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Criminal gang, so you would get 7 years. Got it, but what would have happened to the children, would they have lived the same way, well, would they have lived, because my brother took the blame for the drugs, i could have changed something, that i i could change of course, you cant change anything, well done, im only interested in one thing, how now, after everything that the country has seen, the guardianship authorities are spinning, thats what im interested in, its because of these people, they tell me, im in such debt trap, i gave them 10 million, and she Still Believes them, how did you give them money, arkhipov told me the account, he said that the gates of hell are supposedly open, how much does it cost to close . 4,900, you will die, you urgently need help, you are damaged, and so on in every issue, very much. Believe me, they constantly say that they act with the blessing of the lord god. Father, what should we do about this . You go up to the priest in your temple and says father, bless the satanists, transfer 30,000 to the glory of satan. She said that my father will be left without legs, but in the end it will be more than 4 million 4,200, i will have to give supplements in dollars, for in order to find this money , you mortgaged two apartments, but tell me how it was. Good evening, live, big game, and i, vyacheslav nikonov. Today is the president of russia, Vladimir Putin held telephone talks with his iranian counterpart, president reisi. Issues related to russias upcoming chairmanship in the brik association were discussed. On the iranian side, russian gratitude was expressed for our support for irans membership in the expanded organization, which has already become not five, but eleven, and in addition, problems related to the karabakh settlement and the possibility of resuming dialogue in the 3 3 format, that is, a discussion of the problems of zakovka , were discussed with the participation of both russia and turkey and naturally the transcaucasian states. Really important negotiations on an important issue. Today, defense minister sergei shaigul chaired a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense, this is what he said there. Despite the lack of any significant results, we have already passed the socalled counteroffensive. Ukraine does not deviate from its inhumane principle, weapons are the path to peace, the United States and its allies continue to arm the armed forces of ukraine, and the kiev regime abandons untrained soldiers to the senseless assaults for slaughter. Such cynical actions of the west and their minions in kiev only push ukraine towards selfcontrol. In these conditions, we continue to increase the combat power of the armed forces, including through the supply of modern weapons and improving the training of troops, taking into account the experience of a special military operation, and indeed, the new things that are happening now in a special military operation are almost daily and nightly the use of highprecision destruction systems against Ukrainian Military infrastructure and transport infrastructure. And now, even at these moments, the air raid warning is again blaring over all of ukraine. Then, what is happening on the fronts is monitored by Boris Aleksandrovich rozhen, our Permanent Military expert, Boris Aleksandrovich. Good evening, the floor to you, good evening, yes, indeed, in recent days we have seen intensified attacks by the russian, russian army on infrastructure facilities, military logistics facilities, energy facilities, and other Critical Centers for supporting the enemys armed forces, and we especially we see intensifying attacks on the south of ukraine, this is due to the danube, in the odessa region, in the nikolaev region , the kulbakin airfield was again covered, the planes that the enemy there tried to use from this airfield would have been gradually destroyed , a large Ammunition Depot in kiselyovka , nikolaev region, was destroyed, by the way , new ones were used there, those one and a half ton spk aerial bombs, which well, lets just say, they provide a very serious increase in effectiveness during such attacks, and, accordingly, the enemys air defense, despite all the loud statements, was unable to cope with these attacks, so we are seeing especially with footage from romania, how calmly they covered enemy targets on the danube, and as for the situation at the front, in the zaporozhye region the enemys offensive was stopped almost everywhere, in the area of ​​pyatikhatki without changes in the area of ​​​​rabotin and verbovoy, the enemy continued attacks in the area of ​​​​verbovoy, this morning i tried again, lost two, two, two tanks, several pieces of equipment, a creature of the train. Failed to get through. In the area of ​​urozhayny and staromarskoe ledge the situation is unchanged, the enemy practically stopped offensive actions, that is, he actually abandoned the idea of ​​​​breaking through to staromlynovka, the situation here is controlled, stable, part of the enemy forces was actually withdrawn to the rear for replenishment after the losses suffered, and accordingly, in ugledar, maryenka and ovdeevka the situation remained unchanged, there were positional battles without. Significant progress, in the artyomovsk area the enemy continued attacks in the area of ​​kleshcheevka and andreevka, here there are battles for control of the railway, the enemy is trying to break through in order to be able go to andreevka to take control of it, but so far he has not succeeded , on the other hand, north of artyomovsk, our troops, after a series of attacks, advanced at orekhovo, vasilyevka and berkhovka, entrenched in new positions, here the enemy is preparing for a counterattack to try to recapture the lost positions on the northern ledge remained unchanged, well, in the svatovokupyansk direction, our troops continued attacks west of svatovo and in the kupyansk area, it is worth noting that in the kupyansk area our aircraft destroyed another enemy bridge, making it difficult for him having reserved the transfer across the river, well , several oporniks were taken to the west of svatovaya. Thank you very much, Boris Aleksandrovich rozhin, our military expert with an accurate analysis of the situation on the fronts. But the United States, western countries are throwing more and more new equipment to support ukraine, they just said that they agreed on the abrams, when they immediately appeared, in fact, when the americans say that they have agreed on something, it means they have already brought it, but they often bring the same ones, because its not the latest model, but what the germans delivered, well, i had to admit to them at the level of the minister of Foreign Affairs that they supplied rubbish that does not drive and does not shoot, and why are they doing this, lets listen to anna lena berbaka, are you not worried that in several deliveries the leopard tanks turned out to be defective and faulty, the ukrainians are from them refuse. If you only promise and dont deliver, and even deliver something that doesnt work, then it doesnt help. Thank god we havent experienced war in europe lately, so some of our systems. Actually in fact, they are already outdated, about some we knew from the very beginning that they did not work and talked about it, well, that is, well, we promised to deliver something, well, we delivered something, there was no war in europe, there was no war in yugoslavia at all it is believed that European Countries fought there in the middle east, especially no one considers this, what trifles, but at the same time, it is true that germany announced that next year it will reduce humanitarian aid to support refugees. Ukraine twice. Yes, but all this says is that, in fact, this is the one the importance of ukraine, which its leaders believe that for europe they are almost the most important country that stands as an outpost or in the vanguard against aggressive russia, in fact its price is worth a penny. Ukraine was invented in order, of course, to cause damage to russia, as they believed, economic sanctions, military action, undermining the economy. And the social, as they say , atmosphere in our country, that there will be no unity in relation to a special military operation, this was not miscalculated at all, it is clear that the offensive capabilities ukraine is also not. Limitless, if we now evaluate all the losses of Ukrainian Military personnel in the period from february 24 to the present date, then we can say that russias ukraine has exhausted approximately 60 of its mobilization reserves, 40 thats whats left because there are still wounded there who can return to duty, a certain number of those who were not on the front line, a certain number of foreign mercenaries and those who are being slaughtered, now the question is they go and say everyone should be sent there, but its clear that Qualification Training of these military personnel, it will be close to zero, because they will be fighting with a professional army, russia , which, lets say, has strengthened its capabilities during the entire special military operation, not only there in the supply of military equipment, highprecision weapons, but also to the professionalism of our military personnel, there are already many facts that speak from these, the fact that they are not betting on ukraine, says these are the aid packages that are coming, please note that there are practically no offensive weapons there, even those same abrams tanks in quantity 31 pieces, of course, if you throw them all on the offensive, they will end immediately, but to conduct some kind of fire from closed firing positions, and the abrams can do this, by the way, even that old modification m11a1, in principle it allows, but this does not mean that it makes this tank invulnerable, the same thing was considered with the chellingzher 2 tanks, it was also intended for such fire, but as it turned out, when all the holes had to be plugged, the tanks went into battle, paid for it too, and these shots are very tarnished the reputation of the British Ministry of defense, which was proud of her tank and even posted on the official page of her ministry why this prolonging war is needed, because the main goal is not ukraine, i repeat again, but europe. During the conflict, europe must completely lose all signs of sovereignty, military power, the military industrial complex, europe is resisting, so there are frictions over supplies, they will supply f16, what kind of equipment they will supply, lets save it, europe says we need something in return, so so that our National Sovereignty does not suffer, but the americans are putting pressure, no, you put everything in order, everything will be fine, well, after all, the europeans have enough brains, they understand that as soon as they get rid of all this, no one will ask what they want and what they want, they will share the fate of ukraine in a few years, thats why we see the emergence of new types of ammunition, primarily cluster ammunition, and so ms, which they say, whether announced or not, these 155mm shells, also cluster, are weapons of defense, not for offensive, so ukraine will be slow back away, he will lose his own military layers, and the west will try, or rather the anglosaxons will try to survive from this, or rather from this conflict as much as possible for their own. We often discuss here who actually really leads ukraine, someone says zelsky, hes in charge there, he says, no, of course, the americans, there, the cia, mi6, biden, salevan, blinken, whoever, but in reality, now we know exactly the first and last name of the person who leads ukraine, i think most have never heard this name, this is mile pyle, lets listen, what he wrote. The truth of ukraine. White house Deputy National security advisor for International Economic affairs mike pyle sent a letter to the ukraine sponsor coordination platform with a list of reforms that the country must undertake to continue providing military assistance to it. This letter was also sent to Prime Minister of ukraine Denis Shmygal in the office of the president of ukraine. In particular, the reforms concern anticorruption bodies, the entire Judicial Branch of government, the ministry of defense of all Law Enforcement agencies. A detailed list of who and where to add to the boards of directors of various companies, state corporations, anticorruption committees, the ministry of defense, and so on and so forth, we thought it was on some supernatural level, but it turns out its just an official sitting there, somewhere around from the white house there , and sends them instructions on what to do, well, look, when the premiere of some play is being prepared, they hire an actor for the main. Role, they hire extras, the director personally handles it, thats how biden at one time went, remember, even during the events before the twentysecond year, met with the government, shook hands, and when the theater has already gotten used to the production, when it is going on again for the next time, then for this there are assistant directors who will let the actors understand, so to speak, what they are doing this way, what they are doing wrong, rearranging them, changing the mezzanine, and so on and so forth, so this theater is moving from the premiere period into a completely different period, and this is expressed not only here in this kind of leaks or. Leaks, but also in what you talked about, in terms of weapons, and besides, as we understand, the United States of america is now trying to see if they will strike with some other sides within the framework of their doctrine, containing russia along the entire perimeter, in this particular case ukraine is really losing interest, by the way, i would also add to the european context, because here is the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of European Army of its own, free from the americans and the british. They already buried, and they buried her in the ukrainian theater of military operations, but how many times after the war this idea arose and never materialized, but in ukraine things are Getting Better and better, here their state statistics reminded that there are three types lies lies, blatant lies and statistics, they published a graph of the dynamics of ukrainian gdp, look what it looks like, it turns out that ukraines gdp has grown, grown, look like 19. 5 in one quarter, oh, well, with a deficit budget of 45 billion dollars, such a surge Economic Growth can only be achieved through, so to speak, manipulation of numbers , but apparently this is what happened, in general, you know, if the Statistical Department is subordinated to the ministry of finance or to whomever it is subordinated to, then in principle it is not possible to achieve 195 . You can have 22, 23, or 123. In principle, it all depends on the imagination of those who will draw such graphs. In any case, there is no basis to assume that this exists, because even in agriculture, which they are very keen on, yes, the harvest will be double times less, that is, if there were 30 million, then this year at best 17, and nothing will be exported yet, not a fax yet, but we are talking about gdp, yes, but today is still such a date, alekseevna, anniversary , exactly a year. How the northern streams were blown up, we remember, then yes, sikorsky made this wonderful statement, radok, thank you america, yes, thank you United States, yeah, Seymour Hersh released his material for the anniversary, lets listen to what they say in particular, americans, which within a few spent months undercover to plan and carry out the destruction of three nord stream Gas Pipelines a year ago. Left no traces, not the slightest hint of the teams existence, other than the success of the mission. The white house was isolated from the ongoing conflict; various reports and information from the field went directly to director tsro, who was the only link between the planners and the president. Upon completion of the mission, the typed papers were destroyed, leaving no physical traces, no clues that could later be unearthed by a special prosecutor or president ial historian. I know now what i didnt know then. The real reason why the Biden Administration is talking about eliminating the nord stream gas pipeline. The Biden Administration blew up the pipelines, but that action had little to do with winning or ending the war in ukraine. It was caused by the white houses fears that germany would falter and refuse supplies of russian gas, and that germany, and then nato, would fall under economic pressure the influence of russia with its vast and inexpensive natural resources, and this was followed by the main fear that america would lose its primacy in western europe. You know, like seimer hersh, she initially believed that this was mainly done against germany, which is not only against russia, because interaction, lets say constructive, a Modus Vivendi between the two pillars of the eurasian balance, for the anglosaxons since the time of the bismarckian empire is its just that this is a terrible threat, and as soon as that bismarg germany appeared, how english policy has completely changed, in the first world war, in the second, why it was necessary to push germany, and how, by the way, the anniversary of the munich agreement is about to happen, a completely obvious push for germany to turn its back to the western countries, and about it will be possible to say later that it went to russia, no matter in the form of the soviet union, and through. The western borders of the baltic countries, everything is completely obvious, so how worried they were when there was brants new eastern policy, and of course, germany, this the main victim in europe, american politics, sanctions and ukraine, the explosion of the nord stream, all its miracle, turns out to be for 40 years, at least 50, here on our resources, which it resold. And financed its really strong industry, which was created by the intelligence, talent, and hardworking germans, but which no one will need now, well, because its simple. They asked germany, can i say two more words, we talked here about the american role, twice in the 20th century, america suddenly came out ahead, like never before in a normal situation, each time it was a war and each time europe found itself in devastation, fighting against russia, the first is the second, and america is now, well, this is happening for the third time. In any case, such eternal german values ​​as nazism, they are now widely distributed in the western world, including canada, which has indeed caused a Serious International outcry, but more on that after the advertisement. An interesting game is being played out on the approaches to the new president ial term in the white house. Joe biden is losing ratings, and Michelle Obama is losing first. Us president ial candidate, in competition with trump, michelle can be very effective, it is clear that the matter is dark, michelle, like bar obama, is being moved, she never loved her husband, he annoys her, she clearly feels stronger, at least i saw a photo where she is pregnant, michelle is transgender, everyone knows this, the actress is famous in the usa, after that she unexpectedly ended her days, on the operating table, the story with obamas cook, he simply drowned, in a pond, but in america there is behind the scenes, this nail will be hammered in. But to where it must be clogged. The democrats cannot lose, they will do anything to win, as they will, they are going to go to war with russia. Michelle obama like the horseman of the apocalypse, the doll of the heir tutti, today on the first and always on 1tv. Ru. This is azonbank. And you have a lot of clients here, already more than 25 million, they also return cashback up to 100 to the lucky ones, azonbank cashback up to 25 in rubles, the opportunity to return up to 100 of spending and free card service, you can want kfc at the most unexpected moment, because there are new maestro cheese with cheese sauce , fresh vegetables, super cheese cutlets and your favorite chicken, new maestro cheese at kfc or rossticks, vtb team, with you a paid card with 10 cashback on everything. Apply for a debit card for life at vtb. Ru or at a bank office. When taking an antibiotic, for dysbacteriosis, for diarrhea, for poisoning, so that it doesnt happen suddenly. Enter is a unique probiotic when taking any antibiotic and diarrhea. 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This ovation literally did not subside, but of course, the situation is unusual for a modern western parliament, although in the west, in my opinion, we should get used to everything, but in any case, a whole campaign has begun on twitter about what it should look like now canadian flag, official, quite a lot of different creative proposals for this the account appeared, he really was such an inveterate ss man, responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people, shot slovenes, poles, slovaks, russians, ukrainians, jews, anyone, well, trudeau, and the Prime Minister of canada naturally said that he didnt even know who he was, in general, where did he come from, that it was all the speaker of parliament who did something wrong, but then the truth turned out that trudeau received this, himself in the office with great fanfare, as evidenced by photographs on his official website, on the website of this gunka, who has captured himself in the official office of the Prime Minister of canada. Well, trudeau, at the same time, already made a statement, said that they didnt look into it, they say, and after all the jewish organizations in canada, in the United States of america declared, well, there were small protests by poles, ours, of course protests, but the main thing is that he saw in all this the machinations of russian propaganda, lets listen to the Prime Minister of canada. Obviously, everything that happened is very upsetting, the speaker has already admitted his mistake and apologized, but for the Canadian Parliament, this is an extremely awkward situation, as well as for all citizens of canada, for jews of all representatives of the Jewish Community throughout our country who are now celebrating yomkipur. I find it critical that we fight back against russian propaganda and disinformation and continue our unwavering and unconditional support for ukraine. Well, you know, such a talking doll, because when there is tension, at least some in the convolutions, familiar words immediately arise the kremlin, moscow, russia, propaganda, hand, there, something else, and nothing else. This toy he cant squeeze it out of himself so to speak, but we must remember, of course, that these nazi roots, they appeared in canada not now, and even before the start of the second world war, not just the great patriotic world war ii, even in the united in the states of america, it was felt, well , roosevelt, at least, assumed that there might be a stab in the back, and for this they made certain military decisions, in case canada did happen. Will consider that they are more reliable with hitler and will try in the Northern Hemisphere to the west in the west of the Northern Hemisphere to express themselves in this way, by the way, hitler also had plans to use canada for these purposes , so there is nothing surprising here, the ground was prepared in advance, thats why this line was lined up, all these ovations were coming, so he came to his own, he came to his people, and these people, that means, were the best they showed him, and mind you, they kept them, after all , not every person will live to be 98 years old, which means there must be an appropriate atmosphere, everyone knew who he was, in fact , including i think trudeau himself, yes, well, the canadian government knew this, and is now actively trying to sweep this matter under the rug. Lets listen to karina gult, minister of the canadian government. I would like to ask all my colleagues, especially those from the conservative party, to refrain from politicizing this issue. We believe that no one needs this. I think we need to move on, acknowledge this mistake, and show solidarity and affirmation. Commitment to canadian jews, ukrainian canadians and those currently fighting in ukraine for freedom, peace, justice, how it all got mixed up, but nevertheless this suggests that this pragmatism, cynicism when forming some kind of externally, or internally , political agenda or even some kind of assessments, cynicism, like this. It is impossible to ignore, ukrainian canadians cannot be, there are a lot of them there, and this is generally a nest , of course, ukraine cannot but be supported, the United States, but there is such a situation inside because of these banderites and their families who are in canada in argentina , the main nazi criminals, and ukraine canada ukrainians also moved back at the beginning of the 20th century, and all this is blessed there , basically i must say, i read the memoirs of the regimental priest of the central council, ioan todorovich, he emigrated after the revolution to canada and was amazed, despite his, it would seem nationalist past, but he is an orthodox priest, he was subjected to vilification, insult and oppression from the uniates, which happened once and he writes since you are not a uniate, but an orthodox, you are a kotsab, a damned muscovite. That is this is this suggests that this political ukrainianism itself certainly grew out of the uniate church, polish influence was added there, and so on, the geopolitical aspirations that austriahungary relied on further, it is quite obvious, because it was written with the money of the vienna court grushevskys ninevolume history of ukraine, the hyphen of russia, where it is complex, so the average person will not understand, but the concept of the pole francis dushensky, that we remember the countess with the tatars, who stole the history of kiev, and they, the aryans, are precisely russia, that the most, and today these nazis in ukraine, why they hate so much, they understand, they divided their nature, rejected one thing, if only these muscovites had not multiplied from bug to quiet. Didnt reach it, didnt create nuclear weapons, everything in general, didnt become what we could have become what russia became, with such a logic of attitude, one can only wish for a pestilence, biblical cataclysms in our country, logic is powerless, thats what god does with those who have lost their minds, have lost all their christian roots, but everything is too late, everything is too late, because the poles they had a chance, at the beginning of the 18th century, yes, when they were sitting in the kremlin, the population of poland was then larger than in russia and they had a stronger army, but minin and pozharsky, so they were kicked out and yes, another country became a superpower , and i didnt want the gentry to pay taxes and build the baltic fleet, thats why gdansk could have been dansk, but it became danish, and gdansk, it again became from our red hands. But still, to the credit of the poles, it must be said that they noticed this nazi, a nazi in the Canadian Parliament, thats what the ambassador said poland in canada, witold dzielski, in my opinion, such people should not appear in the public sphere and should be brought to justice. Kanatiya, in any case, well, some words and apologies were mumbled. As for ukraine, zelsky didnt say a word, moreover, moreover, the ukrposhta presented a sketch of a new stamp that will be issued in ukraine, lets see what it looks like, here he is, yaroslav gunko, the hero of ukraine, i imagine if they will release it when all this is destroyed and burned, worth its weight in gold collectors will be these individual specimens, well, this is a precedent, it once again proves that the nazi virus really lives, why canada . Canada is the territory that has always belonged to the british crown; it is an incubator where the birds of canadian forests can be raised. Anything, any infection, any hydra, rewrite history and so on, because if we look at the history of german nazism, they are screwing over the very Great Britain, which was one of the first to start preaching the human theory of the separation of races peoples, that same golden billion that they have not strived for for many centuries, they are the uk, together with the usa they preserved the undead nazis. Them for the people, this is the sss golyach, yes, that these people just wanted National Sovereignty, they were not criminals, they did this in order to create their own independent country, but by coincidence they were not sheltered, Great Britain was sent to canada, where they entertained the sofs and will avoid the nuremberg courts, by the way they were rejected it was rejected russias demand that they present, well, the soviet union, that they present, everything was open, here are peaceful citizens, and what came out of this. From the fact that from this hornets nest, this infection was transplanted to the territory of ukraine in ninety first year and sprouted, such shoots that, according to grushevskys history, they say that kievrus was stolen from them, some mixtures from decanters who do not have the right to be called the russian people, but in general the russian is a nation, a nation of invaders who and so on and we see that there are nationbuilders, yes, who teach in schools that one must love, one must. And there are nations that say kill, kill, if you want to be happy, kill, so we see these misanthropic, lets say, bases, in general, which lie not only there at the basis of german nazism, it lies at the basis of everything that we call the world of the anglosaxons, because everything that they achieved in this life, they achieved through the murder and destruction of other peoples. Zelsky and trudeau, of course, are twin brothers, in many ways, it turned out that they are close to each other, not even only in the political field, but in all others. Here, trudeau, after all, participated in the g20 summit in new delhi, but for obscure reasons, little understood, he missed almost all the g20 meetings. He was not at the president ial dinner, he did not hold bilateral negotiations with naranda fashion, which were planned, he skipped. Where the construction of a new indiamiddle east corridor was announced and he was absent from the signing of the declaration on biofuel, that is, in essence, he skipped the summit. And why . Well i wrote about it indian press, lets listen. Depak wahra, indias former ambassador to sudan, said his wife spotted trudeau arriving at Delhi Airport and the canadian Prime Minister looked alarmed. Vahra claims that dogs and cheeks found cocaine on his plane. That trido did not leave his room for 2 days, he did not go to the president ial dinner, they say that he was in a druginduced stupor, i cant say what was going on in his head, but as i understand it, his behavior shows that he went crazy crazy said the diplomat, well cocaine coma, this man runs canada, well, this was noticed about him back in his student years, he studied at two universities, didnt graduate from anything, didnt graduate from both, yes, well, actually. thats probably a little bit its not even surprising anymore, why . Because in fact, such an elite is very convenient to manage, because if the elite has the corresponding vices, then there are strings that can be pulled, well, so to speak, president zelensky, so to speak, apparently also distinguished himself on this basis, now we see from the thread the same story, Pay Attention to almost all european leaders, almost all of them have sins , so to speak, then a forien with a stolen dissertation with an apparently unfinished education, then the Prime Minister of estonia, whose husband seems to have a business there in russia, but it seems like its impossible, here you know, for everyone you dont take on, this kind of story arises everywhere, in fact, all this is done on purpose, such an elite is very convenient for management, well , imagine if he were actually a brilliant scientist or i dont know, a biologist and had an absolutely fantastic intellect, was a wonderful politician, because it would have been a disaster if you tried to control him, but here its very convenient, in fact, they filmed him. Apparently in the appropriate state and why film, he spent 2 days in a cocaine prison coma, well, very very convenient, very convenient, but one call and he will do everything he is told, regardless of what they say , well, the story with the nazi in parliament, well, it would seem that most of all should worry the state, which in recent times there for decades, the state of israel and the United States of america spoke loudest about the holocaust, the oppression of the jew, the dangers of nazism, and so on. Kedmi was on our last broadcast here and said that in israel not a single newspaper said a word about this. Its just that not one and not a single tv channel said a word about it. And in the United States , well, naturally, they started asking questions about who has an official position, who to ask, well, they asked state Department Spokesman Matthew Miller and this is what he answered. Could you give comments on what happened in canada, in the Canadian Parliament on friday, and in general, what is the us position regarding the glorification of wafs veterans . Which occurs annually in ukraine, latvia and estonia. Position on what i missed. In relation to what happened on friday in the Canadian Parliament, in the house of commons, where the nazi veteran received a standing ovation. I confess that on friday i was at the Un General Assembly and participated in a number of meetings, and i am not sure which messages you are referring to. This is the official position u. S. A. Well you know. It is not for nothing that one of the main tasks of a special military operation is denazification, denazification, and without this denazification it is obvious that one cannot go far, and this work again fell to the lot of our people, our homeland, and i am sure that we will certainly carry it out, but with all this, lets say, what all this public is doing today. That we have nothing to do with it, it also has a legal dimension, remember how they voted regarding the draft russian resolutions banning the glorification of nazism, and this is exactly how they voted, by the way, sergevich lavrov, from the un rostrum, drew attention to the fact that for the first time in recent years, and indeed for the first time, yes, if earlier some countries like germany, japan and italy abstained or did not vote, now they specifically voted. Nazism, so everything here is quite natural and even has a legal dimension, well, it must be said that the deputies of the state duma also adopted a statement in connection with the canadian authorities denunciation of ukrainian nazism and neofascism, the ministry made the same statement Foreign Affairs of the russian federation, for us it is completely unthinkable that this would be done by zelsky, whose grandfather fought in the great patriotic war, and whom he always boasted about when he went to the post of president of ukraine, declaring that the memory of him is sacred to him, zelsky, who he says, how can i be a jew, how can i be a fan of nazism, so he not only applauded this nazi, but now. Is going to extol him to the skies and make him a National Hero of ukraine, just like they did before bandera, shukhevych and all others not the people who destroyed russians, ukrainians, poles in the millions. And behind all this is the United States, an absolutely cynical state, which, its true , is now having problems with the impeachment of the president , with the possible closure of the government, and of course, a problem that, in my opinion, worries us more than them with trains. This is after advertising, they say you never lose, its true, ask marto, the premiere of a serial film, watch the time after the program, finally found, the rarest, collect a collection of the magnetic sea, play the magnit app, get additional magnets, sber introduces a loan with cashback, allow yourself more. Every month return 2. 5 of the bet with sber bonuses thank you. Hurry up to get a loan with increased cashback. Get a better deal with prime. Season of big premieres on film search. Go. Well hello. Sounds tempting. Kinopoisk premiere today, thats all tomorrow. This is ozonbank, do you have many clients here . Already more than 25 million. They also return cashback up to 100 to the lucky recipient. 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Today these are wrecks of, well, diesel locomotives, electric locomotives in america, in my opinion, have not yet been invented, i have a feeling that in all these crash scenes i havent seen that there were electric ones, no, electricity hasnt been laid there yet, here are the sleepers. Definitely an antique, but there is no electricity, but this is a diesel locomotive that fell down in indiana, in terehout, well, naturally, traffic there was paralyzed, but the rails are also very i think the old ones, they obviously havent been changed since the 19th century, well, its a completely traditional story for the United States, buffalo, new york, well, as usual, really, why are barriers installed . Not necessary, but the americans, of course, are an amazing nation, they have not repaired the railways, they have not repaired a single bridge since the thirties, in general, they continue in the same spirit, while the National Debt of the United States is growing at a completely record pace over the last five days, the National Debt increased by 100 billion dollars, in 5 days by 100 billion, and in 90 days in 3 months by a trillion, this debt continues to go, now the National Debt is 33 and 110 billion, you see, i said 100 billion, but it already turns out to be 110, in the morning it grew by another 10 billion dollars, well, everyone of course expects that the Financial Year will soon begin without an adopted budget, which may lead to a closure, a government shutdown, today the markets reacted to the opening, well , everyone seems to have stocks rushing down, what to expect . The thing is that this is not the first time the Us Government is forced to continue its work without adequate funding, this has already happened and happened under the previous president trump, but we must understand that every time such a situation occurs, it, of course, makes the markets feverish, why, because this is an indicator that the government is working not. The Financial Year in the usa really ends at the end of september, a new Financial Year should begin on october 1 and, accordingly, during this time it was necessary to adopt a special federal laws that would open up funding for individual ministries, departments, and so on. If this does not happen, then, accordingly, funding is not opened and, accordingly, the government does not work , well, of course, this galaxy of ministries, so to speak, will not include the main ministries, the basic ones, they will still continue their work and funding will still be released, but such ministries, lets say the ministry of Veterans Affairs or the ministry of social protection, everything related to culture, science, education, with benefits, all this of course will not work, it seems to me that it is very important to understand here that. When the last decision was made to raise the debt ceiling of the National Debt, and this decision was peculiar, why, because we remember that also literally there an hour and a half before the end of this period, it happened, its about the same story , apparently it will happen here too, the senate has prepared a decision to extend it for 4 months, well, well see if it succeeds or not, most likely they will agree, the only question is whether they will enter is that how it goes there . To say whether ukrainian subsidies are or not, well , the senate prepared it, because there it is controlled by the democrats, and the house of representatives is controlled. With the republicans , who are right now planning to impeach biden, they are certainly not going to support the bill that is supported by the democrats in the senate, this is absolutely true, so the white house is actually alarmed, alarmed, and this alarm also applies to the financing of the ukrainian war. In any case, this was brought up by john kirby, the speaking head of the council. Us homeland security, lets see. Ukrainian interrogative. Degree relates to us National Security issues. In the event of a shutdown, we will not receive the funds that we have requested, in particular more than 20 billion for the defense needs of ukraine, as a result of which ukrainians may suffer on the battlefield. I repeat, for us , our european allies, this is one of the most important issues of National Security. There are a lot of negative consequences here. There is no reason for the shutdown, its just a political stunt. Everything you need from of our officials is to do what they are paid to do to keep our government running. Well, you know, this concept that victory in ukraine is the main task of the United States of america, within the framework of this task, you can print even more candy wrappers, you can put all social programs under the knife, or at least part of these social programs, maybe to be even when they come to the conclusion that there is no need to hold elections, but why, they need to win in ukraine, at least in this logic of theirs the puppet speaks quite often, the saddest thing, for me, at least in this whole story, is that these candy wrappers are still in demand, it s not like you and i just looked at this sign, which shows the incredible speed of building up the state of the us debt, there, if im not mistaken, they are already accumulating a trillion in a few months, this has never happened in history, therefore, regardless of the proportion in both houses of congress, it seems to me that there will be another solomons solution in quotes, lets still increase these limits , well divide what we get among ourselves somehow, as it should be in such cases, remember, asta bender, so to speak, is a famous work, so, uh, unfortunately, to the great, a significant part of the worlds financial players continue to support this illusion , maintain the illusion, until this stops, all these tricks with humanity will unfortunately happen, i think that the illusion concerns precisely. The pentagon on assistance, for military assistance to ukraine, the fact is that the main part of the weapons that go on the territory of ukraine, they come from warehouses, yes, from warehouses, that is , the militaryindustrial complex does not spend a cent, but due to such disposal everyone makes money in ukraine, including the pentagon and other departments, thats absolutely right, be great, here are the same atak ms missiles, because they began to be produced in the ninetyfirst year, in 2007 they established production, that all warehouses were stocked, in total almost 3,000 units were produced, 482 of them they were used up during military conflicts, and the rest, where, their storage periods are coming to an end, ukraine must still somehow resist, so what, therefore , it follows logically that we know that these otax missiles will go there and be safely disposed of either our aviation, which will be discovered by them. Warehouses, where they will try to store them somewhere and so on, or , as they say, by our air defense systems, well, i must say that everything is not so simple, especially against the backdrop of the procedure impeachment that will begin the day after tomorrow, and biden is worried, he is also worried about the fall in his rating, which is now recorded at a record low, although now the Washington Post has apologized that the poll it conducted published, in fact, they didnt mean that, biden has everything good with ratings, although all other ratings also confirm this decline, but thats what biden is now trying to prove, he is blaming anyone, but primarily on the republicans, of course, while trying, as you may have guessed from the picture, to win goodwill of the black electorate, listen to the president of the United States. Just a few months ago , the speaker of the house and i agreed to raise the debt ceiling, we were on the brink of default, and we were able to prioritize funding while reducing the deficit by 1 trillion over the next decade. Now the extremist republicans in the house of representatives do not want to implement this agreement, and everyone in america may find themselves. Before having to pay for it, they change the conditions deals we made by shaking hands, they are now walking away from that deal, unsurprisingly, if this happens, the black community will suffer, the shutdown will jeopardize Food Assistance for nearly 7 million mothers and children, and it will disproportionately affect black families , just like that, you see what kind of concern for the poor, this is just some kind of leftist idea, yes, but what else does he have left . Someone wrote to him that lets at least make it an argument to take care of the lower classes, the black population, in general they did the bet on an interracial conflict, we have known for a long time, it all developed before our eyes, so the rewriting of the history of the civil war and the deheroization, so to speak, of the north, you know, i dont even really want to comment, we look at it with fatigue, it would be funny , if it werent, in principle, dangerous, america will still do a lot to us, everywhere around the perimeter, we see, unfortunately, yes, the United States is capable of causing serious trouble, they do it all over the world, and will do it, so they will downplay it, no way possible america cannot create. Problems, but at the same time it really should be noted that the United States looks less and less convincingly as a great power, and its elite already looks simply like the elite of some banana republic, just look at biden and kamala haris, yes, for the entire administration, and biden is now in a very serious fork, impeachment, the impeachment procedure against. It concerns the cases of hunter biden, the cases are absolutely transparent from the point of view of the prosecution, this is really corruption, now the Democratic Party has suffered another great loss, he has been accused of corruption and is actually already under investigation, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs committee, the senate, senator menendez, the main sponsor. The democrats are in a very difficult situation, well, our cause is just and victory will be ours. We commit to the cause, commit to the news, and the big game returns at 11 00 p. M. Hello, the evening news is on the air, Ekaterina Berezovskaya is in the studio, here are the main

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