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Comrades, lets go. Damn, come on pasha, lets go, you re shaking, but im not shaking, im shaking, theyre shaking me too. Horror, darkness, blood and panicked screams, these are not staged shots, im tracing. They killed precisely at the moment when these events were being filmed, this is what the beginning of the new most terrible war in russia, civil, could have looked like. When their own people kill their own, fathers, brothers, children. Moscow, ostankino, october 3, 1993. Who then provoked the murderous fire here near the Television Center. And why did they stage a bloody massacre in the capital of russia . Which almost escalated into a national fire. What happened to the instigators . Are they punished . These questions will be answered in our film by the participants in the october events themselves. Tracing bullets fly through the air like crazed bees and sting, sting. Wherever they can, behind truck wheels, behind concrete flower beds for the bodies of the dead. It was immediately obvious that many of them were dead, killed, many were wounded, they were crawling, running away, limping, there, in general, wiping themselves with blood, in general, in short, an absolutely terrible picture, someone was pressed to the ground, clutching head with hands, those who try to escape. Receive machine gun fire in their backs, groans, requests for help, including in foreign languages. Mortally wounded correspondent of the moscow. Television company ard1, rory pekvan skopan, cameraman of the French Television company tf1, now you see the last footage he shot before vastankinis death. Ivan was wounded eight times and died on october 5 in paris. The red lights on the camera operators cameras were perfect targets. Doctors who tried to help the wounded were also killed. With me was a young guy in a white coat, an orderly, he stood up to help and was immediately shot, he fell dead next to me, there were hundreds of people rushing about in the square, both militants and ordinary onlookers, ordinary people, a lot of corpses, what led to the october tragedy . Reforms announced by the first popularly elected president russia under Boris Yeltsin, does not bring quick results. The only one. The mistake is very serious, it is that they did not share with the people on a weekly basis what we were doing, who was bothering us, everything had to be explained, grandmothers were on tv, but they did not have time for this, yeltsin could not explain it clearly. In the capital and Large Industrial centers, the position of the president remains strong, but in the regions discontent is growing, where they are ruled mainly by representatives of the old soviet nomenklatura, their majority in the Supreme Council, the opposition sabotages all of yeltsins key decisions and introduces convenient amendments to the constitution. In 1993 , deputies introduced 400 amendments to the constitution, and the country simply found itself without a basic law. Of course, this is not a conflict between yeltsin and khazbulatov, this is a conflict, actually, of two sociopolitical systems, so as not to deal with ideology. Can be called democratic and reactionary, today it is dangerous with two powers, doubly dangerous without power. The country is developing a legal and actual dual power. Russia is driven into a political impasse, and there is no way out of it. Boris yeltsin is the first to attempt to cut the gordian fusel. On september 21, he unexpectedly appears on tv screens. In accordance with the president ial decree, today the implementation of the legislative, administrative and control functions of the congress of peoples deputies and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation is interrupted. On this day, yeltsin took an unprecedented step, signed decree 1400, which actually dissolved the congress of peoples deputies and the Supreme Council, and called elections to the new russian parliament, the state duma. It was also written in the regulations that the sovereign is not obliged to report to anyone and is not responsible for his actions at all, something similar happened here. The Supreme Council is heading for confrontation. Yeltsin violated the constitution and must be deposed. At an emergency meeting, deputies appoint Vice President alexander rutskov as acting president of russia. The rebels see the white house as the center of a new one. Taken away right on the move with the help of some signed paper by president ial decree, we need to fight this, so we got to the state that was, in response to khazbulatovs demarche, Boris Yeltsin orders to surround the white house where their armed supporters have settled down, surround it with barbed wire, and cut off communications. Supply and sewerage. They left, the democrats left the convention, they disrupted the quorum. Then they declared us enemies of the people. You have no idea who was sitting there, not in the conference room, in the basements. Everything was ready for an armed attack. The blood would flow horribly. However, the white house inmates did not felt cut off from the world. They were supplied through an Extensive Network of underground sewers. Not only information, now we are in the very center of moscow, behind us is kudrinskaya square, we will tell you a little secret, literally two, three meters from us, valentin, there is this hatch, which was actually the entrance to the white house, we are in this hatch was entered and exited in order to transmit information to the white house, weapons, no, this is excluded, it turned out to be possible, and weapons and ammunition were carried into the white house. And how many it was necessary to move from here to khazbulatovs office, say, or russian, for half an hour and half an hour there was the only dangerous section, there was a Police Cordon there. At the same time, there was still hope to transfer the conflict to a peaceful channel, to accept the zero option, that is, to hold simultaneous reelections of the president and parliament. And before this, the kremlin constantly offered peaceful ways out of the crisis, but the Supreme Council rejected everything, khazbullatov did not even need the zero option, he would not have received the position of chairman in the new parliament. Yeltsin himself hesitated for a long time, even for the sake of peace, he did not want to accept the zero option, however, literally on the eve of the bloody october events, he agreed to reelections of the president and the entire deputy corps. Here, in the st. Daniel monastery , patriarch alexy ii gathered the conflicting parties and they had to settle the matter peacefully. But then a real detective story happened. Fillatov then brought a written agreement signed by yeltsin to go to simultaneous early elections. And one of khazbullatovs deputies simply put this letter from yeltsin in his pocket, did they show this letter to khazbolatov is unknown, but the deputies never learned anything about the president s consent, its clear why, i cant conduct any official negotiations, well, with whom can i negotiate . Yeltsin delayed until the last minute, moreover, he turned off the electricity and sewerage there, get out of there, pensioners, dont be afraid, we will give you a big pension, we ll get each of you a job. Just dont do it. In moscow, thousands of people gathered at a rally in support of one or another branch of government. There was a smell of armed rebellion in the air. On sunday october 3rd, in the afternoon, a crowd of thousands of supporters of the Supreme Council went to break through the cordon. Thats when the first shots rang out. Following this , rudskys call was made from the white house balcony. Youth, combatready men. This is where the left side is being built to form detachments; today , to storm the city hall, the remains of the armed defenders of the white house under the command of two generals, rutskov and makashov, rushed to storm the building. Myria was taken almost without a fight. The police guards offered no resistance. She was quickly devastated and put up for a laughingstock to the jubilant supporters of the Supreme Council. One of these centers of events was smolensk square here in moscow, valentin novikov took part in all these events directly, and he led one of the columns of kostankins trucks. Valentin, how did everything turn out then, where did the trucks come from . On the third, when the columns were moving from the side. Oktyabrskaya square, a square of trucks had already been lined up here, the ministry of internal affairs had lined them up, the urals were heavy, it turned out that the attackers began to smash these vehicles, which means smashing, well, they started hitting with crowbars, they started beating the soldiers, i started stopping people with the national monarchist flag, and with this one, i started saying that these cars are state property, they belong. On smolenskaya square, the militants seized four trucks, one the car was driven by a soldier of the internal troops of derzhinskys division named mikhail. Novikov actually saved him from an angry crowd that was about to tear apart the fighter. It so happened that in all this commotion i, of course, did not follow how in one of my trucks, it turned out to be a box with the same strange pomegranate that later appeared under the walls. Ostankina, well, did you feel, or was there no such idea at all then, that things were heading towards civil war . On the third of the month, events went too quickly, when we directly came into contact with the ministry of internal affairs, there was no time to think, to reflect, everything went at the same level orders, at the level of reflexes, at the level of energy, officers and soldiers, who, so to speak, ran along these alleys, threw away their weapons, entered makashovs armed detachment mainly retired officers, security forces, almost all of them went through hot spots and had combat experience. Well, i jumped into one of the trucks, probably the last one to leave, and there were about 1012 people there, probably a couple in love were gnawing an apple, and the guys began to find out who was from where, it turned out that everyone was coming, not a single muscovite, then they started asking , who has what kind of weapon, only one was found picked up. With makashov, the north group and his personal guard, this is about 2022 machine guns. The opposition, now armed, urgently required. Yeltsin and call for the seizure of power locally. Only television could provide such a platform. Why did they go there . Makashov apparently believed that his authority as an army general who had passed through the hot spot there would be enough that he would enter the building and say surrender, everyone will surrender. The second column of novikovo moved, its route followed the garden ring and mira avenue, followed by maryi roshcha. Having learned about this, the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs sends reinforcements to the television and radio complex, a special squad of internal vite troops. The fighters travel to ostankino in parallel with the makashovites. A couple of times the columns come close, but do not make contact. Strangely, the armed rebels drove through in gargle trucks and no one stopped them. Coord. That at the intersection on korolev street, a traffic cop stopped oncoming traffic with a baton and gave the direction where the column of attackers should move. At 16 50, when the columns arrived at the Television Center, there was already a large rally going on at the seventeenth entrance. My colleagues and i were at vstankino, you were going there. With armed people, that is in fact, you were going to kill the people who work in ostanki and those who protect them, in fact, no, we werent going to kill, we were going as a tactical move, that we needed to get vostankins air, yes, i understood that, i didnt have enough imagination to understand that blood will really be shed, that there will be some kind of explosions, i believe that today we need to take the kremlin, the remains have been taken. At a time when khazbullatov was deceiving the deputies and announced the seizure of the Television Center, the chairman of the ostankino television and Radio Company bragin was cutting off government phones, everyone answered the same thing and the same, slava, hold on, we will not abandon you, help is already coming to you. Viktor stepanovich in his usual epic role, glory, turn it off. Forgive me, the sinful channel, break the equipment there so that these, as they say, do not capture ostankino, i answer him, viktor stepanovich, i mean, i will not do what you order me, before the arrival of vites detachment in ostankino, 84 were already here a soldier of the sofrinsky brigade, without weapons, but in bulletproof vests, the deputy chief of the police guard of television stations. They were all unarmed, that is, they simply lay under the cars throughout the battle, and at night it was also decided that there would be no casualties, they were sent to the Television Center and, as they say, with god, they were released. Makashov went up to the porch of the seventeenth entrance and was met by evgeniy popovich. The general was outraged that the deputy chief of Police Security at the Television Center came out to him with a machine gun. We security guards immediately suggested they say but he says that he is standing here . Well fill it up right here, that i remember well that im behind my eye so quietly, especially when i tell you that youre now they would overwhelm me, i was then, although i thought that i was very old, i was already 37 years old then, but i still wanted to live, the ardor of the guards was cooled by makashov himself, the general said that yeltsin had been overthrown, and now power needed to be taken places, you were the last one left, we had already gone to the cradle , that is, well, unfortunately, we didnt have any communication at that time, that is, we couldnt get in touch with anyone by phone, since the headquarters of the khvd was already there at that time the city hall was destroyed and of course it was very difficult to navigate this situation difficult. Makashov made a demand that bragin s film crew be brought to him within 15 minutes right from the seventeenth entrance to give him the opportunity to go live. Bragin did not go to the general. During these negotiations , the roar of armored personnel carriers was heard from the concert studio. The vite special forces detachment, led by its commander sergei losyuk, arrived to help the police. Seryoga, remember, there was this fence, although they built it up, in my opinion, it was a little lower, well, yes, just when we stopped by the tree, the fence was broken, yeah, well, then we went out and sat down in a column, yes, they dismounted, took up positions behind the columns, gave the command, one Group Controlled the forest, from here they knocked out the lower part of the glass, and a group of about 1520 of us burst in here and ran along the corridor. The policemen were frightened there by the roar of broken glass, destroyed window frames, who broke into them, the militants broke in and it was not clear to the knight. It was clear who these policemen were, and their first questions were, who are you for and what kind of power is in moscow, death occurred as a result of mechanical asphyxia, usual suicide, usual suicide, place unusual, experts said that there are signs of forced entry on the lock in unikarovas apartment, wow, youre investigating the death of a fashion model , books have been written about dead stripes, there are from writers to diplomats, there are no committee games, everything is impossible, but calm down, criminal investigation, farts and daddies different, comrades are understood, the refrigerator is being inspected, a dissident, a spy, listen, izuev, is there surveillance behind us . You fell silent in a smooth city, or what . You have problems, in your situation, you cant trust anyone, understandable. You decided to drain it yourself or not make me angry . It wasnt by chance that the truck drove into the mayors car, did they want to kill him . 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He demands a way out. Live, his group and the fighters of the vits squad are separated only by ordinary glass, the fighters see each others eyes, the weapons are removed from the safeties, the nerves are taut like strings. And then some people run up to makashov, apparently employees of the Television Center, and say its pointless to storm here, because the broadcast studios are located across road, in this building, a device at studio complex 3. But in the Main Building or ask1, you cant go live. Here, in large studios, programs with spectators, television concerts, and performances are recorded. At some point, for some reason, the crowd was turned around and led to that building. And among the people there were 1520 organized makashovites, onlookers, sympathizers, and most of all journalists. Channel one news was broadcast live from this building. This is where the notorious ether button was located. Makashov ordered their armed supporters to block the main entrance to vsk3. Between the two buildings of the Television Center, right under academician korolev street, there is this underground passage. It is along this route that the Detachment Commander , vitelei lysyuk, secretly runs and leads his fighters to the asc building. There they were supposed to meet makashovs detachment, while at the same time vites was blocking the passage so that no one from the Television Center could pass through it. Meanwhile, makashov picks up a megaphone and demands to be allowed into the building if his ultimatum is not fulfilled in 3 minutes. The general threatens to launch an assault. A group of rebels stops trolleybuses and disembarks passengers. There is already an impressive crowd at the Television Center. A man appears in the doorway with a grenade loaded with a tandem cumulative grenade; he has yet to play a special role in the impending drama. A Police Officer from the city of st. Petersburg, short in stature in a helmet, his last name, as far as i remember, is smirnov. Seeing the grenade launcher, viteses fighters take up defensive positions. By 7 00 pm, two Television Center buildings protect the ostankino tower 480 military personnel. They are armed with 320 machine guns, 130 pistols, 12 grenades and a sufficient amount of ammunition. So everything is in place, guys. Makashov asked the demonstrators not to break anything or beat anything, declaring that it was property. At this moment a shot is heard from the side of the ask1 building. Makashovs militant, Lieutenant Colonel nikolai kristinkin from kiev, was wounded in the leg. Later, the investigation did not establish who shot . It seems that until the last minute no one believed that this building would be stormed, but general makashov, apparently, decided to go to the end, he. Ordered smashing the main entrance3 with a heavy truck , there was a grinding sound of metal, broken glass and excited screams, the step to the bloody end had already been taken, how did it happen, valentin, that your truck became the first assault vehicle . Which broke through the window of this building, you were sitting in the booth . No, i was no longer sitting in the cockpit, we were next to each other, but the soldier was simply given an order, it was no longer i who ordered, it was ordered. those close to makashov, because he was already in direct command, well, lets speak frankly storm, after the first truck gets stuck under the concrete canopy of the main entrance, the second drives into the stained glass windows nearby. A strong explosion is heard inside the building, at this moment special forces soldier vitsya nikolai sitnik is mortally wounded. In response, the special forces open heavy fire. After that. When the grenade launcher fired and the defenders were killed, i gave in, it means that when they opened fire, they fired single shots at the armed man, single shots, as they say, there was no smell here, the real thing began at the Television Center light show, bullets seemed to be pouring from the sky like iron rain, one of the bullets hit my heel, and i flew out of the shelling zone like a fish , fell with the camera on the asphalt, broke it, so i took another one and started filming, at that time, on the First Channel, the country watching the volgograd rotor Spartak Moscow football match. Attacking spartak broke the rules. Suddenly the picture disappears, and a confused announcer, lev viktorov, appears on the screen. Dear viewers, due to the armed siege of the ostankina television company, we are forced to interrupt the broadcast. After speakers tuning table, but it soon disappears, in the purity of the first button there is a black void. Bragin, as he claims, agreed in advance with the minister of communications bolgak and the head of Russian Television poptsov that when the situation became critical, they would switch the channels, that is, the purity of the first would be followed by the second. Bragin believed that this is exactly the situation that arose after the information director called him. Thats it, switch, because the building is on fire, i can already hear that the militants are already inside the building, i called immediately minister of communications bulgaku said vladimir, the situation has come to a point where we need to start implementing this preliminary agreement. if the weather is good, from here, from the Observation Deck of the tv tower, the news is very clearly visible. Ostankina, here below is the hardwarestudio complex 3, which was stormed by the rebels, when they realized that it would not be possible to take the building, they set fire to its left corner with molotov cocktails, here he is looking at you now, and this is not by chance, because it is there there were transformer substations. A fire started, ask3 lost power almost instantly; according to one version, the automation switched off the tv signal, and it was after this that all televisions in the country went dark. Air conditioning vents were located next to the burning electrical substation. Hot air and smoke were sucked into the building, they said that the automation had triggered, the signal stopped coming from the Television Center, but everything turned out to be. More simply, bragin gave the command here to the Central Control room, from where the television signal goes to the tower, and then throughout the country they simply pressed the right button, the already tense situation in things got even more tense in russia; many regions could only receive the First Channel at that time. There was no need to rush, there was no need to turn off the air, but no one reached the Central Control room, so it was necessary to hold on until the end, apparently panic set in, you can always leave the air quickly. Bragin was then accused of escalating the situation, of alarmism. Poptsov joined this chorus that bragin seemed to be cowardly, fainthearted, turned off the air, all the heroism, the information feat that television accomplished for the vgtrk account, and poptsov personally. I think here in given the fact that he could not get an answer from anyone, why did they set fire to the Television Center , a national property, as he said . They refused to air, they dont want to enter into negotiations with us, we wont get air, what meaning could ostankins occupation have for us, only one, let there be no air for us, but let there be no air for the opposite one, dont believe anyone who says you dont want , a black gaping hole in the air for almost 40 minutes, 40 minutes of blank screen, all this time the residents of the country remained in what is happening in moscow, an armed coup, is yeltsin alive, where khazbulat . Now, years later , its easy to argue what should have been done then , to condemn Television Executives for unprepared decisions. Vyacheslav bragin was appointed switchman. He was removed from the leadership of the television and Radio Company. What would have happened if, during a live broadcast , armed people had burst into the studio from the audience. It would be an even greater shock than seeing the black screens of our own televisions. It is clear that this would lead to largescale bloody clashes not only in moscow, but throughout russia, which has already looked into the abyss civil war. After 40 minutes of painful pause, the intro for the program appeared on the frequencies of the First Channel. Colleagues went on air from the backup studio on shabolovka. Scared everyone even more. The attackers , using armored personnel carriers, grenade launchers, and machine guns, captured the ask3 building itself. Did the current government have any backup options for going on air . Where could one look in conditions, for example, there was some kind of atomic threat or a big war, so to speak, these opportunities also existed. This had to be launched and took a lot of time. This inconspicuous. One of the buildings of the sofrina Recreation Center near moscow, where state television and radio employees once liked to relax. Under this old building we discovered a secret mothballed radio center. To this day , even boarding house staff are prohibited from entering here. Look how the doors close hermetically, like in a submarine, in theory. Must withstand an atomic explosion , there is no cheese here, but it is quite comfortable, you can even walk around in a suit, we found our own Artesian Well and an autonomous diesel installation here, in principle, there is everything for to work properly. Oh, interesting, there is light, for sure, there is, amazing, this is a central underground radio control room, the equipment is old, but apparently , if you try, you can even put it on the air right now, we havent found a Television Studio here underground, but you can go out from here live, both independently and through the vastankin television and radio center. But only on the radio, no one was ready for this in the fall of ninetythree. Now, lets go back to the beginning of vastankins fight. Almost the main question in the history of the storming of the Television Center, who fired first, what kind of explosion occurred inside the building from which Nikolai Sitnikov died, it was this explosion that became the signal to open fire. Look, because ours will be retreating here. There was a roar from this wall and the fighter, standing right in this very place, literally collapsed to the floor, the thing is that i immediately fell on my knees, my pants were wet, but nevertheless i crawled up to him, touched his pulse, he did not move, i must say that there was no one else nearby at that time, he and i, quiet, such a calm guy who always walked like that, one might say, unnoticeably, you know, did what had to be done, thats it, he himself. siberian at that moment he had about 2 weeks left before dember i dont remember exactly, but somewhere the opinion of eyewitnesses differs, even among the defenders, it was a shot from a grenade, only the grenade was a training blank, that is, everything itself was a grenade and the shot was a grenade, the grenade was a training one, training grenades were painted black and combat grenades were painted green it was specifically, a cumulative combat shot there. The Interdepartmental Commission of the Prosecutor Generals Office came to a completely different conclusion there was no shot from a grenade inside the Television Center. It was behind this balustrade that sitnikov occupied a fighting position. This is confirmed by all participants in the battle. If an rpgal grenade had hit that wall behind him, it would have completely destroyed it. And here. Only traces of shrapnel, i saw this myself the next day, it was some kind of special equipment, and if you consider that the knights arrived, they had just arrived from the northern caucasus, where they are, in general, participated at that time there, all these troubles had already begun, what could have been in their armored personnel carriers, but only they know this, however , a fragment was found in the body of the deceased, which was transferred to the Prosecutors Office, we gave the remains of this shot to the Prosecutors Office, i including giving the fragment that killed sitnikov, he was killed with traces of blood, but no conclusion followed, there was some kind of vague answer. What plans does bill gates have for ukraine, russia and, dare i say, all of humanity . Of course, mosquitoes transmit maleria, i brought some here, so that you can feel it for yourself. There are entire factories there for the production of these mosquitoes, these are all elements of biological warfare. Biological laboratories in ukraine were used by america to collect russian dna. Artificial intelligence can be used to design new diseases. They created a system that observes globally. For the whole world, he visited epsteins island 16 times, they supplied underage boys with girls there, bill gates tells stories that he is so independent, his father is already with soros, with buffett, it is obvious that he was chosen in advance and he himself understood his role very well, these are killer freaks who want to destroy the population at any cost for their own good, even hitler did not have such plans, beat the savior of the world gates, god forbid us, dolls. Tomorrow on the first and always on 1tv. Ru. House click is the number one Real Estate Service in terms of the number of advertisements for apartments for sale. Free sofcombank debit card. 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Ru website, find out your Credit Rating for free on the sravni. Ru website. I ordered a package of kefir, looked around, hop, apartment, place your orders. On a scooter, take part in a raffle for an apartment , in order to answer the question of why the special forces soldier sitnikov died, and why such a bloody mess ensued near the walls ostankina, we arrived at the shooting range of the kantimirovskaya tank division, moscow region, here at the firing line they are preparing an rpg7 grenade launcher for battle, exactly the same one from which they allegedly fired a shot at the walls of ostankina, he is in command. Lieutenant, commander roto, Sergei Sergeevich nikolaev, hello, hello, where are we going to shoot . Lets shoot at a tank, what can an rpg7 do . Rp7 is a very formidable weapon, it penetrates a meter of concrete wall, one and a half meters of brickwork, in the wall near which sitnikov was killed, a deep burn or hole from there was no cumulative grenade, which is very important. The slab that suffered the most was replaced, you see, its even a different color, but this one. They didnt change it, only the chip was covered up, the video footage does not show the cumulative jet from a grenade shot, a grenade hitting a tank, fire, wow , and if you stand behind, that is, if it costs only one person in the crowd to fire such a shot , then how many people can get hurt if he shoots in the crowd, then. One person will burn, how many will stand there behind, everyone, probably, it seems to me, will get ojobi. Version, that training grenades were fired from the rp7 does not stand up to criticism at all. There is no combat charge inside the training blank. The shooting is carried out with a 7. 62 caliber terracing bullet, and the hole in the wall does not at all look like a field hole. But rpg7 is not the only grenade that could be fired that day. I have a grenade in my hands. From an under barrel grenade launcher, underbarrel because it is attached under the barrel of a machine gun, what is the range of this grenade, the firing range is 400 m, shooting from a crowd with this grenade launcher is safe, in my opinion in your hands are photographs from the scene of the tragedy, Sergei Sergeevich, here are the slabs from which crumbs or fragments flew off, which in turn hit the city fighter. Why did he die . Can rp7 produce such destruction . But this is definitely not an rp7, if they had fired at the wall with an rpg, they would have turned it much stronger and the fragments would have blown everything apart, this is just from an underbarrel grenade, which is possible when they fired from an underbarrel grenade. This is what a grenade fired from a handheld antitank grenade does to a tank, simple. Which you simply chipped under the barrel the gp25 grenade is a very convenient weapon for attack and for provocations too, but the thing is that those who attacked the building of Television Centers did not have underbarrel grenades, and the commander of the knights, sergei lusyuk , claims that his fighters. They could not even fire an accidental shot from an underbarrel grenade. We had one rpg7 grenade. And there were underbarrel grenades, which were standard, but there was no ammunition for underbarrel grenade launchers. I stood with the camera pointed at the entrance, there was an explosion inside, i pressed the button, there are photographs of fragments flying from inside, but the explosion was insignificant. I think its the most intense time. It could well have ended up in his pouch, but the rebels could have had exactly the same grenade lying around in their pockets because they didnt have grenade launchers, and who saw it . Investigators from the Prosecutors Office began working on vastankin the next day, when the trace of the militants had long gone cold, now they are going to conduct a reexamination of the broken marble slab in order to dot all the points on it, but it is unlikely that it will give an answer to the question of who shot first . None interested, but how would events have developed if the first shot had not been fired at all . Now, if they just went and started pushing us out, without shooting, without shooting, well , maybe they wouldnt have started shooting, because you can imagine, just take it and you cant imagine what its like to take a machine gun and just shoot into the crowd, if they hadnt shot, they would have crushed us, we would have done nothing, thats it, we wouldnt have used weapons , quietly, quietly, dont twitch, im the only one for you, there is still talk that peaceful people have come to the Television Center, they have there were no weapons, so during the assault, 18 special forces soldiers and Police Officers received various injuries, i will show you the intensity of the fire that was fired at us, the traces of the bullets are, and you see, here, but here everything is completely corrupted, so i say, after visiting civilians, such traces would not remain, the militants drive the watering machine. They hide behind it and try to break into the building again. This is where a ghost armored personnel carrier appears with a red flag. The rebels greet him with enthusiasm. Help has arrived. The armored personnel carrier began to jump over flower beds, although there were wounded lying there nearby, and began to shoot at the burning second floor. Then for some reason he turned the tower towards the people and gave it to the weirs. There was a line in my direction, a guy fell next to me with a wound in the groin, i decided it was time to leave, where did this armored personnel carrier come from, why did he shoot at ours . Well, most likely, his crew took the side of the defenders of the white house, well , there was no communication then, no coordination either, when vastankinas soldiers arrived here, they didnt get their bearings and immediately opened a line on the windows of the television and radio complex. Well, and then they we saw the armored personnel carriers of the knights, the corpses were bleeding. They probably remembered the oath, got scared and fired a line at the crowd. Having learned that the assault on the Television Center had failed, retired aviation general rudskoy, in a panic, began to cry out for help to the military pilots. If the pilots can hear me, raise their combat vehicles, more than 300 people were shot. Fantasy of a downed pilot, after an unsuccessful attempt to break into the Television Center, some of the militants retreated to a nearby film equipment factory, someone, following mokashov, went to the white house, among them was valentin novikov, his battered a truck with a monarchist flag was stopped at the garden ring. Five or six kicks to the head, thats all, then i ended up in the hospital , two machine gunners guarded me, chained me up like some dangerous criminal and. And here, i already realized that this is my war, this is it, thats it, it was finished, in the burning, smokefilled building of ask3, plunged into darkness, the employees of the Television Center continued to be located, among whom there were many women, typists, sound engineers, editors, the speakerphone through which it was possible tell people about what is happening, name the evacuation routes, our then general director ita, borya nepomnyashchiy, runs into the control room, stop working , lets get out of here, im the one getting out of here, i have time for the material for the program, it needs to be finished, i have something left nothing, what program is the time, weve been off the air for several hours, lets get out of here, about 40 people, Television Center employees, had accumulated in the corridor of the first floor, they decided to get out of the building through the side door, but it was jammed, yes, everyone ran to exiting the courtyard, about somewhere here, a voice was heard from here, stop, we will shoot and the clicking of shutters , we stopped, guys, we are our own, tv people, our ostankino people, come on in, light, come out here quickly, maybe someone. Well, before they were accompanied and evacuated, but we went on our own, rescuing drowning people was the work of the drowning people themselves. People rushed to the ostankino platform, because all the roads to the Television Center were blocked, the only way out of this hell was by train. And here we are, everyone who came out of this burning ostankino building, burst into these train cars, to the great surprise of the people traveling on sunday evening from their dachas, who did not understand what was going on in moscow, where all this came from, people were scratched, undressed, that evening our colleague, video engineer sergei krosilnikov, died. When the shooting started, he looked out into the dark corridor from his control room. Kraselnikov, a video engineer at a Television Center, died next to this room. The bullet was a stray one, fired from the street, but it ricocheted, and it was impossible to shoot from the street. To get to krosilnikovo, it was necessary to have a trunk with at least two trim bends. The bullet, as the investigation established, was from a makarov pistol, which. We were not allowed to shoot the weapons of the internal troops, we were not allowed to shoot the weapons of the police, if suddenly you captured the Television Center, how did you imagine the further development of events, that you would enter the studio everyone will serve you and you will broadcast to the whole country, but this would never happen, i know this, because i am inside. Defend the Supreme Council, or the third in the evening we were supposed to go home, i think this is a huge tactical strategic mistake, that we turned from defenders of the white house into an incomprehensible one, we werent going to shoot anyone, we werent going to shoot, but all the sidewalks near the Television Center were covered in blood, 124 wounded, terrible price, crazy adventure. After the assault on ostankino, we had to broadcast live news not from the usual studio, which was out of action, but from this onair control room. I was sitting on a chair like the one that was erected on an improvised podium , so that the assistants could, unnoticed by the onair camera in polish, get to the tape recorder and insert a cassette, everyones adrenaline was pumping over the edge, in general, in a war, as in a war. Now the omo unit on the inner tail is combing the area in the area of ​​the fifth year and the barricade metro station. Several groups were detained, seven people, mostly young people, they were dressed in tracksuits, all of them were loaded onto buses and sent in an unknown direction. When everything seems to be things got better, i will now call the kremlin, while he was calling the kremlin, he called me again, viktor ivanovich, we were all swept out of the hardware room. How they swept him out, and so they cleaned everything up, thats it, i see there is no broadcast, but the Army Discipline on television, which developed back in soviet times, played a role, the employees got used to following the instructions only of their bosses, no one went home, bragin did not do this to anyone in the kremlin and didnt get through, but the general, the general disappeared just as mysteriously as he appeared, early in the morning of october 4, here, two dozen meters from buildings. Of the center they found a corpse, a member of the officers union, in his pocket was a paid receipt for his own coffin, apparently he was preparing for death in advance, today i know for sure that the last cartridge was left for himself by the commander of the knights detachment lysyuk, who fled from this field the battle, general makashov, well, albert mikhailovich did not do this, but who shot himself, who is who in this in these events for. No one, the bloody storm of ostankina became the signal for Decisive Action by president yeltsin the next day. First, the white house, where the masterminds settled armed khazbullato frutsskaya and their supporters fired directly from tanks, and then special forces entered it almost without a fight. These are real statists. Here, at a higher cost , it was necessary with them. To cope and the tanks had to be purely for show, guy, shoot them on the spot, guys, shoot, dont be sorry , theres enough cartridges for everyone, i dont justify absolutely the victims, the blood of this very one, but the initiators of this confrontation were khazbullatov, this whole gang is rutska, who called themselves russian patriots, thats how on emotions it was expressed by me, i do not refuse this, that we need to go to ostanki and get the right to speak in the media and tell people what is happening in moscow, i said this. Immediately after the mutiny , rumors spread across moscow about 500 killed and thousands wounded , and that the corpses were being taken out by barges and drowned. The Investigative Team established that during the riots on october 34, 123 people were killed and 348 were injured. Among them there were none of those who called for taking up arms. As for the main sweeping disturbances khazbulatov, rudsky, general makashov, then they were arrested and placed in the liforto detention center, six months after the october events, they were released, the state duma declared an amnesty, i consider the amnesty as the most shameful page in the work of the state duma. The Russian Federation did not allow us to investigate the case objectively, comprehensively, and bring to justice all those responsible. But the initiates of amnesty have a different point of view, and the longer they kept the defenders in quotation marks of the white house, the more if they became undeservedly persecuted, the more they would become National Heroes in the russian mentality. Yeltsin found out about the amnesty right away and ordered the head of his Security Service , korzhakov, to intervene in the process. I call the head of the prison and say, the president s order is not to release them yet, he says, and i say i have already ordered their release. I am ordering you, the president is speaking, not an order, the general is ordering me. The Prosecutors Office was not allowed to complete the investigation. And today. Participants in those events or store silence, or distort the truth, continuing to accuse each other of large and small crimes. As often happens in history, all the cleansers of the bloody massacre remained alive and well, and none of them admits today that the assault on ostankino in october ninetythree was a senseless adventure, and the human sacrifices were in vain. Hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. The number of dead and wounded is growing. Many isoriten were captured and a new exchange of blows took place from the territory of

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