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At the dacha, its time to harvest, the Summer Season is over, which means that the season for twisting the marmalade pickles has opened, we add currant leaves, i dont know why, but i like the taste afterwards, do you hear the eggplant, everyone in europe is so smart, here you go , just yesterday i rolled up this jar. Apple jam, if you can now, dont distract us in their noses, we are in my house, which 3 years ago was just a swamp, in fact, we are young gardeners, i will now show you the harvest, red peppers, yellow peppers, zucchini, in in particular, parsley is useful, it contains a lot of vitamin c, everyone has Medicinal Plants in their garden, i will teach you how to use them, if you want to get a rich harvest of tomatoes, these are tomatoes, very tasty, a favorite phrase of gardeners in the fall, you dont need zucchini, well today we have a favorite topic, the dacha, the harvest, oh, when i imagine how many things i will have to try now, i get scared, tol, you are one of our most experienced farmers, this has been since childhood, are you accustomed to the land . Indeed, my grandmother has had potatoes since she was very young, but you loved it or, the fact is that no one except me could do this, dig up potatoes for my grandmother, although every year i said, bah, well, let s finish this garden, what are you doing, well, look, well, let me bring you a bag of potatoes , you know, since childhood i couldnt understand why you need to dig and plant something, if you can just go to the market, and i ll explain, since theyre grandmothers . Yeah, these are people of that kind, that kind, they cant live without land, these are people, but as the otsakhs say, she, she, well, she just couldnt, she needed this to do, what was the grandmothers name, grandmother ulyana egorovna, and how old is she, here, here she is about 80, 80 years old, at 80 years old, how many 10 acres we had there, these are all 10 acres she is and sex. Hilled, i helped her, this , of course, extended her life, i am sure of this, because everyone who loves the earth, this earth gives them strength, i have observed such people a lot, and i understand what kind of drug it is, everything its time to be there, to be around, to grow something, but as a city child, i always had the feeling that if i planted it today, it should grow tomorrow, how is it, why should i wait like that . Well, basically your grandmother brought all these skills to you, to the earth, yes, grandmother , her fate was such a difficult one, there were nine of them in the family, she was the eldest, she was nine, ninesomething years old, they had it, they were just wealthy peasants and to them, it was the thirties , people came to the house and said, within 24 hours they need to be vacated, because the house will be used as a kindergarten, paradox, and where was it, what is it, what region, it was, it was in. Region, paradox, nine children and a kindergarten, you know, they just scattered, these kids, sisters, her brothers, they never met again in their lives, grandmother , she ended up in the far east, in a quarry, she had all this there at the age of 1213, and then she moved to the urals and got a job in a kindergarten, to work as a cook, so she worked in the kindergarten for 50 years, she fed the whole. All my teachers , so she was treated very well in the village, she was very respected, i felt so its a shame, i went to their kindergarten until the tenth grade. Dinner, why is it a shame, the elk is already healthy, he says, who is this, he says, and these are orphans, he came to her from the back door, which means that while its quiet time, everyone is sleeping, i come in, she says, come on, lets hurry up, the first second, the third imposes, its faster for me, eat faster while no one is there, and thats all i did, since then ive learned to eat quickly, you talk with such love about your grandmother, about her love for the earth, lets see. The story is about what kind of boss you are, well, friends, this is mine a small garden, theres not much here, but theres something, i planted potatoes for the first time this year, yes, ive never done that, but i want to see what the harvest will be like, oh , you see, guys, theres some, theres a little bit potatoes, heres a small one, really, yes. Grown up, thats it, i can brag about the cucumber i got, just one cucumber , just one, but what, where is it, who, here it is, this is the cucumber i got, but i ll take care of it like an antiaircraft gun, to unfortunately, i cant boast about my tomato harvest; all my tomatoes turned black this year, so what are they, i planted them in the ground, but unfortunately, there was a lot of rain in june, do you hear , eggplants, everyone in ethiopia is so smart, im russian, my favorite movie, just dont drive it, well, friends, i can brag this apple tree of yours . And now this is me taking an apple and here it is, i got it. Well, help yourself, he turned out to be seasoned, he was hiding for almost six months, here you go, just yesterday i rolled up this jar of apple jam and , of course, i made these compotes, there are not many of them, this year there were five jars, but its enough to drink with pleasure after the bathhouse, well, now youve climbed the tree well, you know . As a child, they always brought me to the village, so that a city child would have a little idea of ​​what chickens, bulls, cows, and so on are, and uh, there was an alley of some of my relatives leading to the house, these were fig trees, planted from the darkest figs to the lightest, light figs, they are so very big, very juicy, always, when i imagine what i would really like, i i would really like to climb the trees again and pick figs. I eat it all the time, but i never go to the caucasus at such a time, because now they are picking figs, they are incredibly tasty, well, for two days, well, as when you know, there is a joke, when it comes, he says, get up, get up , its time for you to go to school, he says, i dont want to go to school, he says, get up, you are the headmaster of the school, this is about me, i cant help but go to school, unfortunately, listen, you had a question there, why did they turn black . Yes, we have the answer to do you want to get a rich harvest of tomatoes . Feed them with yeast, take with you a hundredgram packet of yeast, 10 liters of water and two or three teaspoons of sugar, let it sit , then pour the yeast infusion over the planted tomato seedlings. During the season you can make two or three such dressings, the consumption rate of our wonderful yeast dressing is from half a liter to a liter for one taste and the tomatoes really grow by leaps and bounds, help yourself, irina, answer all our questions, ill answer them now, but first you can give gifts, so its possible, nikolay, the first gift for you, here look, this is taking care of your figure, no one wants me to be slim, but no, you are so slim, and this will help, but when you eat, your calories will increase, and to disperse them, you will plant a gardenia, so this is a quest already, this is such beauty, thank you, this is such a wonderful cortensia for you, thank you, thank you, no, ill bring it, i have a kindergarten in st. Petersburg at the academy named after me, there used to be a garbage dump there, now theres a beautiful kindergarten, we have everything there grows, so it will grow in a very beautiful place. As a gift to all guests for packaging tulips, to harvest them in the fall, well, look at what incredible beauty, yes, beauty, 10 bulbs, enough for each guest to make a kurti, when it should be planted , end of november, beginning of october, okay, right time, but since you have one dessert sweetie, my inlaw gave desserts for everyone, this is scary, oh this needs to be revealed to everyone, be sure to open it all up, help yourself, its very, very tasty, inside is our berry, this is a dessert, biscuits, by the way, theres carrot dough here, anya, open it up, nikolai, yesterday i made the dressing, the freshest, you know, this tomatoes. Thats right, i love it when it has pieces, its not just tomatoes, everyone confuses it, its not adjika, its called satepela, its when szhika is pepper and so on, theres bell pepper, theres hot pepper, theres garlic , and theres horseradish, that is, everything is here, but since adjika is good with cheese, i brought you farmers cheese, help yourself, you have to try it. I want to live until the end of the program, if i try, i will have a great show, well, look at the apples, extraordinary, now im interested, tell us what to do to prevent tomatoes from turning black, advice, yes, the most common disease, when the weather begins to change, when it becomes cold and damp at night, and more or less normal during the day , is called phytafthora, in order not to turn black, you can of course treat , but it is practically useless and there are practically no tomatoes resistant to pitovtor. The most important thing is not to close any doors so that the wind blows back and forth, then it may not turn black. Anatoly, a couple of tips to prevent tomatoes from turning black. Plant velvets or basil nearby. Marigolds are a natural healer, they will definitely protect you from fetophthora, and basil will later be used in salads, with meat and fish, well, uh, we have. A lot of surprises today, and it was a surprise for me, oleg, that you are also such a person, who loves the earth and plants so many things, lets see, the cosmodrome, friends, you are greeted by the roscosmos cosmonaut, oleg novitsky, the house is beautiful, i think we bought the house 56 years ago, so i live in it permanently now, because that it s not far from work here, literally 20 minutes on foot, im already a man, from the earth, so heres this little dream of mine has all come true, i take care of the garden, vegetable garden, i take care of it myself, i really like it, and the pear trees produce good fruits, but this year something was unlucky, i was a little sick, so the fruits are falling off, so if any of the specialists they will give you some advice in this matter, i will be very grateful, we grow potatoes and carrots, and zucchini, cucumbers, that is, everything. It is necessary, in principle, to eat our own, well, instead of the one planted, we have received five so far, in principle, not bad potatoes, they checked the potatoes, now lets look at cucumbers, and what about them . I grew it first on the windowsill, here i am with the old planting, its already receding gradually, she still has all the cucumbers, they grow, we eat them fresh, of course, and we roll up the rest in a jar for the winter, and small ones, so that in one since i could eat it, i was lucky with. With the children, they are really hardworking , caviar, as i said, cucumbers, i do everything according to my mother s recipe, we add currant leaves, i dont know why, but i like the taste later when it started to roll , i was very surprised, myself in fact, everything is delicious, but i like the zucchini screen better, me too, in general, when i am in space in flight, i really miss apples. With this apple tree, i really like their taste, here cosmonauts and dreamers compete, what on mars will bloom, very tasty, oleg, well, unexpectedly there is such a craving for the earth, but did you have a question about pears . I answer, yes, yes, almost all the plants in the gardens are sick, pears, apples, they fall, crumble, appear, rotting begins, the fruit tree as soon as this was noticed, a pear fell, an apple fell to the ground, they came up, bent down, removed, put away, but its better not in the compost heap, but either in the trash, or there is a way when all these diseased leaves and fruits are collected in one place and sprinkled with some kind of very basic fertilizer, with a high nitrogen content, everything rots instantly, all this infection is killed, on your pears, we collect everything the same way, we dont leave anything under the plant , they are on the trees, we wait for them to fall, collect all the fruits and leaves, in the process, right now for many without exception, pears suffer from rust, these are the red ones that appear first spots, then on the back of the leaf there are such nasty, disgusting growths, there is an amazing organic product, i tested it on myself, containing sulfur, colloidal si. This is particulate organic matter, it is even used for fertilizing, everything is very elementary, i have networks and there is information , literally process one or two treatments, but this must be done in hot weather, because sulfur does not dissolve, it simply evaporates at high temperatures, kills all this infection completely, its very good, i understand, thank you, but how did it happen that you did you show up . To the ground, thats when it started . Well, probably not that it appeared, it was always present , it was just that the opportunity arose to be drawn to the earth, finally, after three visits to space, the opportunity to lay out a plot, in fact, in the first year, as soon as i bought a house, i naturally , like a real belarusian, he immediately planted potatoes, but couldnt find seeds anywhere , so he took what was in the store, it came in, the tops were gorgeous, when it was time to dig. I was simply amazed, the potatoes themselves remained the same, they not has changed, that is, usually old potatoes, they rot and bear fruit, or there is some kind of food for the young ones, but the tuber itself remained the same, it didnt even spoil , not a single potato appeared at all, that is, that we took it from the store, i sent some kind of plastic, there is even a cartoon about tops and potatoes, so you had to watch it carefully, you had to collect the tops, an explanation for this, why nothing grew . Well, its one thing , maybe its just some seeds, or rather seed potatoes, thats what you bought in what you bought in stores, they are processed with a colossal amount of stimulants, and we eat it, but doing this in your garden is catastrophic, no way, so the chemicals are processed, because the colorado potato beetle eats if in your garden you can go and collect, collected, yes, on large sites, no one, only processing, that the colorado potato beetle must be collected by hand, well, or chemistry, well, or ask someone, a jar, a jar of the colorado potato beetle, and also petros me forced me to collect with my hands, i i went and cried, but listening to my motherinlaw, she collected this beetle and thought, never in my life , never will i plant potatoes, when i have my own plot, i wont plant anything, now youre not me. From the garden, but i have potatoes it still doesnt grow, i dont plant it, i just dont plant it, because of that moment when i then had to fill them with kerosene, oh what a nightmare to burn them out, they were in a storm, mom, mom, i havent heard that anymore that they squeaked, the very fact, to take this beetle into a jar with your hand and collect it, its so unpleasant, its Still Holding on to take it off, well, now there is a lot of good organic matter that can be processed with something, a little advertising, we will continue to harvest from the gardens of our star guests, the way is young, our task is not just to show the tradition, it is important for us that it blossoms in the new world. Our premiere is from october 8 on sundays on the first. Tsinkov returns money if it is stolen by phone scammers, order a tinkovmobile sim card and receive a free service to protect against scammers phones. Tinkov, hes the only one, children really love toast with jam, in gemma moheev has a lot of pieces of fruit and berries. Gemma mokheyev, will make the toast tastier. Season of big premieres on film search. Lets go, well , hello, it sounds tempting, film search, premiere today, tomorrow. Always, ill pay, i have a cashback of up to 25 in rubles, amazonbank, yes, look, you have a lot of clients here, already more than 25 million. Do you have a 100 cashback, well, yes, you can return the entire amount of purchases, wow, pizza in the sim office, mini pits. Azonbank cashback up to 25 in rubles, the opportunity to return up to 100 of expenses and free card service. If it seems that the cold can no longer be stopped, anviax. 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If its a loan, then on the website sravni. Ru. Find out your Credit Rating for free on the website sravni. Ru. God, this image is so familiar to tears. Everything became around. Blue and green, i remember, comes to me alone, the streams have begun to boil, the water has turned white, its the worst time, keep your feet warm, all life has flown, lets hang the law , changes are coming, now you cant escape love anywhere, you cant escape anywhere, konstantin, translated from ancient times, constant, moth. Im sad, but you took dope, i love her, sexy beacon, cut to hell, i cant wait for peritonitis, high, high relationships, pokrovsky gate, tomorrow on the first day, we were both there, i was at the pharmacy, and i was looking for you at the cinema, so that means tomorrow in the same place, at the same hour, at the same time, the dacha season is coming to an end, and we continue to admire our guests with their harvests. Rais ivanovna, where does your love for the land come from . At first it wasnt love, but it was like that, because my mother sent me to my grandmother for the holidays, and my grandmother went to bed early because she got up at 4 in the morning, there was a herd there, they had to drive out cows, sheep, everything, at 4 00 in the morning, pineapple. Hello, team, this team that came to the garden to weed potatoes, and lets say the potatoes are like this, and the tops are like this, and the grandfather said, tren, why are you doing this right this morning, we came to rest, so let them rest, so they rest , where in the garden, and grandfather told us, you say, here is a weed that is higher than the tops, so pick it, and the grandmother wont see the rest, yes, and we went, and we we walked along these beds for distillation, and the vegetable garden, huge, well, thats not the right word, and there was some kind of. Such a rivulet, then that means we were in the morning, and in the evening we also went to this rivulet for distillation, because there at the end of this garden there are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, all this needs to be watered, and when to go for a walk, and when to relax, you and i have come to relax, go for a walk we walked from morning until evening, but then, but then, i dont know where it came from, but i somehow began to envy the dachas. I think, here they are, with their bass feet, on the ground, on the grass, i want it too, then, when all this happened, and i just began to disappear there, look at my hands, kolya, now that you are planting, now, that means, son i built a greenhouse for me, there are cucumbers, tomatoes, some kind of cilantro, dill, something else, something else, this year, i, and then my neighbor says to me, raya, what is this . I say this is a cherry, she says where . A the harvest is already, cherries, harvest, i say, well, here, well, ive already picked, she says, how much did you pick, i say, 15 berries, from three trees, cherries, from three, shes heaven, i ll send you a husband, ill give him a saw like this, and he ll cut it all down for you, it turned out to be a cherry. For 40 years, they no longer give birth, dont bear fruit, but im still waiting for something, you know, and when these berries come, no one, if they come from the pink one, thinks that they at least give flowers, flowers, yes, you cant imagine how many such horizons there are, i can already imagine, because you have theyre young, and i have these hats, they dont hold on, theyre leaning, so i just stand up straight, put my shoulder up and let them fall, so. Yes, its beautiful, here i am, some pieces of wood, some frames already i take it and set it up so that the frames fall, these fall, guys , come and visit, ill dig up these for you , well all come, they just came to us, because we cant have so many, reismonna, let me come, how to set up yours, and we lets check, then it means im taking advantage of the opportunity. I accept your invitation not only as your partner in performance, but in a human way, we arrive in a truck , and now i want you to try to sing one of your favorite songs, which means the mouse is making noise, so well, a short background, you will sing, yes, can i stand up, can i, the point is, that at one time i graduated from a music school in the bayan class, i hated, i hated, who loves to practice in childhood, this is a male instrument , like this, when i was sitting, i was sitting like this, i couldnt see it because of the zayan , but when matryonas granddaughter came, she gathered her relatives, relatives, closest neighbors, that means the table was being set. Grandmother baked loaves of bread, these are such thin pancakes, like this, about a cup like this, she folded half of the loaf like this , put it here, poured cream here, so everyone took a loaf of bread, well, in a tube, yes, dipped it in this cream and ate it , there were karavay people, what a happy childhood we had, they didnt understand this, thats not the right word, what kind of karavay people, and then all those invited. Grandmother invited grandmother and granddaughter with harmony, grandfather and that means, well, theres no street there, they called order, in this order, this is the vein, in this order it lived, and grandma dont forget, for me it was, well, the first second year there, what i could do, i couldnt do anything, yes, but yes, grandma said, well, im playing something, well, im playing something, but i didnt know that it was better to play, so that everyone could hear, everyone, and when they went back , it means that the reeds were already singing, the reeds were making noise, but in the middle there was a granddaughter, here was the grandmother, and the grandmother weighed 120 kg, here was the grandfather, who weighed 120 kg. Two times less than 60, the grandfather is like this, the grandmother is like this, which means that here i am with bayan, they both grabbed my elbow, my grandmother. Grandpa is here here it means that the grandfather began to sing, the reeds rustled, and the grandmother did, and when he got there the trees collapsed , the grandmother pulled there, the grandfather pulled there, i pulled apart, and half the village followed us, they listened to this singing, of course, the grandmother was the soloist, and you. It was better to play on me, the little chickpea was dark, the roofing felt was playing more erroneously, the little mouse was making noise, the trees were bending, and the night was dark. One beloved couple walked all night, yes, in the morning, and in the morning they woke up, there was a mess all around. This grass and not this grass is a memory, a memory of a girls beauty, you will come, and at home they will ask where you are i was walking where i was, and you tell me, i was walking in the garden, i didnt find a ladder to go home, and if they scold me at home, you come to me again, she came, she came, hes not there, hell never be, with a handkerchief over his eyes, and i started crying loudly, where did my beauty go, who did i give my happiness to, well done, wow, bravo, kolya, yes, i also have to say that i also brought gifts, oh my god, what is this . So, the whole point is that this is the same cucumber, which is one, yes, only one came out this year, look, this is it, look what, well, since everyone in the village knows that, yes, anatoly did not have a problem with cucumbers , with tomatoes, and they bring me cucumbers from all over the village, so i think that i should open some kind of shop here on the corner, in order to bargain, yes, the farmers, anechka , but you dont just have a dacha, you have a family nest, yes, thats not better, no, now you cant see penkov, what . Here we lived with vyacheslav vasilvich, our whole family, since the nineties, 2030 years, well, for how long, after that. I planted a lot here Vyacheslav Vasilyevich himself, then in his presence, ill show you, was planted by one famous gardener, we have a japanese garden, i adore this, how can i say, weeping dwarf apple tree, its absolutely amazing in the spring, i also want to draw your attention, lets say on this. Phloxov, there was such a story, my dad and i were driving not far from here, to this makeshift market , we stopped to buy some vegetables there, and an old lady, so old, pestered us, well, buy some phloxes, buy us i felt sorry for her, and we bought this piece, just paint a lot, whatever we plant here, something doesnt ripen, something dies, dries out, nothing is done to the bush. This is our filly, who is not afraid of either rain or snow, on the contrary, he feels good, dad also had dogs here, selected and different, lets go, lead us, lead us, lead us, lets go, probably the most productive one at our dacha is apple trees, vyacheslav vasilchik planted them in the nineties, that is, they are already many years old, then they were still tiny , thin trunks, now they have matured so much, well probably pick them up now, so ill treat you with i would be happy to listen to the advice of experienced gardeners, how can i make there be even more apples, maybe what else would be better for me to plant in such a shady area . Is that a great question . What can you plant on a tennis plot . I just want to say a little bit that we are, of course, fanatical, our family is fanatical ; at first we were summer residents for many years, throughout my childhood we didnt have our own house, but in the nineties, we moved already, as you said in family nest, we adore the dacha, nature, but we always have pine trees around, there is always shade, and not much grows, the apple trees are the most. The most persistent, every year we have botalia, what should we do . My husband really likes to trim them, im against it, i say dont, it wont be a tree anymore, although maybe hes right, yes, hes right, a lot of apples rot, sorry, right on the tree, all covered in these black dots , well, probably, this is what you said, yes, what to do, the most important thing, right now, well, at the moment, you cant do anything at all, because all summer, all the plants, like bears, are eating up food, it is distributed everywhere , in the roots, in the stem in the leaves, and when autumn comes, many become very impatient, some go home from the sensor, for some, school starts, everyone starts cutting off something, thinning out, its absolutely forbidden to do this, because we take away all the food, just like a bear, if you take the fat, cut it off and say, its the same in winter, so sleep, so in any case, until the leaf falls, you cant cut anything, yeah, i. If you suddenly need help, ill give you specialists, there are unique people, which are very old trees, old apple trees, old pears can be rejuvenated so that their wood will be constantly replaced and you will have ideal, almost large fruits every year, but they produce historical apples that are not planted, which you dont want, probably you need to pull them out of this state, preserve , they will do it, they will rejuvenate them, as a rule, plants that get sick are those that are too thick, they dont get either the sun or the wind, so all the diseases land right on this plant, so our apples didnt get it, here they are, yes, and from Vyacheslav Tikhonov apples, thats how important it is, after all, yes, when dad is no longer there, it can still come up. To break the raft to feel this warmth, of course, our grandfather was the gardener himself, and it was in these difficult areas that he always planted greenhouses, cucumbers, tomatoes, thats all our dad loved, and the earth, yes, yes, yes, my grandfather did all this, but there were also difficulties because of these areas, shady and so on, thats how i say, im only talking about flowers, and not all of them, i have a favorite, this is one rhododendron, but which i prick and water, i keep it. I drink it, i cover it, i do everything according to science, and i also try to keep up with the roses, well , ill definitely try, i ll definitely eat this apple so that it grows perfectly for you on. The soil is sour, because you have pine trees, why do they grow radotendron , because the soil is acidic, hydrangeas, try planting blueberries in the brightest place, they will grow amazingly, they are very difficult to care for, no, no, you just need to choose varieties and everything will be perfect, good, thank you very much, raisovanna, very tasty, acid dont give your partenza to anyone, please, you still need to survive. If you live with them for two years, they will rise and turn into practically a tree, they will not lie on the ground. Even more unexpected advice after the ad. To the centenary of the birth of rasul gamzatov. A faithful son of the ancient avar people, the soul of dagestan, and all of russia, he remains the brightest star of russian culture. It seems to me , sometimes, that the soldiers, and now i long to see you all, who once loved me, in yours with you, in yours with you, you and i remain, but in your eyes i drowned in the spring, i tell you. 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But it would be cool to wake up in the morning and win 100 million. Well, of course, we will first have a cup of coffee, chat with friends, and then just check our lottery tickets. Dreamtaleon, the national lottery, is on the first tomorrow. Tonight we will find out what harvest our star guests have harvested. Well , danila watched the series with you and i came across an interview with you and after reading it i found out that you it turns out that we built the whole house with our own hands , well, not all of it, but not all of it, well, almost everything, at least two people are needed, at most ad infinitum, lets see. And who is this . Poseidon we are in my house, which 3 years ago was just a swamp, in general , i walked there kneedeep in water until i brought 27 kamaz trucks of sand, then 10 kamaz trucks of soil, then the lawn generally dug drainage, well, nothing is growing yet , because i decided to come and look at the flat lawn for now, but i made a fountain, was inspired by tajikistan, i have now traveled all over the world and looked at these incredible boulders, i realized that i needed my stone on the site, you sit and relax in the evening, its poseidon, it guards this place, and why exactly poseidon is the longawaited house, it took 33 days to make, and then i refined it, here is actually all my vegetation, one of the, if you know how to revive it, what to water it with, what to put there, write, here are the horses, i cut them with a jigsaw, well, some sketches. In general, everything is filled with creativity, as my friend says, some kind of house, museum, while im not married, while i dont have children, i enjoy solitude and creativity, dont Pay Attention , its still under renovation, this structure can withstand an elephant, oops, this shark, shes 27 years old, and she was hanging in an old pub, and they wanted to throw it away, and i saved it. I took it out in a jeep on the roof of a jeep near the kremlin, i drove through the entire center, heres an ax lamp, and there was an ax, i found it on the street, gave it a new life at an auction, it went for 800, although i made it in half an hour, by the way, the owner never took it, i hope he did will forget about him. In general, construction is still underway, im still in production. What kind of stone do you find . This is a piece of a house beam, i sawed it off, screwed it up, its been dragging around with me for about a year and a half now. Home is always with me, on any expedition, how do you take it up, look at the stars, and there is a way home, well, in general, you are a handicraft, yes, if i also grow tomatoes and. Then why can i have flowers, yes, so how much care, i have the whole workshop, everything, so many ideas and drawings, why dont you want to plant anything, its so beautiful, i see my neighbors are planting this stone, if you plant it with beautiful , beautiful line, moss, thats it, but these are not cucumbers, this is moss, but well, thats what you also need to take care of, what are you talking about . You think he threw it there, well, it seems to you that its excuse me, get an incredibly aromatic tea that will be good for your health, especially for men, you advertised it like that, so youre looking, i think now pushkinsky district, will be there, there was no address, but now they will look for you, a young man comes man, and there is even higher, chickens walk , kittens, in front, well, you probably know how to cook, yes, because not everyone knew how, who lived with me, that i had to learn, i had to learn. I could maybe plant a pear, because i know how to make a very interesting tincture, i take good vodka, good vodka, five pears are chopped finely, three spoons of honey are put in, a cinnamon stick, dry cloves are covered in the dark for 10 days, its just whitish , but there are no pears, but there are no pears, well, vera has a lot of pears, well, yes, well, they also get sick. In fact, there is two pears, one produces such fruits, but this year, but about 10 pieces in total turned out , for some reason the rest all turned into something unclear , what happened to us this year in general in my garden, firstly, not a single apple , im lying, well, 10 also, here are a few things on different ones, that is, the apple trees were resting, but a tragedy happened to me, there are just tears in my eyes, i feel some kind of guilt, because its like a child, theres something wrong with the child happened, i swear, i feel so sorry for my trees, my apple tree died, its just dried up, the flowers have fallen, the leaves have withered, theyve all fallen to the ground, and even when i go up to the twig and try to understand whether the twig is alive or not, i break it, it crunches like a dry one, my favorite apples are those the ones that are crunchy, the ones that are sweet and sour, they have it perfectly. I, yes, thank you, thank you, thank you, here, here, yes, of course, it wont work out, i feel sorry, im terribly sorry for this apple tree, what happened, i think, well , i guess, for example, i think, no, maybe im now , ill first tell you what i did, and then youll tell me if it could have happened serve as this reason, somewhere once, when i was buying more, either phlox or roses, i asked how should i fertilize . Well, there are mature apple trees and i bought a plot, they have already been there, well, probably 30, 40 years, and maybe even they are now 60, so i wanted to do good to the adult plants and asked what needs to be done, they are so long some, lets say so, i did it with a crowbar, like the holes and pour fertilizer in there, i did it last year, but not. Nitrogen fertilizer, oh, no nitrogen at all case, here it is, nitrogen is not allowed, well, i kind of even knew it later, because i had phlox this year, well, i remember telling you, i didnt, well, i thought, this is also a fertilizer, but this it was impossible in so many times, well, ill tell you now, in diameter, well, i dont know, from the trunk there, i dont know, one and a half meters, i made these holes of 60, 70 cm in size too, filled in 15 cm each nitrogen there, but last year there were a lot of apples, this year there are 3, standing, and this one died, what, what did nitrogen affect roots, lets gradually answer all the questions one by one, nitrogen is a terrible thing, we need it , or rather, we, the plant, in order to assimilate everything else, in order to increase the green mass, why could it not be, because they took it, for example, some fresh manure, in which there is simply a huge amount of nitrogen and everything goes into the tops, its not good at all, if we add nitrogen in excessive quantities, then we have any plant, it doesnt matter if its cucumbers, tomatoes, hydrangeas, apple trees , they begin to grow beautifully, they increase green mass, but they become so vulnerable that well, its almost any sore of the village and plant, its good for the body, herbs, herbs, herbs didnt have time, im glad to see you visiting me in lipetsk, come in, lets get acquainted, this is my workshop, its not for nothing that i represent herbalists such alchemists or magicians, we are not only magic sorcerers, but also a little bit of doctors, these are real flasks, i have such a wonderful mortar for preparing ointments, here i have various herbs, preparations, we live next to the forest, i suggest you and me take a walk, there is a nettle in front of us, seeds have begun to form on it, this is the most valuable fast food, nettle seeds can be used for sandwiches, as a seasoning , added to various dishes, plantain is spread under our feet, we use it not only for coughs, but also for cosmetic procedures , girls, take it into account, wrinkles go away from plantain, birch leaves can be brewed for healthy skin, for beautiful hair, added to various compotes and even to preparations. I assure you, everyone has there are Medicinal Plants in the garden or vegetable garden, you just dont know about it, parsley, dill, celery, the same basil, you see, i have velvets growing, they are here not by chance, we collect them because of a very important substance that they contain lutein. It helps us with vision problems, take a dry, clean jar and place our flowers in it, take any vegetable oil, the oil should completely cover all the flowers, put it in the refrigerator, there the oil stays for 23 weeks, after which you can strain and use, one teaspoon i cover this amount of oil a day. Your daily dose of lutein, my friends, nikolai, but of course i wont come to the studio emptyhanded either, see you, you saw the basket there, and look what i had to drag with me to in the end, it didnt fit, great, it didnt fit, lets start with gifts, yes, and i prepared gifts for everyone , lets open a gift like this, here is what i basically make at home, yes, lets just say, this is well for and for cosmetics, we all want to be beautiful, young, and of course, yes, and of course, we need herbs for this, here, i dont know, the first assistants, here i have prepared an ointment for all of you that can be used for everything, i dont know, smear your lips if they are inflamed, yes, here contains calendula, yarrow and chamomile, it must be said that there is so much that the lips become inflamed, i specially cooked it for the participants, that is, there are dry hands there, now the frosts will begin to scuff the shelf life of a year, you can do this for gardeners , i think it will be a very necessary thing , this bottle contains aromatic water, but everything we are now made up, i dont know, try to give yourself a sniff, these are extracts from peppermint and lemon balm, i prepare them there, that is, we spray them on the face, yes, yes, and through water distillation, i extract all the beneficial substances from the plant on a copper alambik, it turns out that all the vitamins go into this water, that is, all the benefits seem to be contained here, in general , i think that all this will be useful to you, thank you very much, into the inner one, tell me, you know what worries me most of all , as a child, i remember my nanny planted a lot of aloe and we were squeezing something all the time, and the juice was dripping somewhere. But, of course, of course, yes, yes, inside, its bitter, of course, but alloe , i dont know, i tried it, its very good for colds, in my opinion, its not only, its not just about colds, its such a powerful here is a boost for immunity, that is, if you havent even gotten sick yet, for example, during the period, you need to drink it, sort of drink it away, and its right there, well, somewhere probably, before the ballet. So serious, they have never given me medicine, and i only have such folk, folk medicine, and when later, well, it happened that already as an adult artist , injuries began, when it was necessary to get really serious treatment, the doctor who operated said that we were amazed at how your body endured everything, apparently you were in childhood they didnt stuff me with medicine, i then remembered the nanny and thought, thank you, what goes around comes around, after the advertisement we will find out what our guests reap. My clear light, write to me, tear. 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Tonight with our guests we are closing the Summer Season, this is our house, it is interesting to me because there is still some kind of farming, now its autumn and we, so to speak, are reaping the fruits of some of our labor, we have beets here , there is a pumpkin, here they sown watercress, cauliflower, these trees are plums, by the way, as an ophthalmologist, i can say that there are a lot of healthy vegetables in the garden, in particular, for example, bell peppers, hes here small, not gooey, but nevertheless, colored vegetables are especially useful, colored vegetables are useful, in order for vision to be and for it to be normal, we must receive vitamin a from outside, carrots are rich in vitamins, of course, besides carrots, what else besides carrots are red peppers, yellow pepper, zucchini, parsley in particular, it contains a lot of useful. Vitamin c and so on, that is, if we eat a balanced diet, with more vegetables, then our whole body will be fine, in particular our eyes too, of course, we also have a greenhouse, look how beautiful it is, look, these are real tomatoes, one day i got up in the morning. I went to the market early, bought chickens , there was nothing, no chicken coop, nothing, i brought them home, for more than 10 years, my own eggs, all the time, you see , i bought them a big barn, here they live both in winter and summer, every day they give out about five, sometimes ten eggs, so my children woke up, polina and egor, lets go to the basement, well show our pickling and boiling, follow me, this our small cellar where we store processed vegetables and fruits, dad and morning to evening, it seems to me that his main outlet is to come to the dacha to take care of chickens, gardening, my favorite is probably apple jam, this is very tasty, then let me take the jam, the jam that you like, ill treat it to the guests. In the studio, im sure that they will be delighted, yes , mikhail, you have, i dont know, a whole production, yes, well, youre a phendian, well, uh, not only we have actors, but also doctors for everything the hands of a master, yes, well, we are all fathers, we know, from the earth, so to speak, i also remembered about my grandmother, you told me, well in the summer, i was with her, in general, her grandmother also had a very difficult fate, they lived in siberia , she had 16 children, 16, thats them, they were wealthy peasants and they were dispossessed in the same way and driven around this siberia and the children were dying, in general the story was very tragic, well, in general, i was with my grandmother for years all the time helping her, she called me little golden one. Because the others were breaking the plants, running around, i walked, tied them up , gave them sticks and so on, so i had such a craving, where does this come from, well , its not clear, i think its some kind of memory, they cured plants, and then people, so for me, if there is a house, well, of course, you need to do something there and grow something, there is interest, after a week, you look at what has grown there or not grown, the fruits of your labor, so to speak, in any in fact, the plant needs to be fed, watered, given oxygen and fed throughout its life, then you will get the result, so in principle, this is what we have, this is a picture, this is in sochi, we also have a house there and, you see how they grow. That is, kiwis grow beautifully, tangerines, please, so you just have to try, have a soul and desire, and how to treat your soul like any other business, and then the result will be unambiguous, well, of all of you, i. Have only visited natasha, and i can tell you , that they have a fantastically beautiful plot, a stunning house , uh, well, probably everyone who is really like natasha, well, perfection in their profession and home, natusya you are perfection, in general, just energetically, lets see, the story is about you, i i know you have questions for dear our specialists, for your wonderful words, this is our main thing. Where we moved from moscow, we were building a house, because igor bobrin, my husband, really loves country life, in general, i strived and did all this for him, it turned out that i also love it very much, its difficult here, or something grow, experts will understand that little grows in the pine forest, this is lemongrass , i dont know who planted it here, but it has berries that i suddenly saw this year, it seems to me that he. Didnt give us berries , im waiting for a comment, is it possible to eat this and can it be made from cook something, please let me know, well, if we want to laugh, then of course, ill show you the harvest now, this is our greenhouse, last year there were three cucumbers, this year there are 33, look how huge our cucumber has grown , my god, im cutting it, theres going to be a salad today. This is where sesame grows, well, we love onions and peppers very much, i gave a greenhouse to igor for his birthday, yes, you feel , yes, it can be seen, he wanted a house, i didnt want it, but i did it for him and fell in love with it myself, he wanted greenhouse, i didnt want to in the end i made it and im absolutely delighted, in general, you have to listen to your husband, life hack, you want, both, ah, smart girl, now i have a jar in the pantry here, this is our harvest, some have 100 jars, and there is only one of us, well, of course, igor is our chief picker, what is our secret ingredient , currant leaves, oak leaves, cherries, garlic and plain water, unfortunately, this is only one jar for now, which means, unfortunately, this is a great harvest, this great harvest, right . Well, as i said, we are young gardeners, so experts, answer, we can cook something from this and there is, here is lemongrass, i brought it specially today, i really want you, i dont want to upset you, but i have to, its not lemongrass, its mahonia subbalifolia, its decorative, and it blooms beautifully in the spring, very similar to. Memosa, yes, yes , so yellow, berries, they tried, no, im afraid, no, thats right, they are tart and quite sour, they very strongly color everything they fall into, you can add them to the compote in order to add sourness, yes, for color specifically, but this is more of an ornamental plant, and it doesnt shed its leaves, so goes into winter, and it changes colors amazingly, its absolutely cool, and so that you dont get upset, i brought you lemongrass, and oh, this is a real liana, and this liana, its redflowered, it has just such red flowers, well and lemongrass is generally very useful, in our place it will grow in a very dark area, its okay, youll find some place where its as warm as possible, and in winter, and in winter, itll suit you, in winter it will grow simply amazingly, some kind of liana then the fence is closed, buy it here. They just told us about kiwi, but we have an amazing plant, its called actinidia, the vine is so powerful, it grows quickly, and these are small kiwis, there are many, many of them very tasty , actinidia, yes, its big, get ready for the fact that actenedia will not give birth soon, you need to plant a boy and a girl, her varieties partly selffertile september variety, try it, thank you very much, what did you promise to tell us about . For those who have trouble growing cucumbers, who are beginner gardeners, and for those who in the future want to grow some large crops, there is a unique way to do this, yes definitely will come, everyone comes to this, there are varieties of russian selection, they were bred by our people, our breeders, who practically do not. Who give an amazing harvest in these, for example, cucumbers, though it is called beijing gourmet, feed all the neighbors in the area, but you need to know one subtlety, for example, there are cucumbers for salads, they are delicious when you cut them, they have a flavor, and there are cucumbers for pickling, for example, pickling, they, i call them herbs, but when you cook something with them, they open up, like this. A crispy pimply cucumber in a jar, this is what you need, and now we will try tomatoes, which i call them grow on their own, we were told about. The properties of red orange fruits, that they are very good for the eyes, there are tomatoes that dark in color, almost with such a black tint, they contain lycopene, this is a substance that protects against a huge number of diseases, so now i will release all these fruits, we will have such a minitasting, but i have one big request to you, you can start trying with any tomato you like, there is a long one, there is a round one, all varieties of cherry tomatoes, but they all have a different taste, and one big request, try this particular tomato last, i will explain why later, okay, now cucumbers ill cut it, this is where you need to feel the taste, but lets help , leave it there for yourself, ill take a look, give it to us. Lets move on, come on, these are sweet lady fingers, very tasty, try them, these light ones are the latest, but i ve already been sitting through the whole program, here are potato pancakes from cosmonaut, and we will give and give this plate, lets go there, the difference is possible, lets go hourly, now the recopine will be prom. Lets say it opens differently for everyone, some say these ones have the most lycapinas, but yeah, look how gorgeous it looks on the branches of the cucumber, we pass on all these varieties, they are a very tasty cucumber, pickled cucumber is like in childhood, something for me it reminded me of something from my childhood and i dont get sick, its very good , the healthiest product for us, it has zero calories, i know, fields, cucumbers can be eaten, as much as you want, im so thin soon ill come to the program, youll be surprised , and youll ask what i did, ill say, i ate cucumbers, im really looking forward to you trying the moon fountain, its yellow, its yellow, pass the tomatoes here, after all this, the lunar fountain, and here in general there are only fountains, a raspberry fountain, a sweet fountain, because we started with the sweetest ahahah, but here it opens differently, they say that for many the lunar fountain produces the maximum sweetness, for some its just candy, but this is you and you have revealed who probably has the first blood type, who generally loves sourness, who doesnt eat sweets, these are the ones who love. It was very sweet to me, it was very sweet, and what is your blood type . Second positive one blood type, tomato, tomato, and which of these tomatoes seemed the sweetest, this one seems to be, there are just people who dont like sweets, for them it will of course be sweet, i had to go through everything, its good that here, now that everyone has eaten, it seems to me that we can sleep, wait, wait, not in write, no, write, seryozha, andryusha and ilyusha have not yet told us anything, but we have been to their dacha more than once, we look, we watch their, so to speak, farm in development, meet, our main sorceress, our. Mom, here she is, and today, together with mom, we will begin to conjure pickles, cucumbers and tomatoes right before your eyes, i must say that everything you see on this table is everything from our dacha, these are all natural products, its all grown by our mother, these tomatoes really smell like tomatoes, which means the recipe is we have the most ordinary simple boiling water , tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, all the seasonings we have, and peppers and peas , dill, what else do you need . Lets be the first to put the cucumbers beautifully, you need to put them, dont just throw them, just put them, now it will be the same as it was in childhood, but remember what i did, what are you doing, you could take it off, we smeared it with soap all over my head to put it in saddle, i didnt know that he was stuck, so in the meantime we will prepare the brine, and while the brine is preparing, oops, help yourself to apples, ours are often set on fire and objects and yourself. Eyelashes, how many times they burned, of course, how do i feel, well, im afraid, of course, of my children, that so, a jar of tomatoes is ready, the safron team led by our main sorceress, our mother, we love you, beauty, but we also want to convert your attention, this one. There is a special secret ingredient inside this jar, but you will find out what this ingredient is now in the studio. Ingredient in the studio, well, yes, its already here, its already here, lets start with it correctly, come on, yes, but you pay your Pay Attention to this package, see . Throughout the entire issue, he will be here, watch carefully so that no one approaches him, again tricks, in the same way he carried nowhere, also lets Pay Attention to elya, in his hands he has malbert and a marker on which we will record, on malbert we will record the main moments of what is happening, yeah, so, yes, ivanovna, well , first of all, its nice to see you again after a year in full health. Thank you, you cant wait, but a simple question for you, think about it , tell me what is your favorite fruit, think about it you have to, just dont say, this one, which is a little fihuhu, fihua , well write it down like that, write it down like that, you know how he writes, you draw it better, i cant, its drawing, then its good, not hua right. I wrote it correctly, right . Yes, probably great, great, thank you, well, a simple question for you, think about it, tell me, what is your favorite vegetable, tomato, tomato, yes, not a potato, not a cucumber, tomato, thats it, thats it, thats it, lets write it like that, less beeches, it wont fit , but nikolay, when you get together with friends at the dacha, what do you like to play . At i dont have a dacha. Okay, not at the dacha, what do you like to play when getting together with friends, so rais ivanna answered like a fool, like a fool, that is, at cards, cool, we knew it, so, at andreys, we can, instead of at do oh, there should be feijo, yeah, why are you silent, thats all, and youll do it like this, see, see, oh, like that, feijo, feijo, so, so, great, look, we have the most about cards, everything cards, you never have anything, all the cards are completely different, everything is fair, to make it more interesting, let there be a random choice, what card do you like, just point your finger, give this, this , im not rigging anything, take it, show everyone what this card is, were not looking, we know were not looking, but i have to write it down, show me, four cross, so lets write it down, four crosses, you yourself named feihua, ver, you named tomato, the four crosses were chosen, attention, on the spot, yes, it was your free choice, we didnt agree on anything, the most interesting, again please pay your attention to this package, throughout the entire issue, we do not refer to this package touched, inside this package is hidden a prediction that we made for. We do everything slowly right before your eyes, inside the package there is a small chest, there is nothing else in the package itself, now lets open the chest together and look at its contents, yes friends, here is the same jar of raspberry jam with a special secret ingredient inside, lets quickly open this jar and look at its contents. In addition to the jam, there is a prediction, carefully, open it, thats it to be honest, were not tweaking anything, well roll up the sleeves, so, now check , check whats written here, i can already see, oops, keika, tomato, four crosses, everything matches, and thats it. We dedicate the focus to our main sorceress, our mother, amazing, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, i was surprised, but the mistake needs to be corrected, well, or i just dont know how to write correctly, this is a circle of time, well find out how to prepare the ground sensor later advertising. 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And vtb has digital accounting. And legal issues a silit. Yes, you open a current account with ttb, receive more than thirty Business Services and do what you love, not routine. Vtb we help business, for anyone. Business, this evening we are taking tours of our guests dachas, autumn has arrived , there is work to be done in the garden, how not to harm yourself , help the plants at this moment, many people hear that plants need to be fed in the fall, why . In order for you. Or escape. The most important thing is to feed all plants until the soil temperature drops below 14. After this, they seem to fall into hibernation buy it for yourself. Or a garden thermometer for soil, or you can use a regular kitchen thermometer with a probe like this. Such an elementary device, a very necessary thing, will come in handy both in the fall and in the spring, we must understand when the soil will thaw and we can sow the seeds. To plant bulbs, tulips , daffodils, lilies, garlic, you definitely need one element, zala, it not only feeds, but it works as an antiseptic, disinfects, helps to grow such huge bulbs. We collect the hall throughout the season in some kind of container, there must be a place it must be dry to store it, and then, when we need it, in the fall, for example, we use the room, like this, the most basic kitchen appliance, the entire periodic table is in the room, another important point for any gardener is pruning, there are plants, which. We cut immediately after the leaves fall in the fall, these are currants, honeysuckle, you can cut raspberries after the leaves fall, why is this exactly so . All plants accumulate food and store it in the leaves, and then in the fall they are gradually taken away and sent to the root system for storage, so save the leaf all pruning must be done only after leaf fall; any gardener is a minisurgeon. The tool must be perfectly clean, very sharp, be sure to. When processing pruning of one plant, you must have a bottle like this in your hand, in it either vodka, or alcohol, or any antiseptic, in order not to transfer diseases, infections from plant to plant, how to get rid of garden sclerosis, it happens very often in normal gardeners, you need to keep a gardeners diary to record plantings as you distributed them among the beds, because rotation and Crop Rotation must be mandatory, reduce the output of this season, the number of zucchini, these are giants, they need to be collected on time, but no one has time, the favorite phrase of gardeners in the fall you dont need zucchini, you have the floor, people, we well also drink tea now, well, if so, if it works out, we were preparing, jam, tea, oh, nice thing, now while theyre making tea, the guys have prepared some kind of surprise for us again, come on, well, were ready to be surprised, then we lets get started, well done guys, well done, thank you, dears, friends, i say goodbye to you, see you next week. Good evening, big boxing is back on channel one, we are starting a live broadcast from turkey, our super heavyweight Murat Gassiev will face a truly serious test today in the person of the swedish viking ott valin, nicknamed all in

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