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There that, it would not have been done there, that it was not according to the rules, nor it, so to speak, was not respected for safety. Yes, yes , to say it, he found himself in a manly mancourageously. And in my opinion it is very worthy to say it directly, but , unfortunately, we know such things that they exist. We have e in the country and today they are beginning to cause a much more vivid reaction of the population. What it was, lets say, in peacetime, so it seems to me that the authorities should in this sense. Eh, so to speak , be very attentive to what is happening here, as they say, you need to understand that this can very loosen our opponents inner counts on the sixth. They count on this precisely this main goal. They, as they say, they understand that a country like russia can only from within. To be defeated like it is in the soviet Union Happened and in this sense, so to speak, their goal, so i think thats especially on the eve of the president ial campaign. I can see that we have a generally high level of trust in the consolidation of society, however , it is very high and fairly high. For all that we have said, there are these in society, but still, especially in the whole country , lets say washington, it seems to me that in the biden administration, Many Congress have such sentiments. That uh putin he is cunning and skillful and so far has managed to convince the russian people, that here you can conduct a special operation on ordinary people. It wont particularly resonate and uh, they think people with this kind of logic that if, uh, russia does something that goes beyond the Current Limited normality, then it will be possible to start hitting civilian targets , destroying bridges of things that are not have a serious military meaning, but must deal a blow to the psychological unity of the people and the authorities. I think that just this will not work and its not that they i yes understand what you are saying, that is, they believe that if i hope that i think that means that there is a russian people with some kind of their instinct at some genetic level understood the meaning of this collision in general. He understood the meaning of this collision. Maybe he even sometimes can not explain a simple person, as we say, although there are no ordinary people, but i understand, not this political scientist, but he understands instinctively that this is a fight. It was inevitable, and that we are talking about the fate of the country , the fate of our nation, the peoples, thats why its just that, and you cant scare weakness with these material difficulties and blows on bridges, but how can it be brought down if the government itself does not establish these correct ones, if there are unfair courts, if it is so to say, e, all kinds of things are there, uh, corruption is there, well, in short, all the ulcers of society, if this can, just and and just. The unwillingness of some part of society to fight, oddly enough, like that, we talked today. Here, just the people want victory and they are not afraid of this clash and are not afraid of it. Listen, because of course big coalitions are good, but lets have one more historical law. Grand coalition always weaker than a strong fighter who is charged with energy, large coalitions break up easily and lose very quickly. This is also a big problem in large coalitions. So in this sense, it is also not necessary to scare yourself. This is how all the great things in history were done by small forces. You know theres a big game on the air. Uh, goes to the ad and will be back in just a few minutes we were talking about a very serious tragedy in ukraine , a fateful choice that the russian government and the russian people must make. Now i want to change the subject and talk about poor america hmm and how in america in the name of democracy, the former, and possibly the future president , donald trump, are being poisoned, we are going to advertising. 5 days a week i was at the training center, cosmonauts and on the weekends we were preparing a film. The film crew is now, well, about 160 people on average for a big picture. Or maybe together with him in the cinema, the answer is no, then i understand that the climate has no choice. I think a person took 40 on himself, and yulia took 120 on himself. The wedge began preparation, what it included at first it was a theory. And this is such a type of textbook the call about the film sideways cosmos today is probably the new angus truffle. Enjoy yes, when paying through st. Petersburg, there is also a 10 discount on everything, and the sun was bought at a sale. Discounts take everything new in september. 59 it skin serum for 399. My name is maxim my name is alina my name is vladimir we work in tinkoff support service you never see us, but we will always come to the rescue, when there is a need in our team of 26,000 people, we work around the clock for 35 million customers. Find a job on the site tinkoff. Ru and become part of a team from the list of the best employers in russia tinkoff he is one free vtb supercard thats 200 days without interest. A sip of water from the holy spring with juicy fruit and berry flavors will help to refresh the feeling at the right time. Tune in for purity of taste. 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Fell right back into the water our heads family, i had a friend. There, here she is fucking under a tree, and also the most poisonous fake of recent days, antifreak is on the first tomorrow and always on 1tv. Ru. In the United States, there is a quite conscious and shameless harassment of donald trump to represent the level of hatred for trump from the globalists. In general, this is quite difficult to imagine. I didnt even imagine him very well in 2016, when i was approached by trumps company and his inner circle and asked if he would be ready for the center of national interest, which then headed to give trump the opportunity to give us his first foreign political speech. You cant imagine the level of pressure, the level of persecution. And well, full of cynicism in the most unabashed accusations. Uh, whats mine . This is the main thing, the correctness, or at least one of the main ones, that not only among other ambassadors we invited e , a senator well known to you, then ambassador kislyak ugu, but we put him in full accordance with the protocol along with other ambassadors for the first time. And so the hysteria began immediately, how could we uh comes trump saying all these things against the allies against nato and the Russian Ambassador sits in the front row. And most importantly , further er, sour after the performance. Uh, he left right away. There was no period of questions and answers , he sat, listened and left. And uh, the senators, who was then the head of the uh, but if you want, uh , Foreign Policy group of trauma companies, left very quickly , then he became attorney general after the trump victory, and he also left. So the investigation began. And where did they go. Why didnt we see it . Where did they go . But not was there some secret room in the hotel . E where they somehow met and, probably, discussed. And how trump will sell sour through the senator, beloved america well, thats it. And now e trump has already been charged with four rounds of charges, and they know what he just not he murder has not yet had time to accuse him of. But i think its kind of ahead, and the last accusations, and they uh, came from the state. George there is such a tangrafism, the flotnov state of georgie , in fact, the status, basically, is still conservative republicans. Theres a lot more controlled by a republican governor. But the city of atlanta is black city. And uh , this is the prosecutors Remote Control of the male county. She also, when she ran for office, she made it clear that she would need to imprison trump. And that this is, as it were, what it requires, uh , her feelings, uh, for a long time and the voice of conscience. And thats what she came up with, she came up with. Lets hear how its described here. And what kind of charges this prosecutor has been forced against trump for more than 50 years as a prosecutor use powerful tools to deal with a wide variety of people. We are physical street gangs such as the criss drug executives accused of fomenting his prominent crisis, and now the Georgia State attorney is using the local version of the corrupt and wreckerinfluenced Organization Act of their better known to prosecute former president donald trump. Who, along with 18 of his associates, was charged on monday with participating in a wide ranging conspiracy to abolish 2020 Election Results the power of riku lies in the fact that it often allows the prosecutor to tell a long story , not only to lay out a set of criminal acts, but also to identify a group of people and working towards a common goal within a common enterprise to carry out illegal activities fani Willis District attorney, districts fallton uses the riverrelated indictment to tie together the elements of a broader conspiracy that she says extends far beyond her jurisdiction in the atlanta region and extends to a number of other states that, perhaps due to the arracketite law, what you understood is a law that was designed to fight the mafia. It was a law that allowed you to really deal with deep, undercover criminal organizations that massively practiced Drug Trafficking murder and bought judges anything. And so. Lets now try to apply this law to five people around this table. Here, if we proceed from the fact that what we are doing is criminal activity, then already that the fact that we stand together and talk and someone invited us all here. This already says that there is a criminal conspiracy. A criminal conspiracy and therefore, by law, they have the full opportunity to interrogate witnesses very extensively, because i repeat. This law is against deep, secret underground organizations, so it allows them to start interrogating anyone, about anything. Ah, well, its perfectly normal to interrogate, say , our children of the wives of the next of kin in the course of this investigation. Well always Something Like that will come up, right . Uh, and here come the new conspirators, and there are 18, uh, defendants and dozens of people who are either witnesses or as yet unnamed conspirators. What does it mean . It means they are being told. Dear, we will now place you in front of this big meal. Who always practically charges when the prosecutor wants it. And we will accuse you of violating this very important cancer safety act. And you all soldered for 1520 years. What about the alternative . Cooperates with the investigation to confess methods are applied. Well, not only do they involve children here and threaten to destroy them. Well this is an example of such a method of telling a person delicately what do we know that you have Health Problems . And that you are very dependent on having your medications. You know in prison it can be very difficult for you to provide them. Therefore, if you want to live normally or not very normally. Cooperation with the investigation and the newspaper. True. Everything was written correctly, but we did not believe the newspaper then. True, then i didnt write before end. Right. And now i want to ask you senator. Here you lived in america. You know very well how the american political judicial system functioned. You do not have the feeling that, as marx said , at some stage quality passes to quantity. And what do we have to do with some really degenerate american political system. You know . You dont have to be, uh, an expert here, and you dont have to have experience in life in the United States of america, thats quite obvious. Its just already, well, some kind of paranoia, by the way, by the way, to say, we, too, unfortunately, in our history almost 90 years ago , also experienced a period when a person could be accused of preparing a conspiracy to kill. Well, relatively speaking, i dont know malenkov. Eh, and invite him to confess it. Eh, well, Something Like that is happening. Despite all the enormity, in general, this comparison, of course, this lady does not yet pull on andrey yanansky, but the method. This is already somewhere about the same and you know from my experience in america. Thank god, no one brought me to court, but at the everyday level i heard a lot of stories from those who happened to our people about how dangerously unpredictable and it is not known where the simplest clue of the local american Law Enforcement system can lead, a person left a child in the car to drive the cart away from the trunk, in which he brought food and loaded it into trunk elapsed 8 seconds. He came up here already, the policeman is drawing up a protocol stating that they have locked up the child, violated the law, and this is the process. Im telling a real story. It is possible to start this story, but it is impossible. Stop. How it turned out that some extra effort was needed. So here, too, there is the same big misfortune and a big danger that e here this race. Even the lord god cannot. Stop. Now this will go round and round and round, and this, of course, will justify the extreme distrust among american citizens. And in general, while the civil war still does not smell, but here is some kind of, well, not easy feeling, and it rushes in the air. But if another uneasy sensation in the air, which i have when i look, and behind the last behavior of poland because of their latest threats and, apparently, not very empty ones against ukraine and c. Poland also has elections coming up and the ruling party is not doing so well, if you look at the question of public opinion, and in general the question arises. Will they go to any . Well, if you want irresponsible steps and, uh, arrange some kind of military provocation against belarus no dmitry , im sure it wont, because, well, first of all, there was already uh, a fairly direct statement by the United States that the United States, so to speak , will clean up every inch territories of their allies if they are attacked. But if poland starts, so to speak, some kind of armed provocation against e. Russia then, the United States has already said that these guys will be yours, so to speak, e personal experience of the war with belarus and russia, because there was also a completely ambiguous statement by president putin that an attack on belarus would mean an attack on russia i dont think so, going back to your, uh, previous questions about escalation. And the possibilities of victory over russia in the west someone allows. Uh, victory over russia yes, they say that ukraine can win, but they immediately stipulate that, in principle, it is theoretically and practically impossible to defeat a nuclear power, which, well, just in case, more than america has a nuclear warhead, therefore armed provocations at the border. Perhaps, of course, but all this will be very locally small. Forces it will be just a demonstration of some kind of belligerence, but no largescale Armed Conflict on the part of poland, so to speak. I personally do not foresee and i think that i am right. Well, you ve always been right so far, but on the other hand. Uh, as if, if a person is always right, not in uh, i freely begin to think that, according to the theory of probability, they can be somewhere, or the end of the right, but you want to say, yes . Just in this case, i dont quite agree with the general, because it seems to me that nato countries, poland, may well give an sanction to the sole part in this conflict. And in what you are right , general, for sure, nato will not mean that nato will be included in its entirety. They will say it private bussiness. You never know, through nato members, there is turkey and greece, which have a terrible confrontation, they seem to me. They might say its a private matter. Poland they have problems with belarus they have controversial issues. We will support the offensive will not be the same almost as with ukraine, and it seems to me that they are searching in this direction on their part. Just, perhaps, we have adopted some. Salty defensive actions , hedging action, our president said that this would not be a war with belarus, but with russia, of course, this could stop it like that, but in principle, i would not rule out such, uh, such a development of affairs. And you to us, as far as i understand, do not exclude either our president or the president of belarus is preparing for this founder. Yes, and in principle , it will not necessarily mean a direct conflict with nato, if at least they wanted to unleash the surf in conflict with nato , there are many god reasons for this. Its not a problem. It is obvious that this is not a nato conflict , but, uh, the polish belarusian there, poland can enter the war in fact . As another force in direct war with us, as well as ukraine is your last word. Well, i, in principle, just agree with the general with evgeny petrovich. Yes, but heres what ill say, on the other hand. Here is what i clearly observe, here we are at that historical point, when you understand, well, the event went beyond the general human will and the will of any political leader. In this sense, this is a unique situation. It really can be compared with the second world war, because then, too, an event in fact. They have already gone beyond the will of politicians. They they already went their own way and went to the final, to which the same thing came here, glory. God does not have such destruction yet, maybe there will not be such, but this is such a semantic conflict, therefore, given that it has gone beyond the limits. Political Party Leaders can happen anything. It is in this sense, i admit any any already in the development of events for us is completely unpredictable. I agree with you general that deliberately. Uh, poland will not go to largescale provocations. I agree with you that the United States does not they are striving for a Nuclear Missile war with russia , and, all the more, because of the nonexistent belarusian threat. Poland but what is possible, as you rightly noted some less serious levels of provocation, especially considering that there is a unit of the armed belarusian opposition and especially considering repeating that there will be elections in poland and, uh, the ruling party. Eh, it is known, and so, that some additional arguments were laid down like calismus. Well, i dont want to predict anything but terrible, because i think that , again, the right ones were very serious here warnings from russia, moreover, not only in words, but also uh. In general, the appearance of wagner units there and the transfer there, but of a certain amount of Russian Tactical Nuclear weapons. So, if there are sane people in the archive, then i think they will understand, and they will stop nonetheless, nonetheless. It seems to me that we should not take with these opponents. Nothing as a matter of course, simply because we think it goes against sound logic, sound logic. And how it behaves collective west in this confrontation. They often do not match. It was a great game see you. Tomorrow on the air 5 days a week i was at the Cosmonaut Training Center on weekends we were preparing dates, a report went out. Everyone tensed up. We are a film crew no one else told me not to interfere when it is not necessary and not to cheer up the one who has already cheered up. We drank water, we painted our lips with lipstick. We have made a figure. It doesnt look like anything. Here, well, there is no such similar feeling, what would it could be, it seems, at first such an overload is coming. Yes, you kind of like you and then, suddenly at some point the light comes on, and so at some point the bubble became a lot. I started letting them in, letting them in, and suddenly, for a moment, a bubble. Just like that, otherwise, i have it impossible. Well, its impossible to unhook. It is right next to the nose and further at some point, when we happily spilled a bottle of water, each at this moment happens, as if, if you dont give me champagne, i will blow myself up. Well, let s not give champagne themselves to blame. Like this the thing will burn, we are on fire. Flight into space is still a dangerous thing, and we were preparing, mainly for emergency situations, fires from pressurization. This is definitely on the ship and says about the station this is a fire depressurization by emissions aka may 24 , preparations began, what did it include at first it was a theory. And this is such a bale of a textbook 5 days a week from 9 30 am to 4 5 pm i had at the Cosmonaut Training Center and i had it. Uh, like at school, this is the schedule, you gave me such a subject now, then this, and on weekends we prepared the film for the film crew now. Well, about 160 people on average in the big picture. Can you go to the movies with her . Well, how would it be without it. Well, no the answer is no. Well, you understand that climate is an election. I think 40 people took over. And julia and 120. For example, i took it. We have such a, er, layer between the chair and the astronaut, the spacesuit is called the lodgment. Here it is cast exactly over the body of the cosmonaut , i feel like a cast is squeezed by a kitten. Now i will put my hands on the pressure helmet, and you will have to take the pressure helmet. Thats it. Pull its up itself to go down. And just like that , put it on your head. Yeah, ill let you down now. Here here with germany a little bit. Here he is all these up, here, and just flying down yourself is one thing, but we trained just some, because, uh, even i am an experienced commander. I cant, if something happens, it works with all three. Everyone has their own suit. Everyone has to fight with their lives to be able to survive to use the space suit. Yes, the ship is equipped with special equipment so that i can use equipment from my disk, which is usually on board the engineering committee. Ono crew 674 mother training station crew. And then we handed over the station to the top five ship. We rented for four and a half, as far as i remember the school. It seemed to me that it was plus or minus the same way, that is , you pull tickets, because you go out and tell you study, in this sense they practically did not give us discounts. This is how we teach astronauts, which means, and we will also teach you that you , too, fly, which means that you need to know everything, for now. It was more like a fantasy. At first, well, you think ok. This is possible and you start to somehow fantasize and think about how to embody it, and then, all of a sudden, they kissed it in such a lump or you realize that its real, that no one has ever done a climate in space, no one has done it, because it will be what you take off, how are you with him these and, respectively, therefore absolutely reasonable it was logical to start with this. We are from this otherwise checkpoint so it was built. First, we shoot Everything Else , then on the ground, when we developed the filming schedule on the iss, we initially planned that everything would be fine for the guys. Somewhere we dragged specific it medical everything all instruments have their names and plus nothing can be forgotten on earth , it was necessary, by the way, to weigh everything, but from the number of medical props. My head was exploding, because remember the number of patches, needles. Everything, this is a gigantic amount of props. Just remember, weve thought of everything. We still took it and didnt forget anything. Its important and the costume too, but at the station its so much and the guitars were like that. But if suddenly he thinks, a scene with a guitar song you dont have to take it with you. Shell be there for the big poll was a mystery to me. Which cameras to send, because everything seems to be taking a good climate camera somehow. They learn to shift focus. Big problem, radiation radiation affects the matrix. So she can just destroy it. I called some research institutes, i said, guys, we can irradiate the camera with such radiation in order to understand what is happening in this way, the answer was negative. As a result, somehow some studies, some formulas, advice for some reason, we sent this camera, and, moreover, it was irradiated a little on the way there. And i didnt study at all at the mini station, such a heavy objective on a cargo ship. Just this is the basic rule, that is, there were batteries for the camera that needed to be changed the hard drive. It was also a lot of flash drives different guys. They could take one kilogram of personal belongings with them. They, when they sit in a capsule, in this one below here, the packing is all stuffed. The guys flew in very uh, limited in terms of requisitions it additional features that are used in movies. E on the ground. I wish i had a magic wand. I created my own space makeup, a car, and would dock with them to the iss to help them there and film everything there. As for the risks, we share exactly between all members of the type. Flight into space will never become a routine. This is always a colossal stress , and the specialists who are preparing the manned spacecraft are preparing the starting position are preparing the launch vehicle the astronaut has never flown alone. We have three chairs on the ship. Sitting in the center the ships commander, on the left, flight engineer, professional cosmonaut. Well, on the right, sometimes it happens that we took tourists into space, but the commander always had a board , half of himself as an engineer takes on the task of fully participating in the management of the ship, helping the commander, the ship was even changed a little so that i could manage alone, sitting in my chair. Although physically they may not have been the most difficult shooting. From the point of view of experiencing the concentration of this responsibility. This is when we enter the launch pad in front of us is a real spaceship. This is where people go. Every millimeter marks every movement. Its all very super. Responsible with the start is more or less clear , they took everything, in my opinion, there were 12 cameras or 15 many cameras bypassed, understood all the points, and they approved it, they turned it on, it turns out to be work. There on the launch pad is associated with a risk to life literally every 1015 minutes. Everything flammable there is electrostatic. Everything is there too. Mega exclusive, not a single, repeating detail turned one nut and it produces a whole the factory for half a year, in general, cinema is a miracle; in fact, here it is a miracle just before our eyes, that is, people who are not prepared today. Installed not i mean to this overload, not ready for some very satisfied long, but not the period that should be for the people who send. Sorry to space. And they did it all. I looked at my friends with such white envy when they flew out with black envy, i envied. I would really like to be in a spaceship too, such a chance to be the first in the world to make a movie, then i thought, really this is a scary word inspiration. It at the heart of it is the breath of the new. This is for us for cinema for artists absolutely a breath of the new, because the proposed circumstances are as close as possible to reality, everything that happened at baikonur these feelings. They are brand new because every second. You understand that the situation can radically change so many new, dangerous , unexpected and inspiring start. Look there it goes to overload at the moment of the engine, in general, the start itself before the spacewalk takes about 9 minutes, the engine shuts down three times, the biggest, of course, when the first stage engines were turned on, when they were seen off at baikonur, it was scary. And when they took off and so on. They were isolated from us, they were hidden by us, they communicated through the window, they shouted all sorts of encouragement to them, well, encourage them sooner. There were us, because the excitement on earth is greater than that of people who know exactly what they need to do, the countdown has begun. Everyone tensed up. We were a film crew, no one talked to each other anymore. There is a mechanical grip we dealt with with only one eye. They were already waiting on the ground. You see, you feel when you dont need to cheer up someone who is already cheered up, our docked came out in tears got in touch. And after that, in my opinion, we all parted, some for valerian, some for vodka with a request not to disturb anyone the next day. Hello this is the easy money podcast, im its host mikhail khanov today my guest is maxim temchenko. Hello maksim personal finance expert of the ministry of education author of six books on investment. Actually the main question that is now of interest, well, almost everyone here is how to become an investor. Lets talk about what an investor is in general, yes, how it differs from a speculator. And how to come to this . Does learning get knowledge . Well, about this about everything in order. Lets start with the first question for the seed investor is it for everyone or is it the kind of profession that, well, lets just say. Eh, not everyone, probably, will be able to master the super. Well, lets start with the definition of an investor. That is, there is such a stereotypical understanding that an investor is a person who earns by investing money somewhere and getting this profit. It is not right. This is not entirely correct, not entirely correct. I would say that investors are probably divided into two types, mainly the first type. Well, lets say so. Investor boxes are an investor that i invest in something that brings money to the business, for example, an operating one or there is such a very serious definition that an investor is a person who invests funds in objects of entrepreneurial activity that derives profit from this and receives a share of this profit. That is, in other words, the investor hmm is real this is the one who invests in something that, well , in a money machine, and in the stereotypical sense , investors are the one who invested money, as they say now, raised a few xs in two in three in five in 10 times and received x for the audience this is when you had 1 rub. You put the multiply sign, well, either x by two or multiply five there further, then choose what you call x more. Yes, yes, and thats in a creative understanding, what are the investors who xuet . Well, that is, it multiplies by two to three to five times, therefore, probably to find yes , therefore, probably, the topic of investment is such a thing, well , its just desirable that i now have conditionally 100,000 rubles there. I take them out and get 500. 000. And this is the concept of an investor. This is not entirely correct. Yes, here, the concepts of investors and speculators are probably confused. Here, probably the first thing to do for yourself is to make a decision about what an investor is, what are speculators, an investor invests money and earns, and on when he invested, and a speculator earns money when he sold, well, you understand maxim that you and i grew up on fairy tales. On which we grew up with a fairy tale that there is always a baba yaga, there is always a firebird, but at worst a gray wolf, which, of course, will devour the horse, but then provide you with everything you need. And even better with pike. Yes, that is, you are lying on the stove, talking at the command of the pike, at my will, and then all your dreams come true even the goose that lays golden eggs. Yes, and which you still constantly want to create from it. Yes, actually, how much these stereotypes are. Yes we can his wife began to answer this question. They play a bad role with those who want to become an investor, because as i understand from the context of your words , there are no easy words, but it happens with professionals, because lets see what investments are in a simple sense. Sold at a higher price, and we are always in a market where, uh, a lot of wishing to buy cheaper to sell more expensive and a few superprofessionals, so it turns out that amateurs who want to invest 51050100. 000 rubles. They will always play professionals who rule billions, and they will always lose with this professional, because somehow billionaires cannot even make money. You know, i give such an example when they ask me, well, mostly wealthy people. There my son graduated from Oxford Harvard and spruce. There it is necessary to emphasize massachus. And here he is all life dreamed of trying his hand at the stock market to talk to him, please, and after an hourlong conversation they call me. These people were listening. Well, you tell them so in the rules of the brains what you told him, and i tell him, the next thing is that the young man lets get an excellent mathematical education on. You sit in front of a screen with a chart of stock quotes and you want to make money from it. I say, just lets remember what is on the other side of the screen. Electric cord and on the other side of the screen a huge amount institutional banks yes , the morgan bank of america, where hundreds of people like you are sitting, only doctors of science. They are students and they have tens of billions to research the technologies that they will test on this stock market. And here you are trying to win ahead of them, as a rule, after that there comes a sobering up. Well actually. Here, where are the criteria that this is mine or not . Or you shouldnt even start, it happens. Well, as a mindset or interest in understanding, this is just a very good example about professional analysts, that is, nearby on the other side of the screen. They have devoted a huge number of years and, accordingly , to professional education of skills there, and experiments, experience of experience in order to understand how it works. If there are, well, such natural talents to understand these figures, there are Technical Analysis , fundamental analysis, a lot of things, like this and so on or not. Plus time then maybe, yes, like a click, but it needs time right away, you can remove that in the next month or even a year to become a professional in this area is almost unrealistic, that is, the chances are ultraultrasmall, if you devote half of your life there, as in love, in principle, professional activity. Lets go right away. Lets take off all the rosecolored glasses when people come and say, you know, i passed, there the Stock Exchange courses taught me everything for two weeks there. I want i say, so guys, just imagine. Yes, now, without any analogies, it is absolutely that there is a war going on somewhere on another planet. Yes, there is a war. You come to the air regiment. And say that guys, i took a twoweek course on the emulator. Yes, in front of the screen, i scored a bunch of enemy aircraft and thats it. Let me fight. Ill show everyone whos in charge here. Im talking young man. Dont even take off. You dont even take off. That is, you will be shot down right on takeoff. And you wont even understand what happened, because you wont have it anymore. So lets start from scratch. Thats it, a person listened, lets say we will take revenge on our program. Uhhuh and he said, you know , i like it here. Here i want to start. Yes i want to begin. I want to learn no matter, maybe its not the stock market will be. Maybe some kind of real estate market. So much popularity. Now in the minds of the weak. Here i want, where should i start . At this point, i would recommend making a decision about investments. There are two formats of approach, the first approach is professional, that is, to become a professional investment player for this. How do you become a professional in any field you need well experience learning competence, yes a lot and a lot of learning years this is the minimum that must be paid in order to really adequately and predictably earn money on this, regularly and predictably for 5 years. This is the first option, so the second option. And investments as a parallel activity and, by the way, many perceive investments in this way, that, like , i will work there, well, not conditionally somewhere at my work, but i will increase investments there and make money. This is also possible, but there is one important condition to learn, you also need a maximum. Absolutely right. Well here i am right here certain principles, but either it turns out to earn like a professional. Well, that is, to be an active investor, or to be a passive investor who converts the deferred accumulated money, which in itself works there, passive more conservative can be here. Well, for example, in trust management companies. Or, for example, the same bank deposit. Well, conditionally, directly , quite, quite the simplest comparison you save up money, you put it aside for a bank deposit. Bank deposit, brings a percentage. This, by the way, very bad. And i just saw the form i will give the formula 150 called the form is very simple. If, for example, you want to have a conditionally million a month. You need to have only 150 million. As for this, every month at eight percent per annum it will drip per month. This is how it really is. A great example, because this is the most important question. That s how much money is needed to live i say, so , uh, my dear comrades are, so well , relatively speaking, you should always take it for zero. E per phase per base riskfree income. It is clear that he is also risky. Yes, there for 100 medical only to him, as i say, yes, here we say that we accept conditional, that riskfree income is the debt obligations of our state. Yes, its a federal loan bond. Its like correctly they said 8 per annum and this is really a riskfree income, because bonds can fall, they can rise in price and so on, but when the time comes, well, there is such a term of duration, yes, that is , repayment when the state returns. Here the money that accumulated debt was paid annually, this eight percent coupon, so at the time of duration you will be given exactly that much money. How much is written on this paper . Why a coupon . Yes before it was really a coupon that came off there in the nineties, and like a ticket there in the theater, the given form is now in electronic form. Quite right

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