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Was waved here for achievement, while all other parts of the city, the outskirts of the city, other regional cities, including the left bank area, they were still in some kind of stone age, you know, if you just google mariupol news there 2021 of the twentieth, nineteenth year and watch the stories of local tv channels, here is factual proof when people against the backdrop of gray destroyed houses give some. That interview, but it seemed normal to us then, now we, in a short time. Realized that they were just hanging noodles on our ears, yes, thats why both kazastal and the whole city are being transformed, we are happy about these transformations, to all such fakes , certainly, we just dont pay attention, thank you very much, as always, with such good positive news about mariupol we end this program, but if you come across messages that make you doubtful, send them to us, we will sort it out on the air together with experts from all over all the best to you, introduce the first channel. Singing bowls, how to bang to lower Blood Pressure, what if we fried radishes . If you use it for health, lets take a man. A pregnancy test, what to do . Program live great, enlightens and helps. Well, dear friends, in recent years there has been some kind of craze for predictions, everyone is reading horoscopes, some predictors from all over the world have rushed to russia to predict our fate. Here we have it. These constellations of the zodiac are floating above my head, how we doctors treat the horoscope, well, with humor , because when you read the horoscope in a bright, sane mind, you cannot help but read it with humor, today is our month, october, this is chinese horoscope is libra, and i will now show you the horoscope for libra for this year. So, libras. Dont need to look for new opportunities for selfrealization, they already have everything, but some libras need to look for selfrealization, because not everything is in order with them, you dont need a new job, everything is fine with the old one, but if they offer a new job, you can agree, your financial situation is excellent, dont worry, but everything may collapse, well, what can you believe, for all occasions, it may be good, you see good things, we traditionally invite every month the birthday people of this month and today we have a wonderful actor igor merkurbanov. Igor, please come to us, well, in general, good afternoon, once again , a brutal handsome man, born in october, well , thats what you think about as an october guy. Listen, you just scared me with everything that was said, but in reality you see how everything ellen is woven with contradictions, like this, like this, just continuous antinomies, and i admit, as for these chinese horoscopes, i treat it with respect, with a bit of irony, but nevertheless, i i was in japan for 2 years, and they were both chinese and japanese, thats all, as for the horoscope by year, they attach enormous importance to this, people who were born there in the wrong year, they hide it so that women there can get married successfully. And so on, so on, tell me, what do you mean . We did 2 years in japan, there is a wonderful theater tada, suzuki, in the mountains in that, he has his own company there, and we did theater, shakespeare, and training with suzuki, its amazing, yes, he is a famous theater director, a leader in general, its amazing , go crazy, i was in japan too, japan made a terrible impression on me with its incredible traditions for a russian person. Perhaps these survived, as it were, in the traditions of male brotherhood, they had this very Strong Military line, before after the great patriotic war they were forbidden to have their own army, but now i think they will restore all this, this male life , male relationships are one song with harakiri and others there, other things, this is one song, womens life there is very difficult, very difficult, seriously, very, because a woman is very much for a man there need not. Thats all, goodbye, you know, its real there, its a difficult country for a woman, but for a man, he s just like that, a japanese warrior, yes, yes, as for traditions, yes, im also with great, he paid attention to this, his artists , damn it, stand on stage, and i could teach you this in 20 seconds, you would remember it for the rest of your life, its impossible to see from him, from anyone. Its impossible to take your eyes off, even if he doesnt open his mouth for an hour and doesnt utter a single monologue or a single word. This amazing feeling of balance in general, if you stood up now and i surprised you with this, please stand up, stand on your right leg, not necessarily your left, while lifting it off, but stand on your right leg, feeling like the floor, now. Add the left one and do such a calculation, here we leave 70 of our own body, and here 30, press the toe half, you do the same, yes, press it into the floor so that with your fingers you can directly feel as if you were digging into it, through the sole, through the shoes, a little loosen it a little, but hold the earth, grow it into it, and now feel how top half. The body lives, how it is freed and how you can, if you keep everything there, the upper half of you lives completely freely, your hands do not tremble, you can make any gesture, you have a concentration on articulation here and as soon as you, if you public speaking or Something Like that and you need this, what they call charisma, you cant take your eyes off the actor, this means he stands correctly according to japanese tradition, this is not. You know, yes, and ill go, it will be like this , what they do in their trainings, and this, by the way, even the pose, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and you are all in this message igor, it was brilliant, it is such, such power , they are young before, you know, well, the japanese in general are, as it were, beyond age in our understanding, but when you find out, what. His actor is 75, 78, and the maximum you gave him is, well, maybe close to fifty or something, that is, this is how they look, these are mangaloids, they have a different immunity, they long life is totally higher than that of other races, that is, the mongoloids have an average of 82. 5 years; they simply have a different immunity, they the immune system eats microbes and eats cancer cells, so they live a long time, second, and for us, caucasians have a Life Expectancy of approximately 76 years, and negroids have 72 years, that is, they live higher than everyone else, this is a completely different, different genetic people, what to do , live your life, life healthy, taking the best from everyone, look, and we have had such a revolution in medicine, we have the opportunity to analyze giant databases, the lives of more than a million people, almost two. Million people, have been analyzed, and this is a few observational experiences decades, and from this experience the months of birth with the life prognosis are isolated, so now here is the medical prognosis for all those born in october men, whats good . Men suffer less from bronchitis, october babies are strong and light, arrhythmia develops less often and diseases of the thyroid gland develop less, that is , heart rhythms are better, stable in october newborns, and the thyroid gland is the main battery of our body, it works. Its important and nice to hear, because im a psychoostenist, im talking about the bad, if it exists, im sure, if its bad, dont tell me, i ask, moreover, len, my daughter was born on the same day as me, well, in terms of the date, so i was happy to hear that she too, as it were, well talk about women here, wait, dont say bad, why watch, no, this is not bad, why watch what organs to watch, there are some, they need to be watched, it doesnt mean that it will be bad, its just a stop sign, its red, and now you will see a red color, you need to monitor the intestines, the prostate gland, how to monitor it, there are tests today the simplest ones that can be done at home, this is a rapid test for a dog prostatespecific antigen, a cancer marker , the treatment is excellent, but you have to come early, all this can be easily bought and done, so naturally, you need to monitor your heart, because the risk of heart disease, coronary heart disease, it is higher, look, this heart, in principle , these are blood vessels called coronary vessels, a person who does not take care of his health, but smokes, does not take cholesterol pills, develops such a plaque , a trompe is formed there and maybe you need to keep an eye on this too, this is a test for cholesterol, sugar and Blood Pressure, watch it, be sure, well done, well done, and by the way, igor has such a samurai look, by the way, i thought, what s wrong with him, he really has this samurai calmness, he is different from male actors, and a completely, completely different ambassador, now i understand, stands on the right leg, now women are talking about their daughter, what s good about girls, say, born in october . We will say this, a very important fact, everything is fine with the bronchopulmonary system, indeed, the risks of asthma are lower, everything is great, the risks associated with hypertension with thromboembolic complications, that is, thromboembolic disease, are lower, so this is an excellent situation , this is generally wonderful, it means she will carry the pregnancy well, everything will be fine, but in the long term and not now, of course, why watch, thats why we need to watch , an ophthalmologist professor will help us tell you, because cataracts happen in older people, well, a little more often in women born in october, if were talking about catarct, of course, is a disease that is still inherent in older people, the fact is, everyone, the fact is that in our eye there is a lens, such a main lens that is responsible for. Getting into the eye, the retina is refracted, light passes through this lens, if the lens becomes cloudy, the lens then accordingly develops a cataract and the person sees very poorly, but fortunately this problem is solved very well today, our task is to remove this lens and put another transparent one, which is implanted on the same place and performs. Completely the function of the old cloudy lens of vision, this is a forecast for the daughters age of 60 plus, but her generation will live to 100, so for her generation, this is fundamental, ours will most likely reach 90, we will make it, but theirs will already reach 100 to live more actively than us at this age, so this is a warning to monitor your vision, this is our medical, not astrological, but still a forecast that we love very much, because when 2 million were examined over decades, this could not have been imagined before the advent of super powerful computers, well, from the samurai mirkurbanov, a final wish for us, and lena, i love being with you so much, i am now, but i havent been for a while, and i must say, you are developing so rapidly, i you know, i i watched and watched this short. Performances, then this, there is some new television format, listen, well, its true, this is not even a television program, these are performances, how pleased we are, lets clap, we say i would i called it what, like theater, living is great, you know, Television Theater is living great, look how you do all this wonderfully, you see, you have your own dramaturgy, your own narrative, your own, you need to go in this direction, it seems to me that you are developing, and i am very happy about this, thank you very much. This is our forecast for october, lets take a short break and then continue, should we fry the radishes, once again, well pick up the eggs, imagine, and the omelette is ready, just a second, were preparing an unusual omelette in 5 minutes, onka with a marker, heres the situation, man peed, and he also has two lines. Its not pregnancy anymore, and its not even funny, because what is this tumor marker, is a man at risk of testicular cancer, what test will help you find out . The magic of sound. Germanshevich, are you sleeping or are you awake . I calm down, relax. But seriously, pleasant or unpleasant . When the frequencies are low, it is generally pleasant, but this sound is unpleasant. What are singing bowls . How to knock on them and whether they will be of any use. Lets play wedding. Our premiere is from october 8 to sunday on the first. We have different noses, and we tolerate a runny nose differently. Not breathing. Different for different requests renostop. Rinostop helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price. Rinostop double help, promotes gentle restoration of the mucous membrane, for everyone there is a different renostop. I think its pain, spasm, pain, spasm, whats the difference, double action spasmal fights pain, relieves spasm. 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So today we have fried radishes with a french omelette, what. Makes a french omelette, its actually space, well treat igor merkurbanov , im now excited, this is a samurai, this is a samurai, hes now, stand on your right leg at 70 , he said, well done, so, what kind of dish, what is included in the composition, the omelette includes an egg , butter, a little olive oil, nothing else, then radish, parsley, salt, everything is clear, lets start, Mikhail Egorovich, you are closed, a little bit , just a little bit, Mikhail Egorovich cooks like a god, but anya in general, so, anna rey, a famous cook, she doesnt just cook, but comes up with interesting recipes, for 16 years now , anna shares her love for cooking with the whole world, has anyone tried to fry radishes, but no, one person, there is someone, raise hand, tell me honestly, one person fried radishes, oh, how interesting , so, we named the components, mikhail egoryevich, which one will you tell about, for this omelet, the omelet consists of radishes, eggs and greens, good, i can say about the greens , about parsley, in particular, because it contains 100 g 20 ​​of the daily requirement of vitamin c, and vitamin c affects the e of blood vessels, accordingly , the more elastic this wall is, the vessels are of better quality and they are not subject to atherosclerosis, they nourish our retina, if we are talking about the organ of vision, then the vessels of the eye are grateful parsley for vitamin c. By the way, here s a fresh, almost daily norm, and if by the way its. The second is an omelette, anya cooks an omelette in a very interesting way, this is how she pours it, and then she will do it like this, look, her omelette is cooked 10 times faster than any other person, look, once, once, once weve collected all the eggs, imagine, and the omelette is ready, its seconds, its seconds. So wait, thats it, the omelette is ready in seconds , people, does anyone know how to do this, well, the second component is eggs, yes we say , wait, lets admire the cook, men cant figure out how many seconds it was, well, 30 seconds, who one of us is doing this, shocked, Andrei Petrovich, highlight the outstanding role of eggs in human life, this is a wonderful product, because in itself an egg is the embryo of life, everything is there, all the proteins are there, all the necessary Building Elements for life, but there is such a squirrel there, called haline, we need choline in order to form in our body the ability for nerve cells to transmit impulses , if we forgot something, where we put the keys, its just a normal signal, they go between cells, if we cant remember something, this is most often also insufficient connections between nerve cells, so we need choline in order for there to be a connection continuous and so as not there was this short circuit, so that we remember and so that our reflexes work well, not a Single Person told us about regis, it contains glucozenlates, substances that are antioxidants that help our liver neutralize poisons, look, this is the liver. Together with the help of radishes, they neutralize all harmful substances that enter our body, radishes are a unique product, this radish of ours, slightly bitter, is an absolutely unique product, because it participates in the neutralization of toxic products in liver, components of this red radish of ours, recipe from anna reip, lets immediately fry a french omelette, since the french customarily fry radishes. It needs to be cut into four parts in good butter, fry for literally 23 minutes with the addition of salt, put on a plate, break the eggs, no need to beat them, just mix, prepare the french omelette in butter too, in a circular motion, assemble the omelette, burn burn, look how beautiful it turned out, well, the ceremonial removal of the dish to the center of the composition, igor, thats it better, samurai, annechka, treat me, bon appetit, anna, thank you very much, try, try, try, and we all try too, mikhail igorovich, pass out the forks, everything is straight hot, no salt, agar hot, fried, radishes, wonderful , wait a minute, the dish was made in 5 minutes, how quickly should it be, luxurious, no words, what an extraordinary cut, ive never eaten anything like this. And the radish is so extraordinary, by the way, it has lost its bitterness, yes, yeah, thats it crunches just the same, well, so very, it becomes if its more juicy, you noticed how more juiciness will appear, great, i ll remember this recipe and will research it with your advice, anh, firstly, the Heat Treatment is very short, that is. Doesnt even speak, the radishes havent stopped being crispy raw, i agree, what a woman, talent, really amazing vegetables, because we never knew anything about what we cook with ani, really, its wonderful, always learning new things, great, thats all ill pass, everyone will continue to eat without me, and i have to collect without me you, and we will talk about medicine. So, dear friends, we are starting a conversation about medicine, right now a blood test is being taken, this is a test for tumor markers, a tumor marker is a substance that indicates that you may have cancer, we, of course, are in favor of taking a blood test, because in general, every person can take a panel of markers, just when you. He can tell me, take a panel of tumor markers, for example, for a man, if you are a man, or for a woman, i do this once a year. And blood is more Accurate Research in terms of the quality of research. The name of the Cancer Killer is now written here, beta hgg. And now imagine, you may not know this tumor marker, but thats it. They determine pregnancy by peeing on a pregnancy test, like this one, and just like this, show me, for example, this one, they have two stripes, that means this hormone is rising, this is a hormone that says that there is pregnancy, like this situation, a man peed, and he also has two lines, this is no longer pregnancy, its not even funny, because this is a marker of tumors, testicular tumors, more often. In total, siminomas are a malignant form of testicular cancer. Unfortunately, a positive pregnancy test, and the marker is beta hgg, it is this that is determined here; if it is positive in a man, this indicates that the man may have testicular cancer, so in the case of men, taking blood, there is an absolute dependence on the hcg level, the likelihood of cancer, malignant neoplasm. Now Andrei Petrovich and i will take two steps from our amazing medical site, lets say this that for all the spectators in our studio we did a blood test for beta hcg, as beta stands for, it is chorionic ganadatropin, it has a person, it has human ganadatropin, a person, it has two components, there are socalled alpha and beta, beta is unique, unique to fact. Thats why it is defined as such a significant marker. On the screen is the norm of behcg in a man and a woman. If your analysis is above the norm, please press the red screen, if below the norm, green, now what to do if your analysis is above the norm, we we invite our guest to us, please come to us, and we go, here , Andrey Petrovich, to this model, come here, please, so, your beta hcg is higher than normal, yes, yes, we did a blood test for you, i repeat again, you can do this by purchasing a pregnancy test. Peeing on him, if you are a positive man, you need to take care. So, the first suspicion of testicular cancer, this is the penis, this is the testicle, cancer, unfortunately, the disease is serious, but what is the position, here the position is as follows, that with Early Detection of this tumor, the cure rate is above 95 . This is such a tumor that is now very. It can be treated well if you find it in time, how to treat the situation if the tumor marker is higher than normal, could it not be cancer, of course, maybe, tumor markers do not always say that it is cancer, but if your tumor marker is higher than normal, you should assume its cancer until proven otherwise, so what tests do you think you need to do immediately . First of all, you need to donate blood, they have already donated, benkhch was found, and contact a urologist, thats right, yes, well, i think he will already explain what to do next, Andrei Petrovich, the procedure for the examination, a blood test is done, an ultrasound examination of the scrotum is done, in order to see if there is a tumor there, and an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs is done, ultrasound. An ultrasound, a primitive examination, an ultrasound of the scrotum will see the testicles, they will immediately tell you whether there is cancer or not , an ultrasound of all other organs in the pelvis in the abdominal cavity, of course, primitive simple examinations, they need to be done, this is a fundamental question, how often do you are you examined and how old are you, im 37 years old, i get examined once a year, i try, yes, yes, what a great guy, and which ones do you take . Mandatory blood tests, blood test and urine test, for what . A general blood test and a general urine test, of course, well, since you are already moving towards 40 years old, you need to definitely add a test called a biochemical blood test, its clear, clear, and be sure to say, cancer markers, a male panel, everything will be there. There will be a dog this is prostatespecific antigen Everything Else it will also be necessary, okay . Werent you scared . No, i think that everything will be fine, it will work out naturally, everything, for sure , and i just want to emphasize that today there are cancers that we have stopped being afraid of, this is Breast Cancer in women, in men, in men it is prostate cancer, this testicular cancer detected in time. At the same time, we must remember that testicular cancer quite often occurs in young people, specifically men, these are cancers of young men , just up to 40 years old, so they need to be checked, of course, this is already an appeal to men, of course, we always talk about what life men should include a selfexamination of the testicles once a month, just feel them, they should be smooth, even, ovalshaped. Formation, if so , thank god, painless, if you feel something, get examined when we introduced monthly examination of the mammary gland, in a woman the mammary gland is an organ that a woman can feel, in a man it is the testicles, then in 10 years, imagine, even in 20, and 20 years ago in russia, 90 of women were detected at the third or fourth stage. Cancer breasts, that is, with terminal stages, and now 98 are from the first stage of cancer, women have simply learned to feel, with men everyone is confused, how can we show them now, now there are testicles on the screen, let us teach them, but what about everyone, but it seems to me that life is more valuable, really, so this must be done, thank you very much, we are at your disposal to help with everything, urologist, thank you, please sit down, and we, friends, will take a short break and then continue. The magic of sound. Germanshech, are you sleeping or are you awake . I i calm down, relax, seriously, its nice. Or is it unpleasant when the frequencies are low , in general its pleasant, this sound is unpleasant, what are singing bowls, how to knock on them and will there be any benefit from them . Season premiere binge the star, from october 8 to sunday on the first. At bigfest , a cheeseburger for 39 rubles and other offers at a very competitive price. 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Apartment, place orders on a scooter, take part in the apartment draw, how to choose the right osago . Stop, there is nothing special about osaka, its just insurance, value your time, buy a policy, compare it yourself, on compare, osaka at the best price and without overpayments. Give me this chime we have in our studio, this device is called a singing bowl, this is the procedure you are now performing for dr. Gandelman, i will ask you to explain to us, okay, this is. Vibration massage, sound, with the help this practice can be significantly reduce stress, lower Blood Pressure, the brain from beta frequencies to delta, alpha and even theta during long term meditation, and what are these frequencies, well, this is the frequency that is characterized by the restoration of the nervous system, firstly, mikhala egorevich, and you dont hit into your bowl, dont you give herman shayvich a vibration massage, the fact is that since he gets very tired on flights and he flies at night, it seems to me that you can even ring the bell in his ear, he will sleep, hermanshech, are you sleeping or you re awake, im calming down, relaxing, well seriously, pleasant or unpleasant, when the frequencies are low, generally pleasant, this sound is unpleasant, this one, this is yours, this one, give it to him. Is this a beauty, a beauty . Yes, well, so, you can continue to fumigate german shaivich with these sounds, you should Say Something to him at this moment or not, but usually, the practice of meditation with bowls, it takes place, well, lets say, often according to the authors methods, then there are some. These are general regulations, and a general protocol for conducting, lets say, i conduct my own practices, together with yoga nidra. Does he need think about something specific, you dont need to think about something, you just need to observe the flow of your thoughts that come, try not to relate to them in any way, dont get attached, just watch the clouds floating by, oh what an interesting sound, the low frequencies just went like this, well, in general, now we will listen to these. Of course it all looks like shamanism, really, whatever you say , it somehow looks unreliable, there are other procedures, now ill put it on his chest, they ll put it on different places, Andrey Petrovich, chakras, but its clear that all these sounds seemed to us like some kind of nonsense, they completely led us to ridicule and so on, suddenly we decided to see if there was any science at all, whether anyone had studied this or not, it turned out that studied that everything is not so simple, someone became interested in this and studied it, he, in my opinion, is in a state of unconsciousness, and this is very good, this is just a characteristic state of trance, when a person is not sleeping, but at the same time not is awake, im completely in a trance, of course, not quite in a trance yet, trance, let him be in his transcom, lets start the scientific part, so, what did we study, what did we show, Andrey Petrovich, first word to you, before you say , we studied the impact of such a technique on the activity of the cardiovascular system, on the purity of the rhythm, on Blood Pressure, on stress , on the influence of stress on the human body, that is, these parameters were the focus. Attention, and it really turned out to be very interesting, here we have, look, this is a model of a vessel, in the situation that is now happening with german shaich, it turns out that is happening normalization of a decrease in Blood Pressure, the vessels dilate slightly, this makes it possible for Blood Pressure to decrease , this is the first effect that occurs approximately 1520 minutes after this acoustic massage, so relax, you also hear these sounds, of course, one cup , Andrei Petrovich, lets pass it on to the ranks, knocked and passed it to a comrade, knocked and passed it to a comrade, and so on and so on and so on. So, first, they actually showed that Blood Pressure decreases. Studied stress, which was shown by about stress, Andrey Petrovich . That too, stress factors under the influence of the parasympathetic nervous system decreased, and the person calmed down, his breathing normalized, his heartbeat normalized and, in general, stress was controlled. So, the pressure decreases, antistress. Effect on the face, mikhail egorevich, how to explain all this, this is explained by the fact that we have a sympathetic parasympathetic system, in this case, the vagus nerve is activated, this system is responsible for reducing pressure, to a person he calms down, relaxes, the heart rhythm changes, and of course, the stress level decreases sharply, here we see the vagus nerve, and naturally , the parasympathetic system is activated, he began to talk, they again knocked him out, and he fell asleep again, again, he passed out, passed out, you can say so, which means, look, i still propose to raise germano shaich , otherwise he is living too well, yes, thats what i m thinking about, put on a robe, dear german shaich, lets thank our girl, and return natasha her singing bowls , which natasha. Us so nobly brought, natasha, thank you very much, oddly enough, science also said, this is a good thing, no big deal, i checked my pulse, it dropped to 10 beats, i lay down, checked then at the end about, details, please sit down , now i want you to evaluate this procedure as a doctor who became a patient, what did you feel there, you were lying there and passed out, when he starts talking, basically everyone falls asleep, right . Well, basically yes, do they fall asleep . There the man nods, you also experienced this, you relaxed so much that you were ready fall asleep, yes, it has a great effect on the nervous system, calming, straight, right . Its just like the ringing of a bell, right, oh my dear, sit down, i remembered about the ringing of a bell, its really very interesting, there we have everything with this bowl. So, a person relaxes, a person calms down, and we really thought, well, the russians have this manner, its as if no one ever called anything, no, now we are all singing bowls, we worship chinese bowls, really, but we decided for you remind the bell ringing, lets make way, because there will be bells on our huge screen now, what a beautiful. Empty sound, right . These are such amazing sounds, of course, under this bell. Ringing i want to say that our bells have been ringing for a long time, we are somehow ashamed of it, we dont listen, and i live next to two old churches, one of which is the Oldest Church in moscow, sretinka, this is the fourteenth 16th century, and the bells there ring by the hour , and its so nice to be there when you were walking past at that time, so nice, just there are no words, so we really wanted to finish this program with the ringing of our bells. By the way, thanks to the fact that russia cast the largest bells in the world, casting was brought to such a level that our guns also became the best, and in general, to the fact that russia stretched over two continents, we owe precisely to this fact, because we had the famous basilisk cannon, which they rolled in one, it punched through the fortresses with a cannonball, like that right through the city, from the first to the next wall, so the bells ring about different things, about the history of the country, too, but for now, lets just

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