best for frozen empanadas . The transparent one shows the product face to face, but the cardboard one protects from light, and for longterm storage products, this is especially important. Some manufacturers combine them and make a window on the box. The product is visible here because you can see what it is when you pour it on it. There is is there any damage, the longer the semifinished product is stored, the higher the probability of defrosting due to temperature changes, which means possible damage, so we look for the date of manufacture, and of course, we check the composition, as without it, it should be simple and understandable, it is written that pancakes with veal contain almost everything except fish, and veal , and beef, and chicken, and even pork, the price of one pancake in this package is 36. 5 rubles, but the cook stepan alekhin found it even cheaper, here for 12 and a half. Contains meat here chicken and chicken skin. I wonder how it will taste. For comparison, we took the most. Stuffed with marbled beef, one here costs 75 rubles, six times more expensive than our economy version, we fry all samples. Those at the average price turned out to be loose, there were not enough eggs in the dough, and they were also burnt due to too much sugar. I didnt like the second sample the dough was too sweet. The cheap ones are fine with this, but the filling let us down. This is some kind of poshtetlike mass, here. Its clear here that theres not a lot of meat, but most of it is there, most likely soy, but expensive pancakes have juicy minced meat inside and there is a lot of it, however, our experts found it a little bland, on the other hand, the manufacturer did not try to cover up any shortcomings of the raw material with spices, so when choosing, we also focus on the price, too cheap, a quality product cannot cost. Yulia kozlova, mikhail karasev, igor kostyukov, channel one. Do you like dogs . And they reciprocate your feelings, great, but did you know that we need these smaller brothers of ours not only to brighten up everyday life, to guard the house, there are dozens of dog specialties, and the networks of tova skorica, this morning, saturday, they sent a special center for Shepherd Services, and its even difficult to say which of them was more impressed by what they saw , cinnamon and i came to test her instincts, corgi, shepherd breed, but there are no sheep or cows in the city. And so that such dogs do not get bored, a Shepherd Service has been created , and we will now check whether there is anything left in cinnamon from its shepherd ancestors, they check this during testing, you can come with a completely unprepared dog, and to see how and to see how she demonstrates her herding skills, she will see rams, she will turn on so much that it will become just a completely different dog , they conduct testing. In two stages the first is an assessment of social skills, the judge looks at obedience, checks the reaction to stimuli, now there will be a loud sound, the second stage is the main one, the dog meets the sheep, the task is to make them follow the person, instincts should wake up here , because no one has ever taught dogs this, and they often see the sheep for the first time life, but shes doing something right now, and shes leading the sheep after us. When i limit the space with a stick, she goes to the point i need so that the rams follow me, here cinnamon is far from the most obedient dog, she showed herself in all her glory, immediately understood what they wanted from her, very cheerfully began to lead the herd, good, good cinnamon, its called the shepherds instinct, well done, just look at what the pros can do this is aerobatics, herding in a gathering style, the dog does everything himself, only border collies can do this. Border if they work with wild sheep that are not accustomed to humans or dogs, they have an internal sense of balance when they know how far they can approach sheep and what distance they cannot, other breeds herd sheep in conjunction with their owner, this is ideal for city dogs exercise, there is physical. And mental stress, and such a walk will benefit people. You go out of town, you find yourself in the middle of a field, you are a dog, nature and sheep, you disconnect from everything, and this is pure zen, as a result of testing a dog give an assessment and issue a document. Cinnamon now has a work ethic certificate, and her score means she has a strong herding instinct, and if she gets tired of, for example, building a career in television, she could become an excellent shepherd. Beetroot is an old russian product, truly universal, in borscht, in salads, in vinaigrettes, in pies, maria surova decided to bake a cake with beets. A must see for those with a sweet tooth; this is a real highlight of the saturday table. No one will guess what this pie contains. My culinary challenge is chocolate beetroot pie. This is an experiment. Beetroot. You can boil or bake, i prefer the latter take a large one, the weight will decrease when baked. I always wear gloves when working with beets, otherwise you wont be able to wash your hands afterwards. Let it cool, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. For the pie you will need 250 g. You will need equal amounts of flour, sugar and Vegetable Oil, 230 g each. Beat eggs with sugar. I add odorless Vegetable Oil and beets, mix, sift the flour, add 80 g of cocoa, it is also better to sift it, the dough is obtained. It all depends on how much there was liquid in the beets, i add two tablespoons of water, and also a pinch of salt, vanillin on the tip of a knife and baking powder, a little of it, dont worry, i mix everything well, the mold should be detachable, mine is 25 cm in diameter. I cover it with parchment, grease the walls with Vegetable Oil, spread the dough and bake in an oven preheated to 180 for 45 minutes, while the glaze is added, combine 50 g of sugar , the remaining cocoa sour cream, at first the mass will be lumpy, dont worry, they will melt when heated, stirring, heat over low heat until smooth, let it cool, ready i check the pie with a skewer, cool it, open the mold and transfer it to a dish, brush it with glaze, let the pie sit for at least an hour, serve. For tea, decorate with powder and mint leaves, delicious, i would never have thought that a pie with beets, ill go treat my grandchildren , so, we have an adventure planned here, yes, history, well, what do you love, i love italy, i love architecture, yes, the magical power of comfort will be with us. Lets paint this space, immerse it in the atmosphere of italy, this is a dress, right, yes, its taffeta, taffeta, its all very its hard to name furniture, its primarily emotions, its soul, its energy, well . The surprise was clearly a success, the premiere about comfort was on the first day today. Old barrel cognac is a product of stetel group. Alina, where are the figures . For skating, without fail, at the first, we begin, the best skaters of the country at the start of the dream tournament grand pri russia, live broadcast today at the first, bears were riding a bicycle, and behind them a cat backwards, i just thought it was not realistic to teach a dog to skateboard, in the end, 3 days and he went, do you mind that theyre sleeping on you, what does he say ill do . With this impudent face, after licorice had surgery on her paw, she even sat like a nanny, looking after her, when my wife and i watched this video, she said, i want the same washing machine, it washes better than 95 put it, didnt try to cook potatoes there, at 95 its fine, saw the video, watch with us, premiere, breakfast on the first floor, instructions for users on how to keep the liver healthy, on the balls, why soy milk is better than cows milk, vibes of love, isnt it true, what perfumes with pheramons will help you attract a man, the program to live healthy answers all questions, on monday, on the first, salespeople in stores, mothers with small children with constant bags, fathers, when they have to do. Or go on vacation with the whole family, each of us, in one way or another , is forced to lift and carry weights ; our home master, stanislav sokov, will tell you how to do it correctly so as not to overstrain yourself. You bought cement, now the problem is how to put the bag into the trunk by yourself without hurting your back. Us you will need a rope, a bag, i have this one for 50 liters and i also need thick plywood , about 20x50, we put it in the trunk, like this, so that it looks like a slide, by the way, we close this lock eye, the plywood will not allow it to tear the bag, first lets make Something Like a backpack out of a package of cement, pull a bag over it, now tie knots in the corners and fix a rope on them, make straps out of it, like a backpack. We pull them together at the neck, put the bag down, turn our back to it, squat, put our hands through the straps and stand up, pay attention, our back should be straight, in this case nothing threatens her, we rise only due to the strength of our legs, turn around to the trunk , put the bag on the edge, remove the straps, roll our luggage into the trunk, done, lets go home, the next task, now we need to get the bag out of trunk, we install the plywood again on it, pull the cement onto the edge of the trunk, hold the bag and put your hands in the straps, thats it, you can go home, in principle its not a tricky thing, but of course it would be easier with an assistant, so if you dont have a rope with you and plywood, just ask help someone, just offer the person gloves so that their hands dont get dry. A glass of water, watercolors, a couple of blank sheets of paper, and this is not a set for a morning drawing lesson, this is material for a rapid test for flat feet. Lesson iso task to draw the foot of michelangelos david. The foot of david, it is a generally recognized standard in terms of its structure, its anatomical and values. Michelangelo sculpted from a real person, there are no bumps, no distortions, there is a bend. This is the arch. Arch and arch. Everyone has an arch. She must be. But often many people have almost no such arch. This means there is flat feet. Children, by the way, are born with it, when they begin to walk, an arch is formed. And this is what we will check now. During recess, paint your feet on paper. Everything is an arch, everyone has an arch. So, we have a stand. No, but in adults the process is often reversed, acquired flat feet, one of the reasons is excess weight , this is a load on the foot, other incorrect shoes, you know, when i saw your sneakers, i immediately noticed that their sole is not a standard proper functioning of the foot, the standard of correct biomechanics, if you take off your sneakers, ill show you, although its very comfortable to walk in them, the doctor is trying to bend the sole, oh, well break it like that. This front part doesnt bend, although our foot bends in this very place when walking , on the contrary, the middle of the sneaker is hyperplastic. The forces will be transmitted through the lacing to the middle sections of the foot, thereby crushing and flattening it. Flat feet are likely to develop in shoes that interfere with the Natural Movement of the foot, resulting in deformity of the thumb and protruding bones at the side, as in the case of this patient . I used to wear it. Now im 4041, the bone in my foot has grown, its grown a little more, im thinking of switching to orthopedic shoes or insoles , a doctors conclusion, they dont correct foot deformities, i need a course of treatment with massage and physical education for a while for pain, and also for the brain to remember the position of the foot and the person is accustomed to it, constant wear is unacceptable, the muscle that should hold the arch of the foot, rest, will begin to atrophy, because the nervous system will understand why i need to hold my feet if there is an insole . The arch of a healthy persons foot is supported only by the work of the ligament muscles, and they need to be developed, the feet , like the foundation of a building, are deformed, they, different parts of it suffer, the lower back hurts very much, as a result, diagnoses range from arthrosis of the knee joints, pelvic displacement to osteochondrosis and scoliosis, at 4050 years old in most patients, so its better to see a doctor, and not just get an insole. Anna obrosmova, nikolai krysanov, channel one. Once again, good cheerful morning to everyone who joined us, and if the morning is not cheerful enough, this happens in the fall, especially in a week you get tired, to such an extent that your eyes dont open, well fix that now, how to tone yourself up early in the morning , look at the world with eyes wide open, irina materanskaya knows. All week theres been a late bedtime while mom gets everything done, and early rises, breakfast, getting ready, time for yourself and your swelling, but theres just not enough time. Its finally saturday, which means theres a moment for yourself and to get rid of swelling, ate something wrong the day before, drank, didnt get enough sleep, all the suffering is immediately visible on the face. And here all means are good, first of all we open the windows. In any weather, fresh air invigorates and improves appearance, now a contrast shower improves tone, there is no time to shower, at least alternate washing with hot and cold water. All this instantly recharges the skin, and you too, continuation in the kitchen, the massage itself, even with ordinary ice cubes, movement from the center of the face to the periphery, confident but gentle, and of course the patches, if we dont remind you about them in for the hundred thousandth time, cosmetologists will be sad again, this is just express help, we consolidate the result with cream or serum, but it is important that the composition contains caffeine, parsley or green tea extract, which helps against swelling , now balls are used, ideally tennis balls and you believe it or not, to remove swelling from the face, we massage, massage, feet, and if you have not just a minute for yourself, but half an hour, in the bathroom for 30 minutes, with salt, preferably svarka, the water temperature is not higher than 37. Mom, close the door, by the way, i wont refuse the mass of heels, improve blood circulation, it starts everything processes charge for the whole day. In bodna, of course, you will have time to do one thing, but on saturday you can do a contrast wash, and patches, and spoons, and a tennis ball, a bath, but at home, and at home, let them wait, saturday. Irina matheranskaya channel one. Sometimes they come back. The famous ponchos first became fashionable in the late sixties, then made a triumphant return in this century, at the beginning of the 2000s. Well, finally, this season is back in fashion. If you want an original poncho, you need half an hour, two scarves, you will have it. Dear friends, today we are with you lets make an original and warm poncho with a hood and pockets. To work, you only need two gray scarves from last season, add colored scraps, these are interesting fasteners, by the way, i didnt buy them, i made them myself, from scraps of leather and from buttons, fangs, in order to sew the base of our donut from scarves, we need to decide on the length backs, for this, we fold the scarves in half, set aside about 3 cm from the fold for the height of the neck along the back, this is the length of our back, sew with hidden stitches, like this the seam will be invisible, and of course, you need to sew on a flat surface, so the seam will be perfectly even, and not on the knee, you also need to sew. And the side seams, for this we measure 25 cm from the fold and also sew with a hidden seam, cut out the most a regular neck warmer on the shelf and for the back, this is what the base of our ponchu looks like, take the hood and pockets , cutting the hood is as easy as shelling pears, a rectangle with dimensions of 90 by 45 cm, fold in half, along the lower edge of the workpiece we draw a smooth line for the neck, its length should be the same as the neck the bases of the poncho, round off the top of the hood, cut it out, cut the same part from an insulated blanket, sew both parts, and connect the middle of the hood on both parts, turn the hood inside out with the quilted lining, and attach the hood to the neck. We sew two pockets on the shelf and add fasteners, thats all the work, you can sew a lot of such warm capes in different colors, just go through the sharps and mosquitoes, the cirra considered a plan for the collapse of russia to make the poor hungry , they did everything, the americans again dont understand how impoverished, hungry russia, the capital moscow is the most expensive city in the world. Snow white was banned from being shown on all American Television channels, none of you, even the most educated, will guess why, all dwarves are white, just for. An allnight drinking session, to convince him that we are a country of idiots, and to punch him in the face, when he agrees, premiere, mikhail zadornov, all life, part three, today on the first, you will wake me up at dawn. Elena shanina in the legendary performance by Mark Zakharov to the music of Alexey Rybnikov and poetry andrei voznesensky, juno and ovoz, tomorrow on the first. And tell me how he goes gogol gogol straight man and woman song kwandoo kwandookwanaya. It was a storm, a real binge for the star of the season premiere, tomorrow on the first, what do you think about our performance in nato. America, the usa, is actually built like a mafia state, who is mighty is right. I think its just a misunderstanding. I could never imagine that this elderly norwegian herring had so much sparkling feeling. And we are happy to contribute and as long as it is needed, why does nato need war . There is an elite group that derives personal benefit from this, okay, thank you to vavan and lexus, connect them already, im connecting them. So, vavan and lexus, well , he was much more interested in communicating with us than with zelensky. Glory to russia, vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first. A series of brutal murders continues in the city, the fourth victim was found today on the outskirts of the city, we were left here alone, but how did people find out what happened here, many children were taken away, the victims knew each other, everything is here in this small town tied up, so they dont show anything here, what do you want from me, you came here to catch the freak, here you go. Take a week, savchenko, you just arrived, you leave traces like a tractor, i came to do business and will see this work through to the end, well, how do you like it, i dont want to work with this scumbag anymore, they throw him around the districts, complicated cases, very conflict comrade, you work in the police, but our city is small, you cant hide anything, i need to know everything, every step he takes, understand . We have a large territory, cities a lot of. So look, territory, soon on the first, turn around, this is how our ancestors had it, this is exactly how it should be on our table, if it is important for us to nourish our body, our brain with good fats, what kind of oil has the right to be called that, what is the essence of the technology of the process and the main thing how to use it so that all the benefits of nuts and seeds go to our body, our Healthy Lifestyle expert darina griboyedova decided to find out, for this she went straight to the production of this product. Good morning, to eat my sad morning porridge, i need a delicious healthy super supplement. A real healthy eater will choose unrefined Vegetable Oil and eat it every day. Why. Every day because the body itself does not produce the essential fatty acids found in oil, so just like vitamins, Vegetable Oils must be included in our diet daily. Healthy trend raw Vegetable Oils, what is it and what is it eaten with, ill find out right now, ivan, good morning, good morning, to the production of rawpressed oil is ready, great, lets get started, we chose semenoln, hid it in bags in an oak barrel, no contact with metal, so as not to start oxidation processes, not to spoil the oil, the bags, as i understand it, are also linen, in order to. And the barrel could withstand a load of 35 tons, because sometimes, when pressure is applied, these metal hoops break, and such a bag is only enough for one shift, wow, so, we start the oil station, just about 5 minutes and the oil is gone , oil it comes out, the pressure decreases, the seeds cake, after half an hour they need to be put into a barrel, and so on three times, well, lets start the second cycle, ivan, isnt this a miracle, from such a small, dry seed you get such real golden nectar, probably, this process fascinated me, from that moment this business was born, which i am doing, while the third stage is underway, i can have a snack, ivan you make oil from all these seeds, but they are so tasty that you can eat them just like that, you wont chew 100 g of flaxseed for 2 hours a day seeds, i agree, and we are all a little wet, so we want to relax ourselves, and this is why oil is made, which retains all the Beneficial Properties that all seeds and nuts carry, guess what kind of seeds they are, black cumin, oil our expert appreciates it more. This is a very powerful immunomodulator that supports our immune system. The next oil i put was cedar, which contains more than 60 macro and microelements. The next oil is, of course, pumpkin oil, it is very useful for men, the Signature Oil of youth, which contains a lot of vitamin e and allows our skin to be so shiny, beautiful, yes, smooth, silky. In the meantime, the third cycle is completed, lets see how much oil we got. We pour the oil into dark bottles; by the way, it is better to store them in the refrigerator for no more than six months. Whats left . There is a lot of cake, from it they make flaxseed flour, on its basis there are healthy crackers, with sesame seeds, himalayan salt, oregano and water, the dough is not easy to roll out tightly, but the baked goods are simply delicious. Gone for with pressurized oil, and. This is when it is useful and without residue. The Neural Network phrase and the phenomenon itself have already become firmly entrenched in our lives , and what they dont say about it is that it may soon get out of control or deprive us of work, or vice versa, open up new prospects, be that as it may, for starters we all need to learn to interact with these networks; they are used in many places now. And the area of ​​their implementation will only expand. We hear about Neural Networks every day, often that they will take someones job away, less often that, on the contrary, they will appear new professions. We need socalled markers, but lately they have been called. In order for a Neural Network to answer questions or generate images, billions of texts or photographs must be loaded into it. The first stage of training is automatic, then manual adjustment of the model. Neural networks show tens of thousands. But already verified by a person , so that the Artificial Intelligence understands which answer will be correct or which picture is suitable, here is literally the image description, it is verified that the photo is of very high quality, the same description that it not some kind of arbitrary one, it describes exactly what happens in the image , this is called data labeling or Neural Network training, it can be very simple, for example, weeding out blurry images, it can be highly specialized if we want the model to solve a theorem. And proved the theorem, we need to attract mathematicians who will write the theorem. And they are already looking for Neural Network trainers on russian ad sites, just like industrial engineers. This is a direct tracing, that is, a transfer from english. Prompt hint. Engineer, inventor. And in russian speaking, this is the inventor of the hint. Or a person who knows how to set a task for a Neural Network. Heres a simple example. Photographer chernyshova will try to generate an image. The topic is Artificial Intelligence on television. It is easiest to imagine a Neural Network as the embodiment of such a fantastic iron creature. The first attempts are more like a random set of pictures, either incomprehensible or too much. Added a good robot, in the text of the request anastasia also enters phrases such as studio, robot tv presenter, this is the prompt that the engineer must draw up in order to get the desired result. Each prompt engineer has a collection of his own working queries that can produce results consistently. Moreover, Users Exchange successful requests, and there are even sites where you can find prompts for your task. On the part of employers, demand for employees. Has already begun, and learning platforms are not far behind. There are courses on how methodologists use Neural Networks in their work, or designers on how to use them the most popular Neural Networks, in general these are not very expensive courses, about 23. Plus , its never too late to create Neural Networks yourself. You can learn without having any initial programming or mathematical education; the first Neural Network can be created after 67 months of training. This is certainly something very good. On average, simple courses in Machine Learning and Neural Network Development Cost about 100150,000 rubles. Yuri nesterov, denis zharov, anna ryabova, channel one. On the calendar october 14, on this day, 180 years ago, in the basement at the premiere during the performance of a midsummer nights dream , the music of the composer mendelssohn, which we all know today as a wedding march, was performed for the first time, so today is, in a way, the birthday of this march. You can listen back with nostalgia or anticipation, or you can also do various other things that the stars indicate. Astrological forecast for the weekend right now. Both of these weekends are great guys, cheerful, campaigning, know how to make friends, love to do good deeds, and are also creative personalities. Tomorrows day true, a little impulsive and a little hectic. Today is calmer, wiser, one might say, more mature. His feelings are usually under the control of his mind. He counts money well and takes any task seriously; if something needs to be repaired, made, improved in the house, its for him, but tomorrow the master organizes all sorts of entertainment, parties, gettogethers, small holidays, in general, with him you wont get bored, and this century is also a great time to clear up all the flaming and throw out whats in the way; aries, for example, can get rid of some bad habit, this was advice from the stars, and one more, if you allow, even if you. That your opinion is absolutely correct, its probably not worth throwing away someone elses things right away, expect guests tomorrow, perhaps from afar. For taurus, the luminaries promise some household chores, perhaps repairs; if you buy Building Materials or some spare parts, be careful, they may foist you off, be careful with household chemicals. A good weekend for gemini, maybe a little fussy when you have to do a lot of things, but you will succeed, on a personal level, just remember that people are not equal. They do not act according to the program and sometimes make mistakes. Cancers will have a chance to remove some obstacle from the path, solve some problem, or improve something in the lives of their loved ones. Today is also a good day for family shopping, and tomorrow you may be invited to some interesting event. Leos are on the crest of success these days, they will solve all the issues, they will find a common language with everyone, they will be able to turn everything to their advantage, and the opposite regiment is located, a new romance is not excluded, but here. For the virgins these days, everything is somehow going wrong and even difficult things are going well, in general, the luminaries advise you to devote at least one day to being lazy from the heart, lying on the sofa and finally getting some sleep. The luminaries hint to libra you shouldnt take everyones word, especially if they talk about someone behind their backs. In the evening or tomorrow, a conversation about money is possible. Lets take it easy, and if you carry something heavy, take care of your back. Scorpios will have to communicate a little. With some stubborn and boring people, its okay, in the evening your company will be more pleasant, tomorrow maybe some kind of trip, be extremely careful when driving. Sagittarius will be able to learn something, find out something interesting, gain some new experience, they may also tell you something about upcoming changes at work, do not rush to believe, these may just be rumors. Capricorns may make new acquaintances; here the stars would like to remind the proverb that an old friend is better than two new ones. By the way, contact your old friends, perhaps some of them need your help, or are simply lonely and have no one to talk to heart to heart. Aquarians have normal autumn weekends, a little lazy, however, there may be some kind of conversation with loved ones or Something Like a Family Council, but what, it s an important matter, and they can also repay you a debt or provide a favor for a favor . Pisces may have to put aside some of their business in order to help someone, the luminaries say dont grumble about this, the more. Dont nag him or her for slight disobedience. Good luck to you. Laser technologies are developing, here in our heads we have two mirrors that drive this beam to the right, left, up, down, we we can do anything, right down to your portrait, wow, this is so cool , it seems to me that i already have a profile, i am an actresspresenter, so i have to spend most of my time with complex and longlasting makeup, here we applied no stress , that is, here you will not be stressed, on the right side, here you are enriched with vitamins, if you have a question about what to give. Here we have 1900 prints, this is st. Basils cathedral, in a spaceship, our everything, big premiere, today on the first. Bourbon birsman, a product of the stellar group. Alina, where is the figure skating . Hopelessly on the first, we begin the best skaters of the country at the start of the dream tournament, graduation prize of russia, live broadcast, today on the first. Damn, come on, she once literally made the fate of an unlucky artist hanging around train stations, and then he became famous and famous, the widow of the actor Alexei Buldakov, beloved by millions of russians , has remained silent for 2 years about the misfortune that happened to her after death of my husband, i wont be able to tell you how i loved him, loved him, loved him, for me he is number one, then she was accused of almost betraying the memory of the artist, they say she got mixed up with a young suitor who only dreams of getting his hands on all her property, it turned out that the worst is ahead, at the moment Lyudmila Andreevna has nothing at all no, she has no apartment, no house and no land, so you took the apartment , real estate, this is how it begins, our exclusive bitter confessions of the widow of Alexei Buldakov, who, relying on her loved ones, lost everything; these are not relatives, if there were relatives, they would be completely other, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere, today at the first, a heavy selfpropelled mortar tulip of special power, capable of destroying a serious fortified enemy in a few accurate shots, this is a job. We dont call it hard, tense, yes, its better not to relax, i voluntarily arrived at the call of my heart, ive been here for a year and a half already, i dont want to change and leave , because my team will be difficult without me, here s the dugout, the ground, the steps, wow, a washing machine, and this is the steam room, yes, yes, yes, yes oh guys, you should be a personal example composition, so that they follow you and act the same way as you, shot, everything hit, we hit, we work accurately, every ammunition is on target, every ammunition ammunition, here he is friess praised leopard, we are ready to destroy the enemy as many as he is here will arrive, premiere, special report, not a step back, tomorrow on the first, manuscripts, so answer, just dont lie to me, this is a bomb that can blow up this damn nightingale, wait, wait, wait, now we have two murders, we must start first , sergei bezrukov, in the serial film valery todorovsky, bison, the case of a fashion model, from monday. On the first, what kind of idiot even wrote this letter, and what a cool, cool backbone, they could actually go to prison, because they imprisoned pop musicians, if roman kostamarov had not been a famous legendary athlete, you would have fought for him in exactly the same way volume, any celebrity entering the shock hall will end up on the same bed, on the same emon machine, the same apparatus and we do not have any kind of separation, consideration of the case of kamilla valiev. Of course they want geniuses like her because she a truly outstanding genius, they want this to be born in their countries, because if we have it on our side, we will always defeat them, anyone. A person who wants to adequately assess the present, of course, must know history, now they dont ask, it was you who flew into space, now they say it was you who lifted the challenge, but for me its different, they tell me, well, it was you who flew with yulia perese, i say, no, its strange, it looks like, i say, she flew with me. I know that you recently had a very difficult accident, i flew with rear seat forward, i have a concussion , a man got into a standing traffic accident, 110, he didnt brake at all. Podcast lab, all nights with you. This weekend on channel one is a real holiday for figure skating fans and, in general, for everyone who loves bright, exciting spectacles hot ice, figure skating, the russian grand prix. Today there is a Short Program on saturday, a free program on sunday. All the details right now. The capital of bashkartostan ufa, is often called exclusively a hockey city. After all, local the khl club Salavat Yulaev has become the National Champion more than once, but this weekend ufa residents will definitely forget about hockey, because for the first time in history ufa is hosting the grand prix in figure skating, there are figure skating fans everywhere who like it and it is clear that moscow is st. Petersburg, it seems to me that they are a little boring, this is already because there are a large number of shows, but its cool that figure skating is developing in other regions and we perform somewhere else, and we kind of watch the country and delight spectators in all corners of our country. Bright name of the stage, the edge of kurai associated with the National Musical instrument, the longitudinal open flute. We couldnt ignore such an interesting detail and gave the figure skating stars the opportunity to try themselves in the role of bashkir musicians. Well, its very interesting, i really dont know how to play it, well, maybe after that i wont be able to try it, the training before the start showed that our stars were 100 ready, it couldnt have been any other way, today we can expect performances from the girls led by the magnificent adelia petrosyan. Now i first, ill tune in to the Short Program , i hope it will go well, and then there will be a free program, which i also hope will be no less successful than the Short Program, let the audience see for themselves what will happen in these programs. The most interesting rivalry will return in mens skating, where makar ignatov, andrey mozalev, gleb lutfulin and other talents will compete with the National Champion evgeny semenenko, and as always, dance duets will add cheerfulness and good mood, do not miss the broadcast of the russian grand prix on channel one. Look tomorrow sunday is a new episode of the show sing a star. A new musical Television Event in which ordinary people challenge professionals and prove that they can sing better, let me remind you that in each episode there are eight hits, eight stars and eight amateurs. A little secret in any project is the key to success, to cover a star, a weak one, and even some kind, this is a secret until the second verse. There comes that moment in the artists performance when here he is, i feel that he wants to see with his whole back who will appear there from behind these moving screens, stunning, by the way, the scenography is magnificent, i have never seen anything like this, done with Amazing Taste, an unknown artist who is not a professional, he just does another job, he can be a doctor, he can be a manager there, anyone, but he has talent sing, of course, we dont tell the ordinary participants who they will have to sing with, so everything here is exactly half rehearsed, the rest is all improvisation, attention, emotions this is the main thing, oh the look with which the participants meet the stars with feelings, this is not always the case joy, maybe they were waiting for another famous person, it just seemed to me that you were somehow very, not very corinne, this is terrible, perhaps it was a dream, to show to prove, i dont know for whom, how and what, lets say he sings better, whom to avoid on stage an Infectious Disease doctor, and olga herself will be able to infect the room with her energy, well find out. There are duets where sympathy immediately arose , a real friendly atmosphere, everything is just like in life, so in the new project of the First Channel , drink a star, the unexpected happens, the contestants go, its amazing, so then it turns out the star is all falling down, the jury, all the familiar faces and football commentator denis kazansky, it seems, still dont understand where he is, there is an expression, play under pressure, you are under wild pressure today, the fans gave you so much energy, alina, its time for you to join the game, our viewers, compete for a prize, guess the jurys decision, make your predictions right during the broadcast on tvs with the hbb function. Tv in the interactive player on the website of the First Channel and the first application, to play you need to log in using your phone number. The premiere of the musical show breaking the star tomorrow on channel one, only live sound and genuine emotions, new participants and stars will see each other for the first time. Victoria bolenskaya, svetlana naimans channel one. Its time to find out whats new. In the country and the world, at this hour, i give the floor to my colleagues from the channel one Information Service. News. Hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. Russia has submitted a resolution to the Un Security Council that condemns any violence and hostilities against civilians. Population. Summons. All hostages and an immediate truce in the middle east, this was confirmed by the posture of our country during the organization of vasily nebendia following the results of a closed meeting dedicated to the situation in the arabisraeli conflict zone. According to the diplomat, some members of the Security Council reacted positively to the russian project. Moscow is ready for a mediating role, niebenze said, emphasizing that both sides are important for russia. At the same time, our poster noted that the current wave of violence in the middle east is occurring against the backdrop of recent violations from the Un Security Council and called not to ignore this fact. Our western colleagues are trying their best to make it seem as if the current escalation came out of nowhere, as if a band of savage terrorists simply attacked israeli citizens. If this were so, we would not have seen protests in the west bank against israels actions ; palestine would not have such widespread support among muslims around the world. We cannot ignore that the current outbreak of violence occurs against the backdrop of systematic violations israels resolutions of the Security Council and the un general assembly. Among them is the illegal expansion of settlements, which regularly causes condemnation from the majority of un members. Palestinians are being driven from their land and their homes are being destroyed. Any attempt to ignore this context is a manipulation that we cannot support. The escalation of the middle east conflict continued that night, with the parties exchanging new missile strikes. According to the Israeli Ministry of defense , several attacks on the northern regions were repelled, one of them on haifa. In response, as tsakhal stated, the military attacked a facility of the Shiite Group Hezbollah in southern lebanon. In the evening , air raid sirens sounded every now and then, both in the Border Regions of gaza and in the Central Regions of israel. According to the latest data, at the beginning of the escalation of the conflict last saturday, the number of victims on the palestinian side came close to 2,000, on the israeli side about one and a half thousand. There are many among the dead. Now the latest news from the specialization zone in the krasnoliman direction, the fighters of the Central Group of troops repelled nine attacks ukrainian formations. As a result, the enemy lost more than five thousand people, about twenty artillery crews. Four more attacks of the Ukrainian Armed forces were suppressed by the forces of the Southern Group of troops in the donetsk peoples republic. There, two weapons depots containing more than a dozen pieces of equipment, including an american one, were destroyed. M777 polish selfpropelled gun crab, in the kupinsky direction su34 fighter bombers of the west Group Carried out five strikes on command and observation posts and points of temporary deployment of militants. Near kherson the crew of the su25 attack aircraft distinguished themselves; they fired missiles from small vysuts, destroying camouflaged field positions and Armored Vehicles of the Ukrainian Armed forces. The pair carried out a combat flight to carry out an air strike. Against enemy targets, worked on the back coordinates at the right time, received confirmation via Radio Communication from the ground that the target targets had been hit, and then returned to the home airfield. To ensure that not a single gun fails its crew , the servicemen of the repair units continuously inspect and restore our technique. Service points are deployed along the entire front line, they are staffed by highly qualified specialists, and spare parts are supplied directly from manufacturers factories. First of all, they repair weapons that are necessary to perform combat missions; the rest of the time they modify the equipment by installing additional protective elements. We install dynamic antiaccumulative grilles, we install visors also with active dynamic protection, and if a breakdown occurs, its mostly the wiring burns out, and there are some units damaged, we order, they bring it to us from the warehouse or install it from the factory and send it out as soon as possible, a resident of the Sverdlovsk Region arranged a canopy on the roads of yekaterinburg. Pursued by a whole line of Traffic Police cars, he drove a foreign car through several areas of the city. Driver. That they thought that a motorcade of half a dozen or two dozen police cars with sirens and flashing lights on was accompanying some important person, although the sounds of shooting made this version insolvent. According to the inspectors, likhach ignored the requirements of the situation and tried to escape; at the final stage of the chase, the police overtook the speeding car. The driver reportedly refused to pass. Medical examination. The best figure skaters of the country have gathered in ufa, and today the russian grand prix series of figure skating starts there. Adelia petrosyan is considered the undisputed favorite of the first stage in womens single skating. Trained by eteria tudbiri , she won the grand prix final of last season and performed brilliantly at the stages of the current series. A there is no clear leader among men ; several strong athletes will compete in this category. This is the National Champion evgenia semenenko, as well as makar igna. There will be no competitions between sports couples in this tournament, but spectators will be able to enjoy ice dancing, where many star duets will be presented. Our channel will broadcast live broadcasts of these spectacular competitions, with exciting moments filmed from the best angles. So, watch the figure skating grand prix of russia today on the first one, as well as on our website 1tv. Ru. And lastly, today orthodox believers celebrate one of the twelve main holidays. The protection of the most holy theotokos, it is dedicated to the events of the 20th century that took place in byzantium, when its capital constantinople was surrounded by enemy troops. Residents gathered in the temple, praying for salvation, and then , according to legend, the mother of god appeared to them, descended to the believers, surrounded by saints, took off her head cover and covered the people with it. Soon after this the enemy retreated. Among the slavs , the cover was associated with the completion of agricultural work with the onset of winter. At this time, the first one often fell out. And from this holiday in russia a series of weddings began, families created at this time were considered the strongest and happiest, also on the cover they made a Weather Forecast for the coming winter, if a north or east wind blows on this day, the winter will be cold, and if its south, snowy and soft. Thats all for now, stay with us. The pervokanal broadcast will continue with the good morning program. Good morning to everyone who meets you. This saturday morning is with us on channel one, irina murumtseva is with you, on the calendar 14 october, autumn equator. To love this time of year, it is not so much important to know some recipes for countering the autumn blues, but to understand what opportunities autumn provides. Many of them seem unobvious, but when clarity appears, thoughts are no longer occupied with melancholy and sadness, but with plans and ideas. Want examples for inspiration . I have them. There, you think the harvest has been harvested and you can rest, leonid gennadievich from the village of uzey tuklyab, began preparations for winter, all that remains is to plow the garden, add manure, rake up the leaves that have fallen on bedding for the animals, pruning the grapes, putting them away for the winter, and you also need to take care of the roof, prepare the firewood, silva mitrofanovna plans to impose mittens on her grandchildren before the start of winter, the korabeinikovs dont forget about sports, the plan is to walk 5 km every evening, with scandinavian sticks, autumn is definitely time for new beginnings. Irina from karelia managed to complete the repairs in the first half of autumn. I managed to paint the walls, freshen them up a little, and do some renovations in the apartment. Then i put on my beret, stole, and mittens, already preparing for the coming winter. I also need a skirt finish it, and before winter ill have a couple of dresses, ive already found the patterns. In autumn there is always less sun, you already know this. But everything around is as colorful as possible, you need to take advantage of it, the khalimov family took all the yellow leaves around to their home, they have already made decorations for the table walls, the grandmother came up with the idea of ​​putting together a whole portrait, and they also have on their list of must dos for the fall to bake a pumpkin pie, the main thing is together, these workdays we practically dont see each other, this autumn, these joint weekends give us moments where we can still to unite, unite, and understand. That we are really a family, and to be together, in the fall there is so little warmth, and we are not talking about hot batteries, and when else should we start preparing for the new year, you heard right, olga ozhigova in the second half in the fall he comes up with and collects surprises for loved ones. My Close Friends asked me to make them heroes of russian folk tales for their christmas tree, we need to start something, i decided with a baby, and the gifts will be packed in shoe boxes, decorated with my own. Hands, of course, until the end of autumn one and a half months everyone will have time to do it. Elizaveta nekishova, konstantin struchkov, inlona martynova, channel one. In moscow, kokovka on krymsky val there is a wonderful exhibition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of nicholas roerich, an outstanding artist, archaeologist, traveler, philosopher. Roerrichs canvases are like windows that open into a special reality; they contain a poetic mystery. Our correspondent, varvara fedorova, visited the exhibition. In the new thirdcentury collection, there are paintings by nicholas roerrich from seventeen museums, but even those who have visited them all have something to offer. The bogatyr frieze is a 12panel painting of the large dining room of bazhanovs mansion in st. Petersburg. We are showing them for the first time in a pavilion created exactly to the size of bazhanovs mansion; this is the first time we are showing this highlight in its entirety. Sadko, ilya muromets, the robber nightingale and other ancient russian belins, around the pavilion there are super hits, overseas guests, saint sergei of radonish, a messenger. Messenger diploma work. Nicholas roerich, after he graduated from the Imperial Academy of arts, the painting was personally purchased by pavel tretyakov. All this is the first part of the exhibition, russian period. Before the revolution, roerrich moved to india and became a recognized master of the mountains. This is part two. We even got here through the mountain. Yes, we made special gates, mountains, through which we get to the indian section, to the kullu valley, to the himalayas. Tempera technique on cardboard, it was so loose with fibers, he really loved this indian cardboard, here is the philosophy and life path of the artist himself, in the famous painting of the gugachuhan there is an equestrian statue near the roerichs house , apricots, cherries, peaches grow there, i i was lucky to be in this place in the spring against the backdrop of blue mountains, they stand out in bright colors and are decorated in bright colors. The colors are very pure, shining in his paintings, and the Design Project of evgeniy asa supports this radiance with these pure, green, sapphire, yellow, lilac tones of our exhibition, and here is the main opening of the exhibition, the third theatrical part. Roerrich was not only an artist and decorator, he was, in some cases , a lebretist. Costumes, scenery and this unique canvas. 230 km, theatrical backdrop for the ballet, polovtsian dances, it was a canvas, a kind of record holder in terms of the number of exhibits, since polovtsian dances were a very actively staged performance, it was in an absolutely disrepair and ruined state, since 2020 it has been under restoration, a unique design, a special the frame that allowed us to work with this canvas. So far the first technical stage has been completed, but officially, now this is the largest canvas in the collection of the tretyakov gallery. Varvara fedorova, sergey morin, sergey namunko and dmitry krivtsov, channel one. They say there are chickens in the fall; they actually believe that not only chickens, but also many other birds and animals. This is exactly what rangers do in forest reserves across the country. Now we will join them and see how they consider the noble ones. In kuban, for example, looking ahead, i will say that for this you need to have a good, truly musical ear. The morning in the red forest of the krasnodar region begins like this it is the roar of a noble european deer, purebred, its homeland is the forests of germany, but only here in the krasnodar region purebred representatives remain. The roar of deer can be heard at a distance of one and a half kilometers, this is how they attract. Females, and also define their territory, however, not all deer agree with each other, so this also happens, meeting a deer during the roar is not pleasant, having deer during the mating season, they lose all facets of what is permitted, they even cease to be afraid of humans, during this period, frankly speaking, it is very dangerous to approach them, because they may mistake you for an opponent, and also there can be serious. Consequences, this is what they are doing to the forest, these are their points , i knocked out here, i killed everything here , they do it like a threat, but it is during this period that it is convenient to organize a census of deer, here he goes, only first by the forester the deer need to be heard, visually they can be similar to each other, but each has its own voice. 582, new ones came in another voice, two more , rougher, probably older, although in fact even the forest rangers dont remember such a roar, there are a lot of deer this year, weve already counted 192 males, on average we have about four to five heads of females per roaring male, that is, we can imagine the number of animals today is within a thousand, more than a thousand heads of deer in the territory of 5,000. In fact, this is even a lot for a small red forest, thats why Competition Among males is high; during the entire mating season, deer hardly eat, drink only water and sometimes take mud baths to remove parasites. Victoria shcherbakova, channel one, ready, guys, said so, well we must give a shock, he drew very well in childhood, and did not play with cars, but sewed dresses for dolls, it was all in his blood since childhood, back in the eighties, when valentin created his first collections, which were admired in paris, the whole world admired, it was created in a country where it simply. It couldnt be created, because there was no reason, if it was his dream, then it was mine, when he showed this collection, i cried backstage, well of course he wanted me to work on the brand, the standards are high, i always want them follow, i want to be proud that i left this brand to me for a reason, we are still making a dream, we need to dream differently so as not to repeat it, not to be like even ourselves, for the sixtieth anniversary. The birth of Valentin Yudashkin premiere, today on the first. Romca is a product of the stellar group. On october 13, Mark Zakharov would have turned 90 years old, lets not loudly, lets do it in a low voice. He is watching the scene, this is a separate performance, when markolich, the dog came and looked at him, he said, turn away, you are bothering me, she turned around, looked in the mirror, by the way, i looked at my father through the mirror, you want big, but pure love, but who doesnt want it, he never directly set an acting task, could he speak . This is how we drove , andryusha and i, and mark anatolvich, from the back seat of my volga Andrei Aleksandrovich climbed into the volga for the wind, the cruel fog , look after the program for the time. The bears were riding a bicycle, and behind them was a cat backwards, i just thought, its unrealistic to teach a dog to skateboard, in the end it took 3 days and he went, do you mind that theyre sleeping with you, what does he say, ill do with this impudent face . After after licorice had surgery on her paw, she even had a nanny sitting behind her, keeping an eye on her, when my wife and i were watching this video, she said, i want the same washing machine, it washes so that. Its better to put the potatoes at 95 tried to cook there at 95, you can see the video normally, watch with us, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, what do you think about our entry into nato, america, the usa, in fact, its like a mafia state, whoever is stronger is right. I think its just a misunderstanding. I could never imagine that in this the elderly norwegian herring has such a sparkling sense of humor. And we are happy to contribute as long as it is necessary. Why does nato need war . There is an elite group that derives personal benefit from this, and okay, thank vavan and lexus, connect them already, im connecting them. So, vavan and lexus, well, it was much more interesting for him to communicate with us than with zelensky. Glory to russia, vavan and lexus show, tomorrow, on the first. Every child is a born explorer, thats all for him. You need to study it, touch it with your hands, of course, take it apart, see whats there, how it works inside, with on the one hand, its wonderful, a little person is actively exploring the world, on the other hand , you cant stock up on any toys. Father of two children, kirill entsarov knows what to do, he needs to make a bezi board. Im ready oh children constantly ask for new toys, but this does not mean that they need to buy them. Today i will tell you how to make new interesting toys. Of the things that are definitely in every home, guys, what is going on here, hello everyone, my name is kirilsarov, and today im with these hooligans, i ll make busy boards, and this will be useful to us, what is bizibor, these are wooden planks with a bunch of different interesting elements. Today we will make two options, for those who are older and for the little ones. For lyovchik we will make a tactile bezibor; it is very important for Young Children to feel different surfaces and objects. Ill take dishwashing sponges, they are soft on one side and rough on the other, this will work perfectly. Ill take sticks, ill take buttons, such interesting holes. Lets glue. Zhenya, remember how we picked chestnuts . We will need them now. Lefty, take the job. For those who are older, we will screw on interesting adult objects, latches, latches, hooks, everything that is interesting for children to study, lets get started, children are often interested in sockets. Plays with switches. Busyboard is a safe way to learn them. Without boards you can constantly improve, change, add new elements, it all depends on your imagination. The main idea, you understand, is a wooden board, you can screw or glue any, the most interesting, different objects onto it. Well right now chef Dmitry Bogatov will share with us a delicious recipe for salad with funchose. Dont know what it is . Look when i have very little time to cook, i make a salad with funchose. These are starch noodles that become transparent when cooked, which is why they are called glass noodles. Prepare funchose according to the instructions. Thin lavsha, like mine, just pour boiling water over it after five. The time is up, rinse the noodles with cold water to prevent them from sticking together, prepare the remaining ingredients, fry the chopped garlic in Vegetable Oil when the spices are released aroma, add the morkot cut into strips, after 3 minutes add strips of sweet pepper , simmer until tender, add glass noodles, salt, pepper, season with sesame seeds, add chopped herbs, mix, look how beautiful the salad turned out, finger licking delicious, bon appetit, so we have an adventure planned here, yes, history, yes, what do you love, i love italy, i love architecture, may the magical power of comfort be with us, lets paint this space, lets immerse it in the atmosphere of italy, this is the dress, right, yes, this is taffeta , taffeta, its all very difficult to name furniture, its first of all an emotion, its a soul, its energy, well, the surprise was clearly a success, the premiere is about comfort, today is on the first day. Gene sheaf. Product of stelar group. The tsiruru believed that the plan for the collapse of russia was to make the poor hungry. Everything was done. Americans again do not understand how in poor, hungry russia, the capital moscow is the most expensive city in the world. Snow white was banned from showing on all American Television channels. None of you, even the most educated, will guess. All gnomes are white, only our man can give a foreigner everything to drink night of drunkenness, squeeze him that we are a country of idiots, and punch him in the face when he premieres, mikhail zadornov, whole life, part three, today on the first, but you damn it, you know, once she literally made the fate of someone wandering around stations, an unsuccessful artist, and then he became famous and famous, the widow of the actor beloved by millions of russians, Alexei Buldakov , has remained silent for 2 years about the misfortune that happened to her after the death of her husband, i cannot. Tell me how i loved him, loved him, love him, for me he is number one, then they accused her, almost in acknowledgment of the artists memory, they say she got confused with a young suitor who only dreams of taking over all her property, it turned out that worse is ahead, at the moment Lyudmila Andreevna has nothing at all, she has no apartment, no house and there is no land, so you took the apartment, real estate, it doesnt just start like that, our exclusive, bitter confessions, which, relying on loved ones, lost everything. These are not relatives; if they were relatives, they would be completely different. Exclusive with dmitry borisov. Premiere, today on the first. In peters times, they were looking for silver on this land, but they discovered gold. The truth is black, we are in the coal heart of russia in the city of gornyakov, kemerovo. How many times have you already gone down and gone up . I went down so many times, thank god i went up so many times, how to give the gas, theres a pedal, press it, come on, please dont disgrace me throughout the country, buddy, this is normal, this is not normal, outwardly calm, inside im trembling, wow, what a class, maybe maybe you could teach me words, teleub, less, and you, what do you think, today is the sun stood up high. Well, young man, its hard for you to understand, i said, i love you, the life of my people, the premiere, on the first, autumn, autumn, its cold and almost shed its leaves, this year, thanks to the long indian summer, the leaf fall period has stretched out, but a little longer, and the night frosts will already turn into permanent frosts over most of the country, which means its time to prepare the trees for winter, protect them from the coming subzero temperatures, so that next. Season there will be flowering and a rich harvest, here are a couple for you in this case advice from oksana stankevich. If you think that in the fall life in the garden comes to a standstill, then this is not so; many pests become more active right now. They are looking for a place to winter ; they choose bushes and trees as shelter. Lets help the plants, prepare them for the cold. And get rid of pests, first of all we loosen the soil in the tree trunk circles, caterpillars, codling moth slugs burrow shallowly into the soil, about 3 cm. Here the slugs were caught at the scene of the crime, i dont recommend picking them up with your hands, its better to use tweezers and throw them in box, all the pests have not crawled out now, of course. But you can leave them a bait, put a fragrant banana peel next to the tree trunk and come back with an inspection in 23 hours, look at the catch, thanks to the banana peel, you wont have to look for pests, they will crawl on their own. The next stage is watering. This autumn has been warm and dry, now the trees need to drink properly, this will help them survive the winter. The watering norm is as follows for young trees we pour four buckets, that is, 40 liters, for mature trees six buckets, or 60 liters. But carry buckets its hard, so ill do it easier, ill time how long it takes for it to fill from the hose. So, in about 1 minute, that means i leave the hose under the tree for 4 minutes, this will be 40 liters of water. Despite the drop in temperature, the leaves on the fruit trees have not yet fallen , they continue to be attacked by flying pests, spraying is useless now, the drug will be washed away by the autumn rain, so i suggest buying any insecticide in the store, dissolving it in water and pouring it under the root, the drug will penetrate into the plants themselves when pests drink its juice, they will die from poison. And of course, dont forget to feed the trees, i dont spend money on fertilizer store, i use the room that every summer resident has in the barbecue, the consumption is 300 g per tree trunk, now our trees are watered, fed and protected from pests, which means they will winter well in next year they will please. Today, october 14 , the famous Fashion Designer , peoples artist of russia Valentin Yudashkin could have turned 60 years old. His shows took place on the main catwalks of the world. His name was known and respected far beyond the borders of our country. He was unique universal. He designed clothes for stars and ordinary people, for athletes and the military. In the early nineties, he was one of the first to talk about fashion, in our country you have no idea what couture is, this is art, which is placed on a level with painting, architecture. A student of slava zaitsev, val yudashkin suggested that his wife sell a fur coat, a lada, invest six dollars in tailoring, and also quit her job as a hairdresserstylist to help him . Was so inspired that i believed and went, but i didnt regret a single day, and if today the question would be. How would we go back to the same time, i would have done the same thing, he created new shapes and styles, surprised and shocked, paris became interested in the young designer, the first show at fashion week was the fabberger collection, and this luver immediately bought the dress. For 8,000 francs, and the copyright to be kept in a museum, that was some crazy money for us. He is the only Fashion Designer from russia to become a corresponding member of the paris syndicate of haute couture. Heres the black one. For lady gaga, and this is golden for silindion. Our the olympic team also shone in the uniform from yudashkin gold in turin in 2006. Tatyana navka and roman kostamarov wore his gypsy and theriodoro costumes. Today on the first you will see a documentary film dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the birth of Valentin Yudashkin, the maestra of russian fashion. You will be able to look behind the scenes, each Fashion Designers show is like a theatrical performance. Valentin always. Really wanted to work with the theater and he got such an opportunity when Vladimir Moshkov invited him to oksa in the theater , they made two performances this is my beautiful lady and there was no one left. He didnt just come up with costumes, he studied the characters characters; every detail has its own meaning. Black lace is a harbinger of tragedy, a red belt is danger. He had a very keen sense of drama. Even though its a theatrical costume, Everyone Wants it. Fishing line, some, perhaps more decorative elements, yes, but he was very, very laconic , in an interview 2 years ago, yudashkin admitted that it was the theater that helped him hold on, the disease was already taking away strength and energy, he came to rehearsals for performances, actually until the last day he was in the theater , this is an indicator of great strength of spirit and the desire to live, he thought through everything, fabrics and decorative elements, so that even without him the costumes could not only be restored, but created anew. 3 years before his death, yudashkin said no matter what happens, the performance must go on. Maria kuskov, dmitry roshkov, nikolay krasanov, maxim tkachenko, channel one. Today is saturday, october 14th, and tomorrow the 15th we will celebrate world handwashing day. Hand on heart, every day should be like this, especially. In the fall during the cold season. Anna obrosimova decided to celebrate the upcoming holiday by actively washing her hands together with the younger generation, and at the same time find out how and how much to wash her hands correctly. This will never be forgotten, they teach washing hands in elementary grades, and control the process in older grades, but not even all adults do it correctly. We look at misha, dad ilya is teaching him. Three, three, three, three, three. The washing technique was wrong. Shows you how to do it. With the right palm we rub the back surface, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, connect the fingers into a lock and rub. Now lets take the thumb. So, it took about 40 seconds to wash all the areas, these movements were even turned into a dance, for 15 years now on world clean hands day, flash mobs from both doctors and artists. Well, for example. But not only equipment is important, also soap, we remembered this during the pandemic , it was transmitted remotely on the internet from hand to hand, from city to city, but there is a mistake, soap for dry hands, it is more effective to wet it first, then lather it. And here is a clear example of how soap acts on microbes pepper in water and a finger with a drop of soap, the peppercorn microbes will scatter, and if without soap, everything is in place, the soap comes into contact with water, the surface tension changes, and accordingly, the sweatfat layer begins to scatter, to be removed, and accordingly, microbes scatter along with the soap, if you wash your hands in a public place, turn off the water with a napkin, yes, that s why touch screens and soap dishes have replaced washbasins, how do you think about cleaning . Oh, this is not touch, no, bacteria are most transmitted by contact with surfaces and shaking hands, imagine that there is paint on your hands at the doctor these are microbes, colleague, hello, good afternoon, im very glad to see you, microbes instantly catch on and multiply. The growth began again, i washed it correctly, the growth stopped. And so in a circle, that is, that is why you need to wash them not once a day, yes, but regularly, regularly stopping the growth of this microflora. Ideally, wash your hands before touching your face. When you touch your face with your hands, you bring the pathogen from your hands closer to those mucous membranes on which it must get in order for you to develop a disease, this is the oropharynx, nasopharynx. So you shorten his path. Dirty hands there is a high probability of intestinal infection. By the way, one of the most common microorganisms on the hands is stophylococcus aureus. It is very toxic to the human body, pathogenic and causes various skin diseases, from boils to pneumonia, sepsis and mengitis. He is now antibioticresistant, that is, stophylococcus and responds to antibiotic treatment. And now is the cold season, we inhale cold air, the blood vessels narrow, this prevents leukocytes from fulfilling their function of destroying germs and viruses, as a result, the infection easily enters the body. Anna obrosimova, nikita kulakov, channel one. Beetroot is an old russian product, truly universal, in borscht, in salads, in vinaigrettes, in pies, maria surova decided to bake a cake with beets. For those with a sweet tooth, watch. This is a real decoration for the shabbat table. Nobody can guess what this pie is with . My culinary challenge is chocolate beetroot pie. This is an experiment. Beets can be boiled or baked. I prefer the second one. Take a large one, weight when baking will decrease. I always wear gloves when working with beets, otherwise you wont be able to wash your hands afterwards. Let it cool, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. For the pie you will need 250 g, flour, sugar and Vegetable Oil will need an equal amount, 230 g each. I beat eggs with sugar , add odorless Vegetable Oil , beets, mix, sift the flour, add 80 g of cocoa, it is also better to sift it, the dough turned out to be thick. It all depends on how much liquid was in the beets, i add two tablespoons of water, and also a pinch of salt, vanilla the tips of a knife and baking powder, there is not much of it, dont worry, i mix everything well, the mold should be detachable, mine is 25 cm in diameter. I cover it with parchment, grease the walls with Vegetable Oil, lay out the dough and bake in an oven preheated to 180 for 45 minutes. In the meantime, add glaze, 50 g of sugar, remaining cocoa sour cream. At first the mass will be lumpy. Dont worry, they will melt when heated. Stir, heat over low heat until smooth, and let cool. I check the readiness of the pie with a skewer. I cool it down and open it form and transfer to a plate. I brush it with glaze. Let the pie sit for at least an hour and serve with tea. I decorate with powder and mint leaves, its delicious, i would never have thought that it would be a pie with beets, ill go treat my grandchildren , laser technologies are rapidly developing in our country, here in our heads we have two mirrors that drive this beam from right to left, up and down , but we can do anything up to your portrait, wow, this is so cool, i think i. Profile, im an actresspresenter, so its great i have to spend part of my time with complex and longlasting makeup, here we applied stress, that is, here you will not stress, on the right side, on vitamins, if you have a question about what to give to your mother, grandmother, sister, friend, then the most universal gift is a silk scarf, here we have 19,000 prints, this is st. Basils cathedral, which is in a spaceship, our everything, a big premiere, today on the first. Montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group. You will wake me up at dawn, i will go out to spend the sky, for love, only one life, one life, one life. Nikolai karachentsev and Elena Shanina in the legendary performance by marco zakharov, to the music, gogol gogol straight man and woman, it was a storm of a real binge for the star of the season premiere tomorrow on the first. On the calendar october 14, today the orthodox celebrate the great holiday, the protection of the most holy. Mother of god. It so happened that the most beautiful, most amazing churches in russia are dedicated to this holiday. Among them, the church of the intercession of the nerl is located in the ancient city ​​of vladimir. According to one version, its construction was completed on this day, october 14, although in 1165. An integral part of the bishopric. Amophorus vestments are a symbol of caring for the flock. The omophorion is also the name given to the mother of gods cloth, with which, according to legend, she covered people and saved the whole city from the enemy. A historical event happened in the 10th century in constantinople; the great feast of the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared on the church calendar. But only in russia is it celebrated on a grand scale; our pokrovsky churches are the best. First of all, of course, white stone. The church is covered, stands on a water meadow, on a manmade hill, from a distance it seems very simple, but for architects it is perfect, which is why it is called the white swan of ancient russian architecture, a poem in stone. But here is the main temple of the intercession convent, here an endless stream of people comes to the relics of the matrona of moscow, about 500 believers on weekdays, twice as many on weekends, and all with flowers. Pull. With him in attendance maybe, except that this temple on red square, we are used to calling it a temple st. Basils, but still the correct name is the cathedral of the intercession of the most holy theotokos, which is narva, the temple is a city, 11 churches on one foundation and in each there is an icon of the mother of god holding a mophor. In general, you will find the image of the veil in any church, and on october 14 , believers will definitely go to it. They ask the virgin mary with samaforms in her hands for peace and tranquility in the house, for a happy marriage, and this day is considered prosperous for starting a family, which is why there are large queues in zaksy on october 14th. There are weather conditions for this day signs october 14 is the boundary between autumn and winter; they say that if the first snow does not cover the ground by today, autumn will be snowless until michaelmas, until november 21. Ksenia ionkina, dmitry ergulev, channel one. Is it not the Neural Network and the phrase and the phenomenon itself that have already become firmly entrenched in our lives and what is not said about it and the fact that it may soon get out of control or deprive us of work or vice versa . Open up new perspectives, be that as it may, first we all need to learn to interact with these networks, they are now in many places are used and the area of ​​their implementation will only expand. We hear about Neural Networks every day, often that they will take away someones job, less often that, on the contrary, new professions will appear, socalled markers are needed, but recently they are called atrainers, so that the Neural Network can answer questions or generate from. You need to load billions of texts or photographs into it, the first stage is automatic training, then manual configuration of the model, Neural Networks show tens of thousands of examples, but already verified by humans, so that Artificial Intelligence i understood which answer would be correct or which picture would be appropriate, here is literally the image description, it has been verified that the photograph is of very high quality, the same description, that it is not some kind of arbitrary, it describes exactly what is happening in the image, this is called size. Data or training a Neural Network, it can be very simple, for example, weeding out blurry images, it can be highly specialized, if we want the model to solve theorems and prove theorems, we need to involve mathematicians who the theorem will be written, and Neural Network trainers are already being looked for on russian ad sites, like industrial engineers, this is a direct tracing, that is , a transfer from english, industrial hint, engineer, inventor in russian speaking, this is the inventor of the hint or. Who knows how to deliver Neural Network task, here is a simple example, photographer anastasia chernyshova will try to generate an image, the topic is Artificial Intelligence on television. It is easiest to imagine a Neural Network as the embodiment of such a fantastic iron creature. The first attempts are more similar a random set of pictures, either incomprehensible or too dark, was added by a good robot. In the text of the request, anastasia also enters phrases such as studio, robot tv presenter. This is the Industrial Design that an engineer must draw up in order to get the desired result. Each industrial engineer has a collection of his own working queries that can produce results consistently. Moreover, Users Exchange successful requests, and there are even sites where you can find prompts for your task. On the part of workers, the demand for the number of employees proficient in Neural Networks has already begun, and training platforms are not lagging behind. There are courses where methodologists are used. Work or designers, how to use the most popular Neural Networks there, in general these are not very expensive courses, about 23, plus its never too late to create Neural Networks yourself, you can learn without having any initial programming education, mathematical, the First Network can be created through 67 months of training, this is of course something very simple, on average courses in Machine Learning and Neural Network development, cost about 1001500 rubles. Anna ryabova, channel one. On the calendar, october 14, on this day, 180 years ago , in the basement at the premiere of the play a midsummer nights dream , the music of the composer mendelssohn was first performed , which we all know today as the wedding march, so today is in some way the birthday of this march. You can listen back with nostalgia or anticipation, or you can also do various other things that the stars indicate. Astrological forecast for the weekend. Right now, both of these days off excellent guys, cheerful, campaigning, know how to make friends, love to do good deeds, and are also creative personalities , tomorrow is, however, a little impulsive and a little hectic, today is calmer, wiser, one might say, mature, his feelings are usually under the control of the mind , he counts money well, takes any business seriously, if you need to fix, make, improve something in the house, its to him. But tomorrow the master arranges all sorts of entertainment, parties, gatherings in the company, small holidays, in general, you wont get bored with him, and this is also a great time to clear out all the trash and throw out what s in the way. Aries, for example, will be able to get rid of some bad habit. This was advice from the stars , and one more thing, if i may, even if you are sure that your opinion is absolutely correct, its still probably not worth discarding someone elses right away, expect guests tomorrow, perhaps from afar. The luminaries promise taurus some household chores. Repairs are possible, if you buy Building Materials or some spare parts, be careful, they may be careful with household chemicals. Not a bad weekend for gemini, maybe a little fussy when you have a lot to do, but you will succeed. And personal. Just remember that people are not robots, they do not act according to programs , and sometimes they make mistakes. Cancers will have a chance to remove some obstacle from the path. Solve some problem, improve something in the lives of your loved ones. Today is also a good day for family shopping, and tomorrow they will be able to invite you to some interesting event. Leos these days are on. The crests of success, they will solve all issues, find solutions to everyone a common language, they will be able to turn everything in their favor, and the opposite regiment is located with them, a new romance is not excluded, but then the stars fall silent. For the virgins these days, everything seems to be going smoothly, and even difficult things are going smoothly, but in general the luminaries advise you to devote at least one day to being lazy from the bottom of your heart, lying on the couch, and finally getting some sleep. The luminaries hint to libra that you shouldnt take everyones word, especially if they talk about someone behind their backs. In the evening or tomorrow it is possible to talk about money, lets calm down, and if you carry something heavy, watch your back. Scorpios will have to communicate a little with some stubborn and boring people. Well, its okay, your company will be more pleasant in the evening. Some kind of trip is possible tomorrow. Be extremely careful when driving. Sagittarius will be able to learn something, find out something interesting, gain some new experience. They may also tell you something about upcoming changes at work. Dont rush. Believe it or not, this may just be a rumor. Capricorns may make new acquaintances; here the stars would like to remind the proverb that an old friend is better than a new one two. By the way, contact your old friends, perhaps some of them need your help, or are simply lonely and have no one to talk to heart to heart. Aquarius has a normal autumn weekend, a little lazy, although some conversation with loved ones or Something Like a Family Council may take place. Well, its an important matter, and they can also return it to you. Pisces may have to put aside some of their affairs in order to help someone, the luminaries say dont grumble about this, the more you give, the more will come to you. Dear adults, if your child is a fish, do not nag him or her for slight disobedience. Good luck to you. This weekend on channel one is a real holiday for figure skating fans and, in general, for everyone who loves bright, exciting spectacles. Ice, figure skating, russian grand prix, Short Program today on saturday, free program on sunday, all the details right now. The capital of bashkartostan, ufa, is often called an exclusively hockey city, because the local club khl Salavat Yulaev has become the National Champion more than once. But this weekend the people of ufa they will definitely forget about hockey, because for the first time in history ufa is hosting the figure skating prix. Everywhere there is a figure skating fan who likes this. Its clear that moscow, st. Petersburg, they seem to me to be a little boring, this is already because there are a large number of shows, but its cool that figure skating is developing in other regions, and we perform somewhere else, and we kind of watch the country and we delight spectators in all corners of our country, the bright name of the stage, the edge of kurai, is associated with the National Musical instrument, the longitudinal open flute, we could not pass by such an interesting detail. Provided the opportunity for figure skating stars to try themselves in the role of bashkir musicians. Well, its very interesting, i really dont know how to play it, well, maybe after the competition ill be able to try it. The training before the start showed that our stars were 100 ready. It couldnt be any other way; today we can expect performances from the girls, led by the magnificent adelia petrosyan. Now im first. Im getting ready for the Short Program, i hope it goes well, and more to come free program, which i also hope will be no less successful than the Short Program, let the audience see for themselves what will happen in these programs; the most interesting rivalry will unfold in mens skating, where makar ignatov, andrey mozalev, gleb lutfulin and others will compete with the National Champion evgeniy semenenko talents, and as always, dance duets will add vivacity and good mood, dont miss the broadcast of the russian grand prix on channel one. Today is an important date world hospice day, it is held every year on the second saturday of october and with all my heart i would like to wish strength, patience, goodness to the people who work in this area, help those who need this help most in order to live and not exist under the yoke of illness, you are doing a great good deed, thank you for this and low regards. If a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped, with this motto the employees of the Moscow Center for Palliative Care on kolomenskaya come to work, patients are seriously ill or incurable, there are always Fresh Flowers in the wards, decorations, and even doctors dont come in without knocking, because this is not just a room , a patients house, the door is open for relatives 24 hours, they go to his house, we cant not let them in if he has pets, a beloved pet. They can come with him and he can also communicate with him, but its impossible, because every desire of the patient may be the last desire. Galina petrovna is a grandmother, lives next to the bed. They allowed me, ive been with him for 6 months already. Vitalik , 22, was admitted to intensive care after toxic poisoning with brain damage. It was difficult to care for a seriously ill patient, so they transferred him here. There is a very good team here, its like home, all this gave results, the grandson is on the mend. Judging by the fact that his gaze has become focused, yes, i think we are improving, we would certainly like to end up in some good one, or in a Brain Institute or a good rehabilitation hospital. A center somewhere so that they can continue to work with him, the secret in relationships is palliative medicine, just about this, to make sure that a seriously ill patient does not feel alone abandoned. Natalya was transferred from an oncology hospital; she didnt even know that such centers existed. When you become completely helpless, the question really arises of what to do, dont even ask the question who is to blame for this, just what to do, when i got here, this question somehow went away. What to do, just recover, just live , every day volunteers come to the patient , bring treats, organize concerts, games, read books, there are volunteers who do beauty, yes, that is, tattoos, hairstyles, this is very important for our patients, we have wonderful volunteers with dogs, therapists, even just a walk is a joy, and you cant do without helpers, vera novokhadskaya, coordinator of the vera charity foundation, explains the meaning of her work simply. Paleo is actually a cloak that we cover a person, we try to support him from all sides. Many patients and their relatives do not even know about such centers, that they are free. You can call the hotline to help incurable people from the vera charity foundation, you see the number on the screen and get answers to all questions, and this is also part of Palliative Care. Sergey abramov sotnik, anastasia novakhatnyaya, Denis Ponomarev and stanislav yazhnyakov, channel one. Watch tomorrow sunday a new episode of the show sing a star. A new musical Television Event in which ordinary people challenge professionals and prove that they can sing better. Let me remind you that in each episode there are eight hits, eight stars and eight amateurs. A Little Secrets in any. Project, the key to success is to sing a star with a slob, and what kind of star, is it a secret until the second verse . There comes that moment during the artists performance when here he is, i feel that he wants with his whole back to see who will appear there from behind these moving screens, its amazing, by the way, the scenography is magnificent, ive never seen anything like it, it s done with Amazing Taste , an unknown artist who is not a professional, he just does another job, he could be a doctor, he could be. A manager there, anyone, but he has the talent to sing, we, of course, dont tell the ordinary participants with whom they will have to sing, so everything here is exactly half rehearsed, the rest is all improvisation, attention, emotions this is the main thing, oh, this look with which participants meet stars with their feelings, its not always joy, maybe they were waiting for another famous person, it just seemed to me that you were somehow very, not very corinne, this is terrible. Perhaps there was a dream to show, to prove, i dont know for whom, how, and what, lets say he sings better, whom he avoids on stage an Infectious Disease doctor, and olga herself will be able to infect the hall with her energy drink, we find out

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